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Only if you will google it...hehehe

Hi Brian, Just want firstly say what a great asset you are to everyone at these forums, you're worth your weight in gold dude!

Just to let you know Mame 0.119 is out any chance of a similar patch for this? now that the A** kissin' is out of the way :lol:


Thanks for all your efforts again.


Hi Brian, Just want firstly say what a great asset you are to everyone at these forums, you're worth your weight in gold dude!

Just to let you know Mame 0.119 is out any chance of a similar patch for this? now that the A** kissin' is out of the way :lol:


Thanks for all your efforts again.


Yes I will! Thanks for letting me know.. :)

I also noticed this is your first post... Welcome to the board..

i have mame 1.09 mame+ i think

well how do i get the hiscore to last?

1. You go here and download the Mame v0.119 binary. Then extract it to a folder.

2. You go here for the latest HoffMame v0.119 patch. Then extract it to the same folder.

3. Then you run 'APPLYPATCH.bat'.

4. Create a Folder in the same directory, simply called "hi".

5 Find the latest version of 'hiscore.dat' somewhere on the net and copy it into your Mame folder.

Voila. Now all you have to do, is change "Working path" and the "Command line" in the GameEx configuration, and you're set.

1. You go here and download the Mame v0.119 binary. Then extract it to a folder.

2. You go here for the latest HoffMame v0.119 patch. Then extract it to the same folder.

3. Then you run 'APPLYPATCH.bat'.

4. Create a Folder in the same directory, simply called "hi".

5 Find the latest version of 'hiscore.dat' somewhere on the net and copy it into your Mame folder.

Voila. Now all you have to do, is change "Working path" and the "Command line" in the GameEx configuration, and you're set.

I think he means MAME 0.109

I think he means MAME 0.109

Well if that's the case, I believe he just needs to get the 'hiscore.dat' and put it in his Mame+ folder, and create a 'hi' folder, if its not already there.

I think I vaguely remember, that the highscore's got taken out of the Mame build in version 0.113. Could be wrong though, and I don't know if or how Mame+ handles highscores.

Well if that's the case, I believe he just needs to get the 'hiscore.dat' and put it in his Mame+ folder, and create a 'hi' folder, if its not already there.

I think I vaguely remember, that the highscore's got taken out of the Mame build in version 0.113. Could be wrong though, and I don't know if or how Mame+ handles highscores.

I mean 119... I pached it to support it :)

i have mame 1.09 mame+ i think

well how do i get the hiscore to last?

Well If you can find a mam32 plus or mame32fx version of 109 build you will be fine...

Personally Id upgrade your roms set...

There have been alot of games added.... Not to mention CPS3


I have read all the postings regarding the patch.

I installed the 119.

ran it and everything is good.

I run the patch within same folder.

I have the hiscore.dat file and made the 'hi' folder

I ran Mame.

1st i tried to play Ms. Pac man

It would not start by pressing enter.

I pressed '1' on the keyboard and it loaded the game.

The meseges were omited wich is good but it laoded the Ms. Pacman/gallaga mix game.

I went with it and beat the default hiscore, and after dying checked and the score was defaulted again.

I checked hi folder and nogo.

I have been chasing forever to get a hi score save game since I started this project in June.

I almost gave us until I found this latest posting.

I fear I am the only one having problems here.

You guys all rock here.

the support and knowledge base here is awesome.

Thanks for humoring such a NOOB!

I have read all the postings regarding the patch.

I installed the 119.

ran it and everything is good.

I run the patch within same folder.

I have the hiscore.dat file and made the 'hi' folder

I ran Mame.

1st i tried to play Ms. Pac man

It would not start by pressing enter.

I pressed '1' on the keyboard and it loaded the game.

The meseges were omited wich is good but it laoded the Ms. Pacman/gallaga mix game.

I went with it and beat the default hiscore, and after dying checked and the score was defaulted again.

I checked hi folder and nogo.

I have been chasing forever to get a hi score save game since I started this project in June.

I almost gave us until I found this latest posting.

I fear I am the only one having problems here.

You guys all rock here.

the support and knowledge base here is awesome.

Thanks for humoring such a NOOB!

True 911?!?! Are the feds after me?

To be honest Im no expert coder. I only apply the hiscore.diff file available from arcade controls. it goes up to version 117u3 but works on newer bulids.

The hiscore.dat goes in the mame root dir. Also in the mame root directory you create a folder caled HI

I loaded up gallga and didnt even try to beat any score and it saved a .hi file in the directory. Maybe the 20th renuion pacman/ gallaga is unsupported.

Can you just try gallaga?

As far as the 1 thing goes. Try running mame outside of gameex and tell me if it does the same thing... This is new to me Ive never heard of this before.

please let me know as Im very courious.

Brian Hoffman

I have read all the postings regarding the patch.

I installed the 119.

ran it and everything is good.

I run the patch within same folder.

I have the hiscore.dat file and made the 'hi' folder

I ran Mame.

1st i tried to play Ms. Pac man

It would not start by pressing enter.

I pressed '1' on the keyboard and it loaded the game.

The meseges were omited wich is good but it laoded the Ms. Pacman/gallaga mix game.

I went with it and beat the default hiscore, and after dying checked and the score was defaulted again.

I checked hi folder and nogo.

I have been chasing forever to get a hi score save game since I started this project in June.

I almost gave us until I found this latest posting.

I fear I am the only one having problems here.

You guys all rock here.

the support and knowledge base here is awesome.

Thanks for humoring such a NOOB!

Sorry but this patch is not supported by this forum as such things are out of the scope of this forum. The patch is a diff applied from the BYOAC forums, so direct your questions there.


Ok Here is a list of supported games.


'Updated list for un0fficial highscore.dat v8.3

'Games from Mame 81b and earlier


005 "005"

1941j "1941 - Counter Attack (Japan)"

1942a "1942 (set 2)"

1942b "1942 (set 3)"

1943j "1943 - The Battle of Midway (Japan)"

1943kai "1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen"

1944j "1944: The Loop Master (Japan 000620)"

19xx "19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207)"

280zzzap "Datsun 280 Zzzap"

3wonders "Three Wonders (World 910520)"

3wonderu "Three Wonders (US 910520)"

4dwarrio "4-D Warriors"

4enraya "4 En Raya"

64streej "64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan)"

64street "64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)"

800fath "800 Fathoms"

8ball "Video Eight Ball"

8ball1 "Video Eight Ball (Rev.1)"

8ballact "Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)"

8bpm "Eight Ball Action (Pac-Man conversion)"

99lstwar "'99: The Last War"

99lstwra "'99: The Last War (alternate)"

aburner "After Burner (Japan)"

aburner2 "After Burner II"

acrobatm "Acrobat Mission"

actfancr "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"

aeroboto "Aeroboto"

aerofgt "Aero Fighters"

agallet "Air Gallet"

airbustr "Air Buster"

airduel "Air Duel (Japan)"

airwolf "Airwolf"

ajax "Ajax"

ajaxj "Ajax (Japan)"

akkanvdr "Akkanvader (Japan)"

alexkida "Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2)"

alibaba "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves"

alien3 "Alien³: The Gun"

alieninv "Alien Invasion Part II"

aliens "Aliens (World set 1)"

aliens2 "Aliens (World set 2)"

aliensj "Aliens (Japan)"

aliensu "Aliens (US)"

aliensyn "Alien Syndrome (set 1)"

aligatun "Alligator Hunt (unprotected)"

alphaho "Alpha Fighter / Head On"

alphaxz "Alphax Z, The (Japan)"

alpine "Alpine Ski (set 1)"

alpinea "Alpine Ski (set 2)"

altbeas2 "Altered Beast (Version 2)"

altbeast "Altered Beast (Version 1)"

amazon "Soldier Girl Amazon"

ambush "Ambush"

amidar "Amidar"

amidaro "Amidar (Olympia)"

amidaru "Amidar (Stern)"

amigo "Amigo"

amspdwy "American Speedway (set 1)"

amspdwya "American Speedway (set 2)"

angelkds "Angel Kids (Japan)"

anteater "Anteater"

apb "APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 7)"

apb2 "APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 2)"

appoooh "Appoooh"

aquajack "Aqua Jack (World)"

aquarium "Aquarium (Japan)"

arabfgt "Arabian Fight"

arabiamj "Arabian Magic (Japan)"

arabiamu "Arabian Magic (US)"

arabian "Arabian"

arabiana "Arabian (Atari)"

arabianm "Arabian Magic (World)"

arbalest "Arbalester"

arcadecl "Arcade Classics (prototype)"

archriv2 "Arch Rivals (rev 2.0)"

archrivl "Arch Rivals (rev 4.0)"

area88 "Area 88 (Japan)"

argus "Argus"

arkangc "Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg)"

arkanoid "Arkanoid (World)"

arkarea "Ark Area"

arkatayt "Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, Japanese)"

arkatour "Tournament Arkanoid (US)"

arkbloc2 "Block (Game Corporation bootleg)"

arknid2j "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan)"

arknid2u "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (US)"

arknoid2 "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World)"

arknoidj "Arkanoid (Japan)"

