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Just wondering if anyone has had any luck getting NullDC to load with any of the wrappers and using any other image types other than CDI? I'd preferably like to use compressed MDFs like I do with my Saturn images as the space saving is huge but the games just load as if they're an audio CD

I haven't spent much time looking into but I thought I'd just ask incase someone else has


Well nullDC seems to work with the following formats (gdi, cdi, mds, nrg)...also DC games are picky as hell.

Guess I should've had a bit more of a play around before posting

Just tried it again there and it works with the compressed mds/mdf's by mounting them in Daemon Tools and setting the GDRom Plugin to zNullGD instead of image reader, it's just the image reader that didn't like the compressed MDS's

There's already a wrapper floating about somewhere for launching NullDC using Daemon Tools, I remember Brain having a posting containing 3 wrappers or something



Okay I'll get you setup with Daemon...hehe but in trade if I recall you had figured out how to do button combinations with Xpadder...please share that info. :)

Well I think it was you...been a while and a lot of things didn't get moved over to the new forum. :(

Okay I'll get you setup with Daemon...hehe but in trade if I recall you had figured out how to do button combinations with Xpadder...please share that info. :)

Well I think it was you...been a while and a lot of things didn't get moved over to the new forum. :(

Cheers, I found Brian's AutoIt script but it doesn't like spaces in the file name or path and I don't really want all my games renamed to have no spaces

Yeah I have it set up for all my pads can't remember exactly how to do it though it's been that long but I'll go and check out my configs and let you know, it wasn't all that hard from what I remember once you got your head around it



Okay give this a shot...when importing the INI make sure the Launch Before\After look like so:

"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[RomPath]\[RomFile]"
"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0

As some times double quotes get stripped.


Stu has since taken over this build so browse his posts...attachment removed.


Thanks I'll give it a blast a sec

As for Xpadder:

What I've done is made a custom exit combo for each of my joypads so for my NES pad I hold SELECT and press START for a 1.5 seconds to exit

Create your config as normal, assigning all buttons as you like

Now edit the assignment for the button you want as your hold button, for me this is SELECT

Click Advanced followed by the Set Selector tab

Now choose "Selects Set 2 while held"

Close that window and the assigment window

Now down at the bottom right of the main layout screen you'll see 4 numbered buttons, select number 2

All your button assinments should be blank, don't worry this is because you're on set 2 now, if you click 1 again they'll appear again... sigh of relief

Now on set 2 edit the assignment for the button you want to press while holding the first button, for me this is START

Go to advanced options and stay on the Assignments tab

Set the Pause length slider to whatever you like and click Add Pause

Now press the key you want to to send eg. ESCAPE

That should be it, I've filled the rest of my set 2 in the same as set 1 so that if someone is holding SELECT for whatever reason they will still be able to press other buttons

So by doing this if someone is using a NES pad for MAME games and the press SELECT it will insert a credit but if the hold SELECT and press START it will exit, though only if they hold both buttons for a 1.5 seconds to avoid accidental presses

You could also have it that you need to hold SELECT, START and a third or even a forth button to exit by simply assigning the START button on set 2 to select set 3 while held and so forth



Your wrappers working a treat Nologic... many thanks

I really recommend people give compress MDS/MDF's a try here's an example of size difference

PowerStone 2 as CDI is 686 MB

PowerStone 2 as Compressed MDS/MDS is 256MB!!

Crazy Taxi as CDI is 691 MB

Crazy Taxi as Compressed MDS/MDS is 62MB!! :)

And compressed MDS/MDS's work great for Saturn games and SSF too

The only way I've seen how to make these compressed MDS/MDF's is with the latest Daemon Tools Pro and there's no batch convert method built in but I've wrote a AutoHotKey script that with convert all images in a directory for you if anyone wants it let me know



Brian -

hmm didn't you write all the DC loaders? :)


hmm maybe I should take a look into that...all my stuff is in GDI format...don't ask as its a bad subject for me.

Since PowerStone 2 in GDI is 1.10GB

hehe so that would be a LOT of savings. :)

Brian -

hmm didn't you write all the DC loaders? :)


hmm maybe I should take a look into that...all my stuff is in GDI format...don't ask as its a bad subject for me.

Since PowerStone 2 in GDI is 1.10GB

hehe so that would be a LOT of savings. :)


No I cannot claim to be as brilliant as you... Tho I would never let the cat out of the bag.


Your wrappers working a treat Nologic... many thanks

I really recommend people give compress MDS/MDF's a try here's an example of size difference

PowerStone 2 as CDI is 686 MB

PowerStone 2 as Compressed MDS/MDS is 256MB!!

Crazy Taxi as CDI is 691 MB

Crazy Taxi as Compressed MDS/MDS is 62MB!! :)

And compressed MDS/MDS's work great for Saturn games and SSF too

The only way I've seen how to make these compressed MDS/MDF's is with the latest Daemon Tools Pro and there's no batch convert method built in but I've wrote a AutoHotKey script that with convert all images in a directory for you if anyone wants it let me know


I'd be very interested in that script if you'd care to share it please. I've got a folder of cdi images of around 160GB, would be nice to see what I could reduce that too.

I'd be very interested in that script if you'd care to share it please. I've got a folder of cdi images of around 160GB, would be nice to see what I could reduce that too.

No problem here you go

You'll need Daemon Tools Pro (I'm using 4.10) and AutoHotKey installed

1. Edit the first line of the script to point to the directory you want to output the new images to

2. Place the script in your directory with all your images

3. Open Daemon Tools and go to Tools followed by Convert Image

4. Tick the 'Compress image data' box

5. Leave the Convert Image window open and run the script

6. Sit back and cross your fingers :)

It took me a few goes to get the script right, it kept doing a few images then bailing out but after a couple of modifications this current version of the script ran through 250+ images without stopping so hopefully it will work for you too

If it detects any errors thrown by Daemon Tools it saves the name of the current image to a _Errors.txt file in the output directory and carries on to the next image so you can check them later




Thanks a lot for that Stu. Couldn't get the script to work perfectly (kept stopping after a few images), but the end result is I've saved about 60-70gigs of HD space :)

Only thing is, after setting the GDRom Plugin to zNullGD instead of image reader, everytime nulldc boots I'm asked to set the system time/date?! Does it do this for you?, or am I missing something, as that could get quite annoying. I've uninstalled and reinstalled nulldc with the same result.

Thanks a lot for that Stu. Couldn't get the script to work perfectly (kept stopping after a few images), but the end result is I've saved about 60-70gigs of HD space :)

Only thing is, after setting the GDRom Plugin to zNullGD instead of image reader, everytime nulldc boots I'm asked to set the system time/date?! Does it do this for you?, or am I missing something, as that could get quite annoying. I've uninstalled and reinstalled nulldc with the same result.

Id try replacing your dc bios.... I cant go into it any further for obvious reasons...

But sometime especially with chankast they would get corrupt and do the same thing

Id try replacing your dc bios.... I cant go into it any further for obvious reasons...

But sometime especially with chankast they would get corrupt and do the same thing

Thanks Brian, that did the trick.

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