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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to let you guys know that as of today, I will be stepping down as moderator so someone more qualified can fill the position. I have a ton going on with school and work, and my personal life is getting very hectic. I just can't spread myself thin enough anymore to do all the things I need to, including moderating this forum.

I love this community however, and I will continue to stop in and see what's up from time to time. It's my opinion that people like Nologic, Han, J Thompson, Amos, bknobi, kenclops, michael, and several others contribute to and visit this forum on a regular basis - They would most likely better serve the position.

Besides, this is the best emulation community I have ever served on hands down, and it really governs itself. None the less, I don't feel I'm giving the forum the time it deserves. Therefore, I'll have to open a new position for someone a little more suited to the job.

To each and every one of you that makes the GameEx forum what it is: Thanks for all you have done for me, and I hope I was able to give some back to all you lovely people! I'll still be around... :)



I hope that everything goes alright for you man. In all, I think you're making the right decision in putting school first. Education should always be at the top of your priority. Take care, friend.


hmm I don't see why you would need to give up mod rights...unless you are feeling that you'll become a moody prick like me. ;)

Anyways don't go straying to far from here, we all enjoy your input. :)


Everything should get back to normal soon enough.. Come on now tell the truth.. Its that damn PSP taking all your free time ... :)

Just teasing... I hope all is well and I hope to see you around as much as possable...

Brian Hoffman


Thanks for the time! :D

Just curious if you will be keeping up with the web site or if it will be on the back burner as well? Either way, good luck with everything!

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to let you guys know that as of today, I will be stepping down as moderator so someone more qualified can fill the position. I have a ton going on with school and work, and my personal life is getting very hectic. I just can't spread myself thin enough anymore to do all the things I need to, including moderating this forum.

I love this community however, and I will continue to stop in and see what's up from time to time. It's my opinion that people like Nologic, Han, J Thompson, Amos, bknobi, kenclops, michael, and several others contribute to and visit this forum on a regular basis - They would most likely better serve the position.

Besides, this is the best emulation community I have ever served on hands down, and it really governs itself. None the less, I don't feel I'm giving the forum the time it deserves. Therefore, I'll have to open a new position for someone a little more suited to the job.

To each and every one of you that makes the GameEx forum what it is: Thanks for all you have done for me, and I hope I was able to give some back to all you lovely people! I'll still be around... :)


Good luck with all of your endeavors Adultery, and don't be a stranger around here. BTW, I agree with Nologic. Don't give up being a moderator, just take some time away from the forum. Its not like you are paid to do this or anything.

Jay T


@ Jay & Nologic: It's less about giving up my Moderator rights, it's just that since I don't spend as much time here as I should and I feel others can do a better job.

I'd love to camp on the mod title, I just feel it's a mod's job to make sure everything's running smoothly and since I haven't been here but once or twice a week there's more deserving people who would love the position. I just hate feeling like I'd be letting you all down is all... Especially Tom. Ya dig? He works so hard, and he deserves a mod who will be there alot. He's busy enough, you know? ;)

@BK: To be honest I haven't worked on the site for months either. I was working on some portal type script and I just kind of quit. I certainly won't take it down, I just can't promise an update in the immediate future.

@Brian: Haha! Well, I have been working on an emulator for the PSP (or trying to re-port one), but it's really for the coding and assembly practice for school. To be perfectly honest, I haven't had much time for that either. I just feel a little too much is on my plate lately... My coding classes are MUCH more involved and difficult than I thought. Then my two six year old boys on top of that... Real life is just way too hard!


You have 2 kids? I never would have guessed. :) I just wanted to put in my 2 cents here too. I think what you've done has been a great assistance to the team and I couldn't agree more with everybody else. Leaving is a good idea when you don't have the time, but also, don't LEAVE leave.. just take a break. And don't feel bad about it. Look at Tom! He's been gone for a couple weeks now and didn't even bother to make an official announcement (not that he has to). Personally, I know that I haven't been here as actively as I could either. I've gotten hit really hard with my depression as of late, and haven't had much of an appetite for doing anything with my computer and games and things. Plus, now that I've got a job, my participation here hasn't been what it used to be either. Just look at my number of Posts compared to yours (574 to your 929 currently). I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's ok to take time off and work on things that are more important on the personal side. We all support your decision and hope for your speedy return.


Just wanted to say its completely fine with me, and thank you so much for all you've done. The moderator thing is supposed to be something people want to do rather than a burden as far as I am concerned.

I'll remove your moderation access, just so you dont get bothered with stuff that you don't have time to deal with.

I think we are ok for now since we still have three mods including me, and sorry all I've not been around last 10 days, I've just got back from a vacation.

If any of you top members (mentioned above) want to be a moderator, Id love to have you on board, but again you should do it because yourll get a kick out of it, you do more than enough already. But contact me if your interested.


@ Tom:

I'm thinking maybe I don't want to step down entirely just yet... Let me finish this maintenance I'm helping Brian with first. :)

@ Tom:

I'm thinking maybe I don't want to step down entirely just yet... Let me finish this maintenance I'm helping Brian with first. :)

No problem, I won't change anything unless you now tell me otherwise.

Thanks a lot for your help :)

If any of you top members (mentioned above *especially Orc*) want to be a moderator, Id love to have you on board, but again you should do it because yourll get a kick out of it, you do more than enough already. But contact me if your interested.


I know nothing about GameEx......But I wanna ban people.......Ooooo Teh power......


Sorry Brittney........

On the piss again..............

See that's what Moderating* does to ya.........You become a cynical, grumpy, piss head.... old Bast.............

So peeps applying for da job...beware........

*Not here you will be glad to know.......

Coz someone would have had their bollocks handed to them on a plate......



Just to clarify *NOT* Brian............

Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut............

Keep forgetting all boards are not the same................I had a jaded upbringing.........

I blame Lev.........


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