arknoidu "Arkanoid (US)"

arkretrn "Arkanoid Returns (Japan)"

armedf "Armed Formation"

armora "Armor Attack"

armorap "Armor Attack (prototype)"

armorar "Armor Attack (Rock-ola)"

armorca2 "Armored Car (set 2)"

armorcar "Armored Car (set 1)"

armwar "Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)"

armwaru "Armored Warriors (US 941024)"

armwrest "Arm Wrestling"

ashura "Ashura Blaster (Japan)"

ashurau "Ashura Blaster (US)"

aso "ASO - Armored Scrum Object"

assault "Assault"

assaultj "Assault (Japan)"

assaultp "Assault Plus (Japan)"

astdelu1 "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1)"

astdelux "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)"

asterix "Asterix (World ver. EAD)"

asterock "Asterock"

asteroi1 "Asteroids (rev 1)"

asteroib "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)"

asteroid "Asteroids (rev 2)"

astinvad "Astro Invader"

astrob "Astro Blaster (version 3)"

astrob2 "Astro Blaster (version 2)"

astrof "Astro Fighter (set 1)"

astrof2 "Astro Fighter (set 2)"

astrof3 "Astro Fighter (set 3)"

astyanax "Astyanax, The"

asuka "Asuka & Asuka (Japan)"

asurabld "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan)"

atetckt2 "Tetris (Cocktail set 2)"

atetcktl "Tetris (Cocktail set 1)"

atetris "Tetris (set 1)"

atetrisa "Tetris (set 2)"

atetrisb "Tetris (bootleg set 1)"

atetrsb2 "Tetris (bootleg set 2)"

athena "Athena"

atlantis "Battle of Atlantis (set 1)"

atlants2 "Battle of Atlantis (set 2)"

atomboy "Atomic Boy"

atomicp "Atomic Point"

atompunk "New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US)"

aurail "Aurail (set 1)"

avalnche "Avalanche"

avenger2 "Avengers (US set 2)"

avengers "Avengers (US set 1)"

avsp "Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)"

avspa "Alien vs. Predator (Asia 940520)"

avspirit "Avenging Spirit"

avspj "Alien vs. Predator (Japan 940520)"

avspu "Alien vs. Predator (US 940520)"

azurian "Azurian Attack"

baddudes "Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US)"

badlands "Bad Lands"

bagman "Bagman"

bagmans "Bagman (Stern set 1)"

bagmans2 "Bagman (Stern set 2)"

bagnard "Le Bagnard"

bakubrkr "Bakuretsu Breaker"

bakutotu "Bakutotsu Kijuutei"

balcube "Bal Cube"

ballbomb "Balloon Bomber"

ballbros "Balloon Brothers"

baluba "Baluba-louk no Densetsu"

bandido "Bandido"

bang "Bang!"

bangball "Bang Bang Ball (v1.05)"

bangj "Gun Gabacho (Japan)"

bankp "Bank Panic"

baraduke "Baraduke (set 1)"

barrier "Barrier"

batcira "Battle Circuit (Asia 970319)"

batcirj "Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)"

batman "Batman"

batrider "Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version B)"

batridra "Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version A)"

batsugun "Batsugun"

battlan2 "Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 2)"

battlan3 "Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 3)"

battlane "Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 1)"

battlcry "Battlecry"

battleg "Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Denmark / China) (Tue Apr 2 1996)"

battlegb "Battle Garegga (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Mar 2 1996)"

battlera "Battle Rangers (World)"

battlex "Battle Cross"

battlntj "Battlantis (Japan)"

battlnts "Battlantis"

battroad "Battle-Road, The"

batugnsp "Batsugun (Special Ver.)"

bayroute "Bay Route (set 1)"

bballs "Bouncing Balls"

bbbxing "Best Bout Boxing"

bbmanw "Bomber Man World (World)" **top score not working?**

bbmanwj "Bomber Man World (Japan)"

bbros "Buster Bros. (US)"

bbusters "Beast Busters (World ?)"

bchopper "Battle Chopper"

bcruzm12 "Battle Cruiser M-12"

beaminv "Beam Invader"

beezer "Beezer (set 1)"

beezer1 "Beezer (set 2)"

benberob "Ben Bero Beh (Japan)"

berabohm "Beraboh Man (Japan version C)"

beraboho "Beraboh Man (Japan version B)"

berlwall "Berlin Wall, The (set 1)"

bermudaa "Bermuda Triangle (US older version)"

bermudat "Bermuda Triangle (Japan)"

berzerk "Berzerk (set 1)"

berzerk1 "Berzerk (set 2)"

bigbang "Big Bang"

bigbucks "Big Bucks"

bigkarnk "Big Karnak"

bigprowr "Big Pro Wrestling!, The"

bigrun "Big Run (11th Rallye version)"

bigstrik "Big Striker"

billiard "Billiards, The"

bioatack "Bio Attack"

biomtoy "Biomechanical Toy (unprotected)"

bionicc "Bionic Commando (US set 1)"

bionicc2 "Bionic Commando (US set 2)"

bioship "Bio-ship Paladin"

birdtry "Birdie Try (Japan)"

bjtwin "Bombjack Twin"

bking "Birdie King"

bking2 "Birdie King 2"

bktigerb "Black Tiger (bootleg)"

bladestl "Blades of Steel (version T)"

blandia "Blandia"

blandiap "Blandia (prototype)"

blasted "Blasted"

blasto "Blasto"

blastoff "Blast Off (Japan)"

blazeon "Blaze On (Japan)"

blazer "Blazer (Japan)"

blckgalb "Block Gal (bootleg)"

blckout2 "Block Out (set 2)"

blkdrgnb "Black Dragon (bootleg)"

blkdrgon "Black Dragon"

blkheart "Black Heart"

blkhole "Black Hole"

blkpnthr "Black Panther"

blktiger "Black Tiger"

blmbycar "Blomby Car"

block "Block Block (World 911106 Joystick)"

blocka "Block Block (World 910910)"

blockbl "Block Block (bootleg)"

blockcar "Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2"

blocken "Blocken (Japan)"

blockhl "Block Hole"

blockj "Block Block (Japan 910910)"

blockout "Block Out (set 1)"

bloodbro "Blood Bros."

bloxeedc "Bloxeed (C System)"

blsthead "Blasteroids (with heads)"

blstroi2 "Blasteroids (rev 2)"

blstroid "Blasteroids (rev 4)"

blswhstl "Bells & Whistles (Version L)"

bluehawk "Blue Hawk"

blueprnj "Blue Print (Jaleco)"

blueprnt "Blue Print (Midway)"

blueshrk "Blue Shark"

blzntrnd "Blazing Tornado"

bnj "Bump 'n' Jump"

bnzabros "Bonanza Bros"

boblbobl "Bobble Bobble"

bodyslam "Body Slam"

bogeyman "Bogey Manor"

boggy84 "Boggy '84"

bombbee "Bomb Bee"

bombjac2 "Bomb Jack (set 2)"

bombjack "Bomb Jack (set 1)"

bombrman "Bomberman (Japan)"

bongo "Bongo"

bonzeadv "Bonze Adventure (World)"

boomrang "Boomer Rang'r / Genesis"

borench "Borench"

bosco "Bosconian (new version)"

boscomd "Bosconian (Midway, new version)"

botanic "Botanic"

bottom9 "Bottom of the Ninth (version T)"

bottom9n "Bottom of the Ninth (version N)"

bouldash "Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World)"

bounty "Bounty, The"

bowler "4 Player Bowling Alley"

boxingb "Boxing Bugs"

boxyboy "Boxy Boy (US)"

breywood "Breywood (Japan revision 2)"

brival "Burning Rival (Japan)"

brix "Brix"

brkthru "Break Thru (US)"

brkthruj "Kyohkoh-Toppa (Japan)"

brubber "Burnin' Rubber"

bshark "Battle Shark (US)"

bssoccer "Back Street Soccer"

btime "Burger Time (Data East set 1)"

btime2 "Burger Time (Data East set 2)"

btimem "Burger Time (Midway)"

btlecity "Vs. Battle City"

bubblem "Bubble Memories - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 3 (World)"

bubblemj "Bubble Memories - The Story Of Bubble Bobble 3 (Japan)"

bubbobr1 "Bubble Bobble (US)"

bublbob2 "Bubble Bobble 2 (World)"

bublbobl "Bubble Bobble"

bublbobr "Bubble Bobble (US with mode select)"

bubsymph "Bubble Symphony (Japan)"

bubsympu "Bubble Symphony (US)"

buckrog "Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom"

bucky "Bucky O'Hare (World version EA)"

buckyua "Bucky O'Hare (US version UA)"

buggychl "Buggy Challenge"

bullfgt "Bullfight"

bullfgtr "Bull Fighter"

bullsdrt "Bulls Eye Darts"

buraiken "Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan)"

burglarx "Burglar X"

burnforc "Burning Force (Japan)"

butasan "Butasan (Japan)"

bwcasino "Boardwalk Casino"

bwing "B-Wings (Japan)"

bzone "Battle Zone (set 1)"

bzone2 "Battle Zone (set 2)"

cabal "Cabal (US set 1)"

cabal2 "Cabal (US set 2)"

cabalbl "Cabal (bootleg)"

cachat "Cachat (Japan)"

cadash "Cadash (World)"

cadashf "Cadash (France)"

cadashi "Cadash (Italy)"

cadashj "Cadash (Japan)"

cadashu "Cadash (US)"

cairblad "Change Air Blade (Japan)"

calipso "Calipso"

cameltrj "Cameltry (Japan)"

cameltry "Cameltry (US)"

camltrua "Cameltry (US, alt sound)"

cannball "Cannon Ball"

cannonb "Cannon Ball (Crazy Climber hardware)"

canyon "Canyon Bomber"

captaven "Captain America and The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.9)"

captcomj "Captain Commando (Japan 911202)"

captcomm "Captain Commando (World 911014)"

captcomu "Captain Commando (US 910928)"

caractn "Car Action"

carjmbre "Car Jamboree"

carnival "Carnival (upright)" **Resetting corrupts screen not file**

carnvckt "Carnival (cocktail)"

castfant "Cassette: Astro Fantasia"

cavelon "Cavelon"

cavenger "Cosmic Avenger"

cawing "Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)"

cawingj "U.S. Navy (Japan 901012)"

cawingu "Carrier Air Wing (US 901012)"

cbdash "Cassette: Boulder Dash"

cbnj "Cassette: Bump N Jump"

cbtime "Cassette: Burger Time"

cburnrb2 "Cassette: Burnin' Rubber (set 2)"

cburnrub "Cassette: Burnin' Rubber (set 1)"

cbuster "Crude Buster (World FX version)"

cbusterj "Crude Buster (Japan)"

cbusterw "Crude Buster (World FU version)"

ccastle3 "Crystal Castles (version 3)"

ccastles "Crystal Castles (version 4)"

ccboot "Crazy Climber (bootleg set 1)"

ccboot2 "Crazy Climber (bootleg set 2)"

cchasm "Cosmic Chasm (set 1)"

cchasm1 "Cosmic Chasm (set 2)"

cclimber "Crazy Climber (US)"

cclimbr2 "Crazy Climber 2 (Japan)"

cclimbrj "Crazy Climber (Japan)"

cdiscon1 "Cassette: Disco No.1"

centipb2 "Centipede (bootleg set 2)"

centipd2 "Centipede (revision 2)"

centipdb "Centipede (bootleg set 1)"

centiped "Centipede (revision 3)"

cerberus "Cerberus"

cfghtice "Cassette: Fighting Ice Hockey"

cgangpzl "Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (US)"

cgraplop "Cassette: Graplop (aka Cluster Buster) (set 1)"

chaknpop "Chack'n Pop"

challeng "Challenger"

chameleo "Chameleon"

champbas "Champion Baseball"

champwr "Champion Wrestler (World)"

changes "Changes"

changesa "Changes (EME license)"

chasehq "Chase H.Q. (World)"

checkmaj "Check Man (Japan)"

checkman "Check Man"

cheekyms "Cheeky Mouse"

chelnov "Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World)"

chelnovj "Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Japan)"

chelnovu "Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US)"

chimerab "Chimera Beast (prototype)"

chinagat "China Gate (US)"

chinatwn "China Town (Japan)"

chinhero "Chinese Hero"

chopper "Chopper I (US set 1)"

chplftb "Choplifter (alternate)"

chplftbl "Choplifter (bootleg)"

chqflag "Chequered Flag"

chukatai "Chuka Taisen (World)"

chwrestl "Champion Pro Wrestling"

circus "Circus"

circusc "Circus Charlie"

circusc2 "Circus Charlie (no level select)"

circuscc "Circus Charlie (Centuri)"

circusce "Circus Charlie (Centuri, earlier)"

cischeat "Cisco Heat"

citybmrj "City Bomber (Japan)"

citybomb "City Bomber (World)"

citycon "City Connection (set 1)"

citycona "City Connection (set 2)"

ckong "Crazy Kong (set 1)"

ckonga "Crazy Kong (set 2)"

ckongalc "Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg)"

ckongjeu "Crazy Kong (Jeutel bootleg)"

ckongo "Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg)"

clapapa "Cassette: Rootin' Tootin' (aka La.Pa.Pa)"

clapapa2 "Cassette: Rootin' Tootin'"

clayshoo "Clay Shoot"

cleopatr "Cleopatra Fortune (Japan)"

cloak "Cloak & Dagger (rev 5)"

clocknch "Cassette: Lock'n'Chase"

clowns "Clowns (rev. 2)"

clshroad "Clash-Road"

cluclu "Vs. Clu Clu Land"

cmissnx "Cassette: Mission-X"

cnights2 "Cassette: Night Star (set 2)"

cnightst "Cassette: Night Star (set 1)"

cninja "Caveman Ninja (World revision 3)"

cninjau "Caveman Ninja (US)"

cobracom "Cobra-Command (World revision 5)"

columns "Columns (US)"

columns2 "Columns II - The Voyage Through Time (Japan)"

columnsj "Columns (Japan)"

combasc "Combat School (joystick)"

combascb "Combat School (bootleg)"

combascj "Combat School (Japan trackball)"

combasct "Combat School (trackball)"

commandj "Senjou no Ookami"

commando "Commando (World)"

commandu "Commando (US)"

commsega "Commando (Sega)"

congo "Congo Bongo"

contcirc "Continental Circus (World)"

contcrcu "Continental Circus (US)"

contra "Contra (US)"

contrab "Contra (US bootleg)"

contraj "Contra (Japan)"

contrajb "Contra (Japan bootleg)"

cop01 "Cop 01 (set 1)"

cop01a "Cop 01 (set 2)"

cosmccop "Cosmic Cop (World)"

cosmica "Cosmic Alien"

cosmicg "Cosmic Guerilla"

cosmicmo "Cosmic Monsters"

cosmo "Cosmo"

cosmogng "Cosmo Gang the Video (US)"

cosmognj "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)"

cosmos "Cosmos"

cppicf "Cassette: Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (set 1)"

cppicf2 "Cassette: Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (set 2)"

cprobowl "Cassette: Pro Bowling"

cprosocc "Cassette: Pro Soccer"

cptennis "Cassette: Pro Tennis"

crash "Crash"

crazycop "Crazy Cop (Japan)"

crbalon2 "Crazy Balloon (set 2)"

crbaloon "Crazy Balloon (set 1)"

crgolf "Crowns Golf (set 1)"

crimec "Crime City (World)"

crimecj "Crime City (Japan)"

crimecu "Crime City (US)"

crimfght "Crime Fighters (US 4 players)"

crimfgt2 "Crime Fighters (World 2 Players)"

crimfgtj "Crime Fighters (Japan 2 Players)"

crshrac2 "Lethal Crash Race (set 2)"

crshrace "Lethal Crash Race (set 1)"

cruisin "Cruisin"

crush "Crush Roller (Kural Samno)"

crush2 "Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?)"

crush3 "Crush Roller (Kural - bootleg?)"

crzrally "Crazy Rally"

cscluba "Capcom Sports Club (Asia 970722)"

csclubj "Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722)"

cscrtry "Cassette: Scrum Try (set 1)"

cscrtry2 "Cassette: Scrum Try (set 2)"

csilver "Captain Silver (Japan)"

csuperas "Cassette: Super Astro Fighter"

csweetht "Cassette: Sweet Heart"

cterrani "Cassette: Terranean"

ctornado "Cassette: Tornado"

cubybop "Cuby Bop (Location Test)"

cuebrick "Cue Brick (Japan)"

cupfinal "Taito Cup Finals (World)"

cutieq "Cutie Q"

cworld2j "Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611)"

cybattlr "Cybattler"

cyberlip "Cyber-Lip"

cybots "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (US 950424)"

cybotsj "Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950420)"

dadandrn "Kyukyoku Sentai Dadandarn (Japan ver JAA)"

daioh "Daioh"

dairesya "Dai Ressya Goutou (Japan)"

daisenpu "Daisenpu (Japan)"

daitorid "Daitoride"

dangar "Dangar - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986)"

dangar2 "Dangar - Ufo Robo (9/26/1986)"

dangarb "Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg)"

dangerz "Danger Zone" **topscore missing**

dangseed "Dangerous Seed (Japan)"

darius "Darius (World)"

darius2 "Darius II (Japan)"

darius2d "Darius II (dual screen) (Japan)"

dariuse "Darius (Extra) (Japan)"

dariusg "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (World)"

dariusgx "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Extra Version) [Official Hack]"

dariusj "Darius (Japan)"

dariuso "Darius (Japan old version)"

darkplnt "Dark Planet"

darksea1 "Dark Seal (World revision 1)"

darkseaj "Dark Seal (Japan)"

darkseal "Dark Seal (World revision 3)"

darktowr "Dark Tower"

darkwar "Dark Warrior"

darwin "Darwin 4078 (Japan)"

dazzler "Dazzler"

dblaxle "Double Axle (US)"

dbldyn "Double Dynamites, The"

dbreed "Dragon Breed"

dbz2 "Dragonball Z 2 Super Battle"

dcon "D-Con"

dday "D-Day"

ddayc "D-Day (Centuri)"

ddonpach "DoDonPachi (International)"

ddragn2u "Double Dragon II - The Revenge (US)"

ddragon "Double Dragon (Japan)"

ddragon2 "Double Dragon II - The Revenge (World)"

ddragonb "Double Dragon (bootleg)"

ddragonu "Double Dragon (US)"

ddribble "Double Dribble"

ddsom "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)"

ddtod "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)"

ddtodu "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (US 940125)"

ddungeon "Dangerous Dungeons"

dduxbl "Dynamite Dux (bootleg)"

deadang "Dead Angle"

deadconj "Dead Connection (Japan)"

deadconx "Dead Connection (World)"

deadeye "Dead Eye"

defender "Defender (Red label)"

demoderb "Demolition Derby"

demoderm "Demolition Derby (2-Player Mono Board Version)"

demon "Demon"

demoneye "Demoneye-X"

demonwld "Demon's World / Horror Story"

depthch "Depthcharge"

desertgu "Desert Gun"

desertwr "Desert War / Wangan Sensou"

desterth "Destination Earth"

destroyr "Destroyer"

detatwin "Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan ver. J)"

devilfsg "Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg?)"

devilfsh "Devil Fish"

devilw "Devil World"

devstor2 "Devastators (ver. X)"

devstor3 "Devastators (ver. V)"

devstors "Devastators (ver. Z)"

devzone "Devil Zone"

dfeveron "Dangun Feveron (Japan)"

dharma "Dharma Doujou"

diamond "Diamond Run"

digdug "Dig Dug (rev 2)"

digdug2 "Dig Dug II (New Ver.)"

digdugat "Dig Dug (Atari, rev 2)"

digdugb "Dig Dug (rev 1)"

digger "Digger"

dimahoo "Dimahoo (US 000121)"

dingo "Dingo"

dino "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)"

dinoj "Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki (Japan 930201)"

dinorex "Dino Rex (World)"

dinorexu "Dino Rex (US)"

dinou "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (US 930201)"

disco "Disco No.1"

diverboy "Diver Boy"

dkgenm72 "Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72)"

dkgensan "Daiku no Gensan (Japan)"

dkngjnrj "Donkey Kong Junior (Japan?)"

dkong "Donkey Kong (US set 1)"

dkong3 "Donkey Kong 3 (US)"

dkong3b "Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr. hardware)"

dkong3j "Donkey Kong 3 (Japan)"

dkongjo "Donkey Kong (Japan set 2)"

dkongjp "Donkey Kong (Japan set 1)"

dkongjr "Donkey Kong Junior (US)"

dkongo "Donkey Kong (US set 2)"

docastl2 "Mr. Do's Castle (set 2)"

docastle "Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)"

dockman "Dock Man"

dogfight "Dog Fight (Thunderbolt)"

dogosoke "Dogou Souken"

dogyuun "Dogyuun"

dommy "Dommy"

dondokod "Don Doko Don (World)"

donpachi "DonPachi (US)"

donpachj "DonPachi (Japan)"

dorachan "Dorachan"

dorodon "Dorodon (set 1)"

dorunru2 "Do! Run Run (set 2)"

dorunrun "Do! Run Run (set 1)"

dotron "Discs of Tron (Upright)"

douni "Mr. Do vs. Unicorns"

dowild "Mr. Do's Wild Ride"

dragnblz "Dragon Blaze"

dragngun "Dragon Gun (US)"

dragoonj "Dragoon Might (ver JAA)"

dremshpr "Dream Shopper"

drgnbstr "Dragon Buster"

drgninja "Dragonninja (Japan)"

drgnmst "Dragon Master"

drgnunit "Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon"

drivfrcp "Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion)"

drmario "Vs. Dr. Mario"

drmicro "Dr. Micro"

drtoppel "Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World)"

dsaber "Dragon Saber"

dsccr94j "Dream Soccer '94 (Japan)"

dsoccr94 "Dream Soccer '94"

dspirit "Dragon Spirit (new version)"

dspirito "Dragon Spirit (old version)"

dstlk "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)"

dstlka "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Asia 940705)"

dstlku "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (US 940818)"

dstlkur1 "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (US 940705)"

duckhunt "Vs. Duck Hunt"

dw "Dynasty Wars (World)"

dwj "Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)"

dyger "Dyger (Korea set 1)"

dygera "Dyger (Korea set 2)"

dynamski "Dynamic Ski"

dynduke "Dynamite Duke"

dzigzag "Zig Zag (Dig Dug hardware)"

eagle "Eagle (set 1)"

eagle2 "Eagle (set 2)"

earthjkr "U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan)"

ecofghtr "Eco Fighters (World 931203)"

edf "E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force"

edrandy "Cliffhanger - Edward Randy, The (World revision 2)"

eggor "Eggor"

eggs "Eggs"

eightfrc "Eight Forces"

elevatob "Elevator Action (bootleg)"

elevator "Elevator Action"

elim2 "Eliminator (2 Players, set 1)"

elim2a "Eliminator (2 Players, set 2)"

elim4 "Eliminator (4 Players)"

elvact2u "Elevator Action 2 (US)"

elvactr "Elevator Action Returns (World)"

elvactrj "Elevator Action Returns (Japan)"

emeralda "Emeraldia (Japan Version B)"

empcity "Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?)"

empcityj "Empire City: 1931 (Japan)"

endurob2 "Enduro Racer (bootleg set 2)"

endurobl "Enduro Racer (bootleg set 1)"

enforce "Enforce (Japan)"

enigma2 "Enigma 2"

eprom "Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1)"

eprom2 "Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 2)"

equites "Equites"

equitess "Equites (Sega)"

esb "Empire Strikes Back, The"

espial "Espial (US?)"

espiale "Espial (Europe)"

esprade "ESP Ra.De. (International Ver 1998 4/22)"

espradej "ESP Ra.De. (Japan Ver 1998 4/21)"

espradeo "ESP Ra.De. (Japan Ver 1998 4/14)"

eswat "E-Swat - Cyber Police"

eswatbl "E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg)"

eto "Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan)"

euroch92 "Euro Champ '92 (World)"

evilston "Evil Stone"

excitebk "Vs. Excitebike"

excthour "Exciting Hour"

exctscca "Exciting Soccer (alternate music)"

exctsccb "Exciting Soccer (bootleg)"

exctsccr "Exciting Soccer"

exedexes "Exed Exes"

exerion "Exerion"

exerizrb "Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg)"

explorer "Explorer"

exprraid "Express Raider (US)"

extdwnhl "Extreme Downhill (v1.5)"

extrmatn "Extermination (US)"

exvania "Exvania (Japan)"

exzisus "Exzisus (Japan)"

eyes "Eyes (Digitrex Techstar)"

eyes2 "Eyes (Techstar)"

f1dream "F-1 Dream"

f1en "F1 Exhaust Note"

f1gp "F-1 Grand Prix"

f1gp2 "F-1 Grand Prix Part II"

f1gpstar "Grand Prix Star"

fa "F/A (Japan)"

fantasia "Fantasia"

fantasy "Fantasy (World)"

fantasyj "Fantasy (Japan)"

fantazia "Fantazia"

fantland "Fantasy Land"

fantsia2 "Fantasia II"

fantsy95 "Fantasy '95"

fantzone "Fantasy Zone (Japan New Ver.)"

fantzono "Fantasy Zone (Old Ver.)"

fastfred "Fast Freddie"

fastlane "Fast Lane"

fax "Fax"

ffantasy "Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision 2)"

ffight "Final Fight (World)"

ffightj "Final Fight (Japan set 1)"

ffightu "Final Fight (US 900112)"

fghtatck "Fighter & Attacker (US)"

fhawk "Fighting Hawk (World)"

fieldday "Field Day"

fightrol "Fighting Roller"

finalap2 "Final Lap 2"

finalap3 "Final Lap 3 (Japan set 1)"

finalb "Final Blow (World)"

finalbj "Final Blow (Japan)"

finalizr "Finalizer - Super Transformation"

finehour "Finest Hour (Japan)"

firebatl "Fire Battle"

fireone "Fire One"

fireshrk "Fire Shark"

firetpbl "Fire Trap (Japan bootleg)"

firetrk "Fire Truck"

fitegolf "Fighting Golf (World?)"

fitter "Fitter"

flashgal "Flashgal"

flicky "Flicky (128k Ver.)"

flickyo "Flicky (64k Ver.)"

flkatck "Flak Attack (Japan)"

flower "Flower"

flstory "FairyLand Story, The"

flstoryj "FairyLand Story, The (Japan)"

flyboyb "Fly-Boy (bootleg)"

fncywld "Fancy World - Earth of Crisis"

fnkyfish "Funky Fish"

foodf "Food Fight (rev 3)"

footchmp "Football Champ (World)"

forgottn "Forgotten Worlds (US)"

formatz "Formation Z"

fpointbl "Flash Point (World, bootleg)"

freekckb "Free Kick (bootleg)"

freeze "Freeze"

frenzy "Frenzy"

frogger "Frogger"

froggers "Frog"

froggrmc "Frogger (Moon Cresta hardware)"

frogs "Frogs"

frogseg1 "Frogger (Sega set 1)"

frogseg2 "Frogger (Sega set 2)"

frontlin "Front Line"

fround "Final Round, The (version M)"

fshark "Flying Shark (World)"

fstarfrc "Final Star Force (US)"

ftsoccer "Fighting Soccer"

fullthrl "Full Throttle (Japan)"

funkybee "Funky Bee"

funkyjet "Funky Jet"

funnymou "Funny Mouse"

funybubl "Funny Bubble"

futspy "Future Spy"

gaia "Gaia Crusaders"

gaiapols "Gaiapolis (Japan ver JAF)"

gaiden "Ninja Gaiden (US)"

galag88b "Galaga '88 (set 2)"

galag88j "Galaga '88 (Japan)"

galaga "Galaga (Namco rev. B)"

galaga3 "Galaga 3 (rev. C)"

galaga3a "Galaga 3 (set 2)"

galaga88 "Galaga '88 (set 1)"

galagamk "Galaga (Midway set 2)"

galagamw "Galaga (Midway set 1)"

galagao "Galaga (Namco)"

galap1 "Space Invaders Galactica"

galap4 "Galaxian Part 4"

galapx "Galaxian Part X"

galaxiaj "Galaxian (Namco set 2)"

galaxian "Galaxian (Namco set 1)"

galaxygn "Galaxy Gunners"

galivan "Galivan - Cosmo Police (12/16/1985)"

galivan2 "Galivan - Cosmo Police (12/11/1985)"

gallag "Gallag"

gallop "Gallop - Armed police Unit (Japan)"

galmedes "Galmedes (Japan)"

galmidw "Galaxian (Midway)"

galpanib "Gals Panic (set 2)"

galpanic "Gals Panic (set 1)"

galspnbl "Gals Pinball"

galturbo "Galaxian Turbo"

galxwars "Galaxy Wars (Universal set 1)"

gametngk "Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!"

gangwarb "Gang Wars (bootleg)"

gangwars "Gang Wars (US)"

gaplus "Gaplus (rev. D)"

gaplusa "Gaplus (alternate hardware)"

garuka "Garuka (Japan ver. W)"

garyoret "Garyo Retsuden (Japan)"

gatedom1 "Gate of Doom (US revision 1)"

gatedoom "Gate of Doom (US revision 4)"

gaunt2 "Gauntlet II"

gaunt2p "Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 6)"

gauntlet "Gauntlet (rev 14)"

gberet "Green Beret"

gberetb "Green Beret (bootleg)"

gbusters "Gang Busters"

gcpinbal "Grand Cross"

geebee "Gee Bee"

geebeeg "Gee Bee (Gremlin)"

gekirido "Gekirindan (Japan)"

gemini "Gemini Wing"

genix "Genix Family"

gfire2 "Golden Fire II"

ghostb "Real Ghostbusters, The (US 2 Players)"

ghostb3 "Real Ghostbusters, The (US 3 Players)"

ghouls "Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)"

ghoulsu "Ghouls'n Ghosts (US)"

ghox "Ghox"

gigandes "Gigandes"

gigasb "Gigas (bootleg)"

gigasm2b "Gigas Mark II (bootleg)"

gigawing "Giga Wing (US 990222)"

gijoe "GI Joe (World)"

gijoeu "GI Joe (US)"

ginganin "Ginga NinkyouDen"

glfgreat "Golfing Greats"

gmahou "Great Mahou Daisakusen (Japan 000121)"

gng "Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1)"

gnga "Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 2)"

gngt "Ghosts'n Goblins (US)"

goal92 "Goal '92"

gogomile "Go Go! Mile Smile"

goindol "Goindol (World)"

gokuparo "Gokujyou Parodius (ver JAD)"

goldbug "Gold Bug"

goldmedl "Gold Medalist"

goldnaxe "Golden Axe (Version 1)"

gollygho "Golly! Ghost!"

gondo "Gondomania (US)"

goonies "Vs. The Goonies"

gorf "Gorf" **Reset screws up 2 scores and topscore**

gorfpgm1 "Gorf (Program 1)"

gotya "Got-Ya (12/24/1981, prototype?)"

gpilots "Ghost Pilots"

gradius "Gradius"

gradius2 "Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan New Ver.)"

gradius3 "Gradius III (Japan)"

gratia "Gratia - Second Earth (92047-01 version)"

gravitar "Gravitar (version 3)"

gravitr2 "Gravitar (version 2)"

grchamp "Grand Champion"

grdians "Guardians / Denjin Makai II"

grdius2a "Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Old Ver.)"

grdius2b "Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan Older Ver.)"

grdius3a "Gradius III (Asia)"

grdius3e "Gradius III (World ?)"

grdnstrm "Sen Jin - Guardian Storm (Korea)"

greatgun "Great Guns"

grescue "Galaxy Rescue"

griffon "Griffon"

grindstm "Grind Stormer"

grndtour "Grand Tour"

grobda "Grobda (New Ver.)"

growl "Growl (World)"

growlu "Growl (US)"

gryzor "Gryzor"

gseeker "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (World)"

gseekerj "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (Japan)"

gseekeru "Grid Seeker: Project Stormhammer (US)"

gstrik2 "Grand Striker 2 (Japan)"

gstriker "Grand Striker"

gsword "Great Swordsman"

gteikoku "Gingateikoku No Gyakushu"

gtmr "Great 1000 Miles Rally"

gtmr2 "Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally"

gtmre "Great 1000 Miles Rally (Evolution Model)"

gtmrusa "Great 1000 Miles Rally (USA)"

guiness "Guiness, The (Japan)"

gulfstr2 "Gulf Storm (Media Shoji)"

gulfstrm "Gulf Storm"

gulfwar2 "Gulf War II"

gumbo "Gumbo"

gunbird "Gunbird (World)"

gunbird2 "Gunbird 2"

gunbirdj "Gunbird (Japan)"

gunbirdk "Gunbird (Korea)"

gunbulet "Gun Bullet (Japan)"

gunbustr "Gunbuster (Japan)"

gundamex "Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue"

gundhara "Gundhara"

gundl94 "Gun Dealer '94"

gunforc2 "Gunforce 2 (US)"

gunforce "Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)"

gunfronj "Gun Frontier (Japan)"

gunfront "Gun & Frontier (World)"

gunhohki "Gun Hohki (Japan)"

gunlock "Gunlock (World)"

gunnail "GunNail"

gunsmoka "Gun.Smoke (US set 2)"

gunsmoke "Gun.Smoke (World)"

guwange "Guwange (Japan)"

guzzler "Guzzler"

gwar "Guerrilla War (US)"

gwara "Guerrilla War (Version 1)"

gwarb "Guerrilla War (bootleg)"

gwarj "Guevara (Japan)"

gwarrior "Galactic Warriors"

gwingj "Giga Wing (Japan 990223)"

gypsyjug "Gypsy Juggler"

gyrodinc "Gyrodine (Crux)"

gyrodine "Gyrodine"

gyruss "Gyruss (Konami)"

gyrussce "Gyruss (Centuri)"

hachoo "Hachoo!"

hal21 "HAL21"

hal21j "HAL21 (Japan)"

halleycj "Halley's Comet (Japan set 2)"

halleys "Halley's Comet (US)"

hangly "Hangly-Man (set 1)"

hangly2 "Hangly-Man (set 2)"

hangly3 "Hangly-Man (set 3)"

hangon "Hang-On"

hangonjr "Hang-On Jr."

hardhat "Hard Hat"

hardhead "Hard Head"

hasamu "Hasamu (Japan)"

hatris "Hatris (Japan)"

hbarrel "Heavy Barrel (US)"

hbarrelw "Heavy Barrel (World)"

hcastle "Haunted Castle (version M)"

headon "Head On (2 players)"

headon2 "Head On 2"

headonb "Head On (1 player)"

heartatk "Heart Attack"

heberpop "Hebereke no Popoon (Japan)"

hedpanic "Head Panic (Korea?)"

helifira "HeliFire (set 2)"

helifire "HeliFire (set 1)"

hellfire "Hellfire"

hero "Hero"

hexa "Hexa"

hexion "Hexion (Japan)"

hharry "Hammerin' Harry (World)"

hharryu "Hammerin' Harry (US)"

higemaru "Pirate Ship Higemaru"

highspla "Space Fever High Splitter (set 2)"

highsplt "Space Fever High Splitter (set 1)"

hippodrm "Hippodrome (US)"

hiryuken "Hokuha Syourin Hiryu no Ken"

histryma "History of Martial Arts, The"

hitice "Hit the Ice (US)"

hoccer "Hoccer (set 1)"

hoccer2 "Hoccer (set 2)"

hogalley "Vs. Hogan's Alley"

homo "Homo"

hook "Hook (World)"

hooku "Hook (US)"

hopmappy "Hopping Mappy"

hopprobo "Hopper Robo"

horekid "Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen"

horizon "Horizon"

horshoes "American Horseshoes (US)"

hotchase "Hot Chase"

hotdogst "Hotdog Storm"

hotpinbl "Hot Pinball"

hpuncher "Hard Puncher (Japan)"

hthero "Hat Trick Hero (Japan)"

hthero93 "Hat Trick Hero '93 (Japan)"

hunchbak "Hunchback"

hunchbkg "Hunchback (Galaxian hardware)"

hunchbks "Hunchback (Scramble hardware)"

huncholy "Hunchback Olympic"

hustler "Video Hustler"

hustlerb "Video Hustler (bootleg)"

hvoltage "High Voltage"

hvymetal "Heavy Metal"

hwchamp "Heavyweight Champ"

hwrace "High Way Race"

hyperpcb "Hyper Pacman (bootleg)"

hyprdelj "Hyper Duel (Japan)"

iceclimb "Vs. Ice Climber"

ichidant "Ichidant-R (Puzzle & Action 2) (Japan)"

ichidnte "Ichidant-R (Puzzle & Action 2) (English)"

iganinju "Iga Ninjyutsuden (Japan)"

igmo "IGMO"

ikari "Ikari Warriors (US)"

ikari3 "Ikari III - The Rescue"

ikarijp "Ikari (Japan)"

ikarijpb "Ikari (Japan bootleg)"

ikki "Ikki (Japan)"

imago "Imago"

imgfight "Image Fight (Japan)"

imsorry "I'm Sorry (US)"

imsorryj "Gonbee no I'm Sorry (Japan)"

indytem4 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 4)"

indytemp "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 1)"

insectx "Insector X (World)"

inthunt "In The Hunt (World)"

inthuntu "In The Hunt (US)"

intrepi2 "Intrepid (set 2)"

intrepid "Intrepid (set 1)"

invaderl "Space Invaders (Logitec)"

invaders "Space Invaders"

invadpt2 "Space Invaders Part II (Taito)"

invasion "Invasion"

invds "Invinco / Deep Scan"

invho2 "Invinco / Head On 2"

invinco "Invinco"

invrvnga "Invader's Revenge (Dutchford)"

invrvnge "Invader's Revenge"

ipminvad "IPM Invader"

iqblock "IQ-Block"

ironhors "Iron Horse"

ixion "Ixion (prototype)"

jack "Jack the Giantkiller (set 1)"

jack2 "Jack the Giantkiller (set 2)"

jack3 "Jack the Giantkiller (set 3)"

jackal "Jackal (World)"

jackalj "Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan)"

jackrab2 "Jack Rabbit (set 2)"

jackrabs "Jack Rabbit (special)"

jackrabt "Jack Rabbit (set 1)"

jailbrek "Jail Break"

jcross "Jumping Cross"

jjack "Jumping Jack"

jjsquawk "J. J. Squawkers"

joemac "Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Japan)"

joyfulr "Joyful Road (Japan)"

jrpacman "Jr. Pac-Man"

jspecter "Jatre Specter (set 1)"

jumpbug "Jump Bug"

jumpbugb "Jump Bug (bootleg)"

jumpcoas "Jump Coaster"

jumping "Jumping"

jumpkids "Jump Kids"

jungleh "Jungle Hunt (US)"

junglek "Jungle King (Japan)"

jungler "Jungler"

junglers "Jungler (Stern)"

junofrst "Juno First"

junofstg "Juno First (Gottlieb)"

kageki "Kageki (US)"

kagekij "Kageki (Japan)"

kaitei "Kaitei Takara Sagashi"

kaiteids "Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)"

kamenrid "Masked Riders Club Battle Race"

kamikcab "Kamikaze Cabbie"

kangaroa "Kangaroo (Atari)"

kangarob "Kangaroo (bootleg)"

kangaroo "Kangaroo"

kaos "Kaos"

karatblu "Karate Blazers (US)"

karatblz "Karate Blazers (World?)"

karatedo "Karate Dou (Japan)"

karatevs "Taisen Karate Dou (Japan VS version)"

karatour "Karate Tournament, The"

karianx "Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0)"

karnov "Karnov (US)"

karnovj "Karnov (Japan)"

kbash "Knuckle Bash"

kchamp "Karate Champ (US)"

kchampvs "Karate Champ (US VS version)"

kengo "Ken-Go"

kicker "Kicker"

kicknrun "Kick and Run"

kickridr "Kick Rider"

kidniki "Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (US)"

kikcubic "Meikyu Jima (Japan)"

kikikai "KiKi KaiKai"

kikstart "Kick Start Wheelie King"

killcom "Killer Comet"

kingbalj "King & Balloon (Japan)"

kingball "King & Balloon (US)"

kingofb "King of Boxer (English)"

kittenk "Kitten Kaboodle"

knckhead "Knuckle Heads (World)"

kncljoe "Knuckle Joe (set 1)"

kncljoea "Knuckle Joe (set 2)"

knights "Knights of the Round (World 911127)"

knightsj "Knights of the Round (Japan 911127)"

knightsu "Knights of the Round (US 911127)"

knockout "Knock Out!!"

kod "King of Dragons, The (World 910711)"

kodj "King of Dragons, The (Japan 910805)"

kodu "King of Dragons, The (US 910910)"

kodure "Kodure Ookami (Japan)"

konamigt "Konami GT"

kouyakyu "Koukouyakyuh, The"

krzybowl "Krazy Bowl"

ktiger "Kyukyoku Tiger (Japan)"

ktiger2 "Kyukyoku Tiger 2 (Japan)"

kuhga "Kuhga - Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Japan revision 3)"

kungfub "Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 1)"

kungfub2 "Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 2)"

kungfud "Kung-Fu Master (Data East)"

kungfum "Kung-Fu Master"

kungfut "Kung-Fu Taikun"

kungfuta "Kung-Fu Taikun (alt)"

kuniokub "Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan bootleg)"

kuniokun "Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (Japan)"

kurikina "Kuri Kinton (World, prototype?)"

kurikinj "Kuri Kinton (Japan)"

kurikint "Kuri Kinton (World)"

kurikinu "Kuri Kinton (US)"

kyros "Kyros"

kyustrkr "Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker"

labyrunr "Labyrinth Runner (Japan)"

ladybug "Lady Bug"

ladybugb "Lady Bug (bootleg)"

ladyfrog "Lady Frog"

ladykill "Lady Killer"

lagunar "Laguna Racer"

landmakr "Land Maker (Japan)"

laser "Laser"

lasso "Lasso"

lastday "Last Day, The (set 1)"

lastdaya "Last Day, The (set 2)"

lastduel "Last Duel (US set 1)"

lastfero "Last Fortress - Toride (Erotic)"

lastfort "Last Fortress - Toride"

ldrun "Lode Runner (set 1)"

ldrun2 "Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back"

ldrun3 "Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth"

ldrun4 "Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu"

ldruna "Lode Runner (set 2)"

le2 "Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters (ver EAA)"

ledstorm "Led Storm (US)"

legend "Legend"

legion "Legion (ver 2.03)"

legiono "Legion (ver 1.05)"

legofair "Koukuu Kihei Monogatari - The Legend of Air Cavalry (Japan)"

lemmings "Lemmings (US Prototype)"

leprechn "Leprechaun"

lethalth "Lethal Thunder (World)"

levers "Levers"

lgtnfght "Lightning Fighters (US)"

liberate "Liberation"

liblrabl "Libble Rabble"

lifefrce "Lifeforce (US)"

lifefrcj "Lifeforce (Japan)"

lightbr "Light Bringer (Japan)"

liquidk "Liquid Kids (World)"

liquidku "Liquid Kids (US)"

lizwiz "Lizard Wizard"

lkage "Legend of Kage, The"

lnc "Lock'n'Chase"

lockload "Locked 'n Loaded (US)"

locomotn "Loco-Motion"

logger "Logger"

logicpr2 "Logic Pro 2 (Japan)"

logicpro "Logic Pro (Japan)"

loht "Legend of Hero Tonma"

lomakai "Legend of Makai (World)"

looper "Looper"

losttmbh "Lost Tomb (hard)"

losttomb "Lost Tomb (easy)"

lostwrld "Lost Worlds (Japan)"

lotlot "Lot Lot"

lrescue "Lunar Rescue"

lsasquad "Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen"

lstduela "Last Duel (US set 2)"

lstduelb "Last Duel (bootleg)"

luckywld "Lucky & Wild"

lupin3 "Lupin III"

lvgirl94 "Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94)"

lwings "Legendary Wings (US set 1)"

lwings2 "Legendary Wings (US set 2)"

lwingsjp "Ares no Tsubasa (Japan)"

m660b "Mission 660 (bootleg)"

m79amb "M79 Ambush"

machbrkr "Mach Breakers (Japan)"

machomou "Macho Mouse"

machridr "Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version)"

macross "Super Spacefortress Macross"

macross2 "Super Spacefortress Macross II"

macrossp "Macross Plus"

madalien "Mad Alien"

madcrash "Mad Crasher"

maddonna "Mad Donna (set 1)"

madgear "Mad Gear (US)"

madgearj "Mad Gear (Japan)"

madshark "Mad Shark"

magicbub "Magic Bubble"

magix "Magix / Rock"

magmax "Mag Max"

magspot "Magical Spot"

magspot2 "Magical Spot II"

mahoudai "Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)"

mainevt "Main Event, The (4 Players ver. Y)"

majtitl2 "Major Title 2 (World)"

majtitle "Major Title (Japan)"

makaiden "Makai Densetsu (Japan)"

makaimuc "Makai-Mura (Japan Revision C)"

makaimug "Makai-Mura (Japan Revision G)"

makaimur "Makai-Mura (Japan)"

maketrax "Make Trax (set 1)"

makyosen "Makyou Senshi (Japan)"

maniach "Mania Challenge (set 1)"

maniach2 "Mania Challenge (set 2)"

maniacsp "Maniac Square (prototype)"

maniacsq "Maniac Square (unprotected)"

manybloc "Many Block"

mappy "Mappy (US)"

mappyj "Mappy (Japan)"

marble "Marble Madness (set 1)"

marble2 "Marble Madness (set 2)"

marineb "Marine Boy"

mariner "Mariner"

mario "Mario Bros. (US)"

mariojp "Mario Bros. (Japan)"

markham "Markham"

mars "Mars"

marvins "Marvin's Maze"

marvland "Marvel Land (US)"

masao "Masao"

masterw "Master of Weapon (World)"

matmania "Mat Mania"

maya "Maya"

mayday "Mayday (set 1)"

mayhem "Mayhem 2002"

mazinger "Mazinger Z"

mbomberj "Muscle Bomber - The Body Explosion (Japan 930713)"

mbombrd "Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)"

mbombrdj "Muscle Bomber Duo - Heat Up Warriors (Japan 931206)"

mbrush "Magic Brush"

mcatadv "Magical Cat Adventure"

mechatt "Mechanized Attack (World)"

megab "Mega Blast (World)"

megadon "Megadon"

megaforc "Mega Force"

megaman "Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1 Asia 951006)"

megatack "Megatack"

megaznik "Mega Zone (Kosuka)"

megazone "Mega Zone"

meikyuh "Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan)"

mercs "Mercs (World 900302)"

mercsj "Senjou no Ookami II (Japan 900302)"

mercsu "Mercs (US 900302)"

mermaid "Mermaid"

metafox "Meta Fox"

metalb "Metal Black (World)"

metalbj "Metal Black (Japan)"

metamrph "Metamorphic Force (US ver UAA)"

metlclsh "Metal Clash (Japan)"

metmqstr "Metamoqester"

metrocra "Metro-Cross (set 2)"

metrocrs "Metro-Cross (set 1)"

mexico86 "Mexico 86"

mgcrystj "Magical Crystals (Japan)"

mgcrystl "Magical Crystals (World)"

mhavoc "Major Havoc (rev 3)"

mia "M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T)"

midres "Midnight Resistance (World)"

midresu "Midnight Resistance (US)"

miexchng "Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger"

mightguy "Mighty Guy"

mikie "Mikie"

mikiehs "Mikie (High School Graffiti)"

mikiej "Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun"

milliped "Millipede"

minefld "Minefield"

minferno "Inferno (S2650)"

mirninja "Mirai Ninja (Japan)"

missb2 "Miss Bubble 2"

missile "Missile Command (set 1)"

missile2 "Missile Command (set 2)"

missw96 "Miss World '96 Nude"

mizubaku "Mizubaku Daibouken (Japan)"

mjleague "Major League"

mmatrix "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (US 000412)"

mmatrixj "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412)"

mmaze "Marchen Maze (Japan)"

mmonkey "Minky Monkey"

mnchmobl "Munch Mobile (US)"

mnight "Mutant Night"

mofflott "Maze of Flott (Japan)"

moguchan "Moguchan"

mole "Mole Attack"

momoko "Momoko 120%"

monkeyd "Monkey Donkey"

monsterb "Monster Bash"

montecar "Monte Carlo"

monymony "Money Money"

moo "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (World version EA)"

moonal2 "Moon Alien Part 2"

moonal2b "Moon Alien Part 2 (older version)"

mooncrgx "Moon Cresta (Galaxian hardware)"

mooncrs2 "Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2)"

mooncrsa "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, old rev)"

mooncrsb "Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1)"

mooncrsg "Moon Cresta (Gremlin)"

mooncrst "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)"

moonqsr "Moon Quasar"

moonwar "Moonwar"

moonwara "Moonwar (older)"

moonwlkb "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (bootleg)"

mosaic "Mosaic"

motorace "MotoRace USA"

motos "Motos"

mouja "Mouja (Japan)"

mouser "Mouser"

mouserc "Mouser (Cosmos)"

mpangj "Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011)"

mpatrol "Moon Patrol"

mpatrolw "Moon Patrol (Williams)"

mrdo "Mr. Do!"

mrdofix "Mr. Do! (bugfixed)"

mrdot "Mr. Do! (Taito)"

mrdoy "Mr. Do! (prototype)"

mrdu "Mr. Du!"

mrflea "Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea, The"

mrgoemon "Mr. Goemon (Japan)"

mrheli "Mr. HELI no Dai-Bouken"

mrkougar "Mr. Kougar"

mrkougb "Mr. Kougar (bootleg)"

mrlo "Mr. Lo!"

mrtnt "Mr. TNT"

mrviking "Mister Viking"

mrvikngj "Mister Viking (Japan)"

msgundam "Mobile Suit Gundam"

msh "Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)"

mshu "Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024)"

mshuttle "Moon Shuttle (US?)"

mshuttlj "Moon Shuttle (Japan)"

mshvsf "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (US 970827)"

msisaac "Metal Soldier Isaac II"

mslider "Monster Slider (Japan)"

mslug2 "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II"

mslugx "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001"

mspacmab "Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg)"

mspacman "Ms. Pac-Man"

mspacmat "Ms. Pac Attack"

mspacpls "Ms. Pac-Man Plus"

mstadium "Main Stadium (Japan)"

msword "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)"

mswordj "Magic Sword (Japan 900623)"

mswordr1 "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900623)"

mswordu "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (US 900725)"

mtlchmpj "Martial Champion (Japan ver JAA)"

mtrap "Mouse Trap (version 5)"

mtrap3 "Mouse Trap (version 3)"

mtrap4 "Mouse Trap (version 4)"

mtwins "Mega Twins (World 900619)"

mugsmash "Mug Smashers"

multchmp "Multi Champ (Korea)"

mustache "Mustache Boy"

mustang "US AAF Mustang (Japan)"

mustangb "US AAF Mustang (bootleg)"

mustangs "US AAF Mustang (Seoul Trading)"

mutantf "Mutant Fighter (World Rev 4, EM-5)"

mvsc "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 980123)"

mx5000 "MX5000"

myhero "My Hero (US)"

myherok "My Hero (Korea)"

mysticri "Mystic Riders (World)"

mystston "Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure"

mystwarr "Mystic Warriors (Europe ver EAA)"

nam1975 "NAM-1975"

naname "Naname de Magic! (Japan)"

nastar "Nastar (World)"

nastarw "Nastar Warrior (US)"

natodef "NATO Defense"

natodefa "NATO Defense (alternate mazes)"

naughtya "Naughty Boy (bootleg)"

naughtyb "Naughty Boy"

naughtyc "Naughty Boy (Cinematronics)"

nbbatman "Ninja Baseball Batman (US)"

ncv1 "Namco Classics Collection Vol.1"

ncv1j "Namco Classics Collection Vol.1 (Japan set 1)"

ncv1j2 "Namco Classics Collection Vol.1 (Japan set 2)"

nebulray "Nebulas Ray (World)"

nemesis "Nemesis" **topscore not right**

nemesuk "Nemesis (World?)" **topscore not right**

nemo "Nemo (World 901130)"

nemoj "Nemo (Japan 901120)"

neobattl "SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan)"

netwars "Net Wars"

newfant "New Fantasia"

newpuckx "New Puck-X"

news "News"

newsin7 "New Sinbad 7"

nibbler "Nibbler (set 1)"

nibblera "Nibbler (set 2)"

nightstr "Night Striker (US)"

ninclown "Ninja Clowns (08/27/91)"

ninjak "Ninja Kids, The (World)"

ninjak2a "Ninja-Kid II (set 2)"

ninjak2b "Ninja-Kid II (set 3)"

ninjakd2 "Ninja-Kid II (set 1)"

ninjakun "Ninjakun Majou no Bouken"

ninjaw "Ninja Warriors, The (World)"

ninjemak "Ninja Emaki (US)"

nitd "Nightmare in the Dark"

nitedrvr "Night Driver"

nitrobal "Nitro Ball (US)"

noboranb "Noboranka (Japan)"

nomnlnd "No Man's Land"

nomnlndg "No Man's Land (Gottlieb)"

nost "Nostradamus"

nov2001u "Nova 2001 (US)"

nova2001 "Nova 2001 (Japan)"

nprinces "Ninja Princess (64k Ver. bootleg?)"

nprincsb "Ninja Princess (128k Ver. bootleg?)"

nprincsu "Ninja Princess (64k Ver. not encrypted)"

nrallyx "New Rally X"

nspirit "Ninja Spirit"

nspiritj "Saigo no Nindou (Japan)"

nunchaku "Nunchackun"

nwarr "Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (US 950406)"

nyanpani "Nyan Nyan Panic (Japan)"

nycaptor "N.Y. Captor"

nyny "New York New York"

offtwall "Off the Wall (2/3-player upright)"

ohmygod "Oh My God! (Japan)"

oisipuzl "Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka"

olibochu "Oli-Boo-Chu"

omega "Omega"

omegaf "Omega Fighter"

omegafs "Omega Fighter Special"

omegrace "Omega Race"

onna34ra "Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 2)"

onna34ro "Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 1)"

opwolf "Operation Wolf (US)"

opwolfb "Operation Bear"

orbitron "Orbitron"

ordyne "Ordyne (Japan)"

orlegend "Oriental Legend / Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (ver. 126)"

oscar "Psycho-Nics Oscar (US)"

oscarj "Psycho-Nics Oscar (Japan revision 2)"

othunder "Operation Thunderbolt (World)"

othundu "Operation Thunderbolt (US)"

outfxies "Outfoxies"

outline "Outline"

outrun "Out Run (set 1)"

outruna "Out Run (set 2)"

outrunb "Out Run (set 3)"

outrundx "Out Run (Deluxe?)"

outzone "Out Zone (set 1)"

ozmawars "Ozma Wars (set 1)"

ozon1 "Ozon I"

p47 "P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World)"

p47aces "P-47 Aces"

p47j "P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan)"

pacgal "Pac-Gal"

pacheart "Pac-Man (Hearts)"

pacland "Pac-Land (set 1)"

pacland2 "Pac-Land (set 2)"

pacland3 "Pac-Land (set 3)"

paclandm "Pac-Land (Midway)"

pacman "Pac-Man (Midway)"

pacmanbl "Pac-Man (Galaxian hardware)"

pacmania "Pac-Mania"

pacmod "Pac-Man (Midway, harder)"

pacnchmp "Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp"

pacnpal "Pac & Pal"

pacplus "Pac-Man Plus"

paddlema "Paddle Mania"

paintrlr "Paint Roller"

pairlove "Pairs Love"

palamed "Palamedes (Japan)"

pandoras "Pandora's Palace"

pang "Pang (World)"

pang3 "Pang! 3 (Euro 950511)"

pang3j "Pang! 3 (Japan 950511)"

pangb "Pang (bootleg)"

pangpoms "Pang Poms"

panic "Space Panic (version E)"

panicger "Space Panic (German)"

parodius "Parodius DA! (World)"

pass "Pass"

passshtb "Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg)"

pbactio2 "Pinball Action (set 2)"

pbaction "Pinball Action (set 1)"

pballoon "Pioneer Balloon"

pbancho "Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan)"

pbillian "Prebillian"

pbillrd "Perfect Billiard"

pbobbl2n "Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo)"

pbobbl2u "Bust-A-Move Again (US)"

pbobbl2x "Puzzle Bobble 2X (Japan)"

pbobbl4j "Puzzle Bobble 4 (Japan)"

pbobbl4u "Puzzle Bobble 4 (US)"

pbobble2 "Puzzle Bobble 2 (World)"

pbobble3 "Puzzle Bobble 3 (World)"

pbobble4 "Puzzle Bobble 4 (World)"

pbobblen "Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo) (set 1)"

pc_1942 "PlayChoice-10: 1942"

pc_bball "PlayChoice-10: Baseball"

pcktgal "Pocket Gal (Japan)"

pcktgal2 "Pocket Gal 2 (World?)"

pcktgalb "Pocket Gal (bootleg)"

peekaboo "Peek-a-Boo!"

penbros "Penguin Brothers (Japan)"

pengo "Pengo (set 1 rev c)"

pengo2 "Pengo (set 2)"

pengo2u "Pengo (set 2 not encrypted)"

pepper2 "Pepper II"

percuss "Percussor, The"

perestro "Perestroika Girls"

perfrman "Performan (Japan)"

perfrmau "Performan (US)"

pettanp "Pettan Pyuu (Japan)"

pfghtj "Pocket Fighter (Japan 970904)"

phantasm "Phantasm (Japan)"

phelios "Phelios (Japan)"

phoenix "Phoenix (Amstar)"

phoenix3 "Phoenix (T.P.N.)"

phoenixa "Phoenix (Centuri)"

phoenixc "Phoenix (IRECSA, G.G.I Corp)"

phoenixt "Phoenix (Taito)"

phozon "Phozon (Japan)"

pickin "Pickin'"

pignewt "Pig Newton (version C)"

pignewta "Pig Newton (version A)"

pigskin "Pigskin 621AD"

pinbo "Pinbo"

pinbos "Pinbo (Strike)"

pingpong "Ping Pong"

pipedrm "Pipe Dream (US)"

pipedrmj "Pipe Dream (Japan)"

pipibibs "Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!!"

piranha "Piranha"

piranhah "Piranha (hack)"

pirates "Pirates"

pisces "Pisces"

pistoldm "Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan)"

pitfall2 "Pitfall II"

pitfallu "Pitfall II (not encrypted)"

pitnrun "Pit & Run"

pkunwar "Penguin-Kun Wars (US)"

pkunwarj "Penguin-Kun Wars (Japan)"

platoon "Vs. Platoon"

pleiadbl "Pleiads (bootleg)"

pleiadce "Pleiads (Centuri)"

pleiads "Pleiads (Tehkan)"

plgirls2 "Play Girls 2"

plotting "Plotting (World)"

plumppop "Plump Pop (Japan)"

plusalph "Plus Alpha"

pnickj "Pnickies (Japan 940608)"

poitto "Poitto!"

polaris "Polaris (set 1)"

polarisa "Polaris (set 2)"

polepos "Pole Position"

polepos1 "Pole Position (Atari version 1)"

polepos2 "Pole Position II"

poleposa "Pole Position (Atari version 2)"

poleps2a "Pole Position II (Atari)"

poleps2b "Pole Position II (bootleg)"

pollux "Pollux (set 1)"

pompingw "Pomping World (Japan)"

ponpoko "Ponpoko"

pootan "Pootan"

pooyan "Pooyan"

pooyans "Pooyan (Stern)"

popbounc "Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin"

popeye "Popeye (revision D)"

popeyebl "Popeye (bootleg)"

popeyef "Popeye (revision F)"

popeyeu "Popeye (revision D not protected)"

popflama "Pop Flamer (not protected)"

popflamb "Pop Flamer (hack?)"

popflame "Pop Flamer (protected)"

popnpop "Pop 'N Pop (World)"

popper "Popper"

porky "Porky"

portman "Port Man"

potogold "Pot of Gold"

poundfor "Pound for Pound (World)"

poundfou "Pound for Pound (US)"

pow "P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (US)"

powerins "Power Instinct (USA bootleg) (set 1)"

powj "Datsugoku - Prisoners of War (Japan)"

prehisle "Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World)"

prmrsocr "Premier Soccer (Europe ver. EAB)"

prmtmfgo "Prime Time Fighter (US old version)"

prmtmfgt "Prime Time Fighter (US new version)"

progress "Progress"

propcycl "Prop Cycle (Rev PR2 Ver.A)"

psoldier "Perfect Soldiers (Japan)"

pspikes "Power Spikes (World)"

psurge "Power Surge"

psychic5 "Psychic 5"

psychos "Psycho Soldier (US)"

psychosj "Psycho Soldier (Japan)"

ptblank "Point Blank"

puchicar "Puchi Carat (Japan)"

puckman "PuckMan (Japan set 1)"

puckmana "PuckMan (Japan set 2)"

puckmod "PuckMan (harder?)"

puckpkmn "Puckman Pockimon"

pulirula "PuLiRuLa (World)"

pulsar "Pulsar"

pulstar "Pulstar"

punchout "Punch-Out!!"

punisher "Punisher, The (World 930422)"

punishrj "Punisher, The (Japan 930422)"

punishru "Punisher, The (US 930422)"

punkshot "Punk Shot (US 4 Players)"

punksht2 "Punk Shot (US 2 Players)"

punkshtj "Punk Shot (Japan 2 Players)"

pururun "Pururun"

pushman "Pushman"

puyopuy2 "Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan)"

puyopuya "Puyo Puyo (Japan) (Rev A)"

puyopuyb "Puyo Puyo (English) (bootleg)"

puyopuyo "Puyo Puyo (Japan)"

puzlclub "Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)"

puzloopu "Puzz Loop (USA)"

puzzli "Puzzli"

puzzloop "Puzz Loop (Europe)"

puzznic "Puzznic (Japan)"

pwrgoal "Taito Power Goal (World)"

pwrinst2 "Power Instinct 2 (USA)"

pyros "Pyros (US)"

pzlbowl "Puzzle De Bowling (Japan)"

qad "Quiz & Dragons (US 920701)"

qadj "Quiz & Dragons (Japan 940921)"

qtono2 "Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123)"

quantum "Quantum (rev 2)"

quantum1 "Quantum (rev 1)"

quantump "Quantum (prototype)"

quartet "Quartet"

quartet2 "Quartet 2"

quartetj "Quartet (Japan)"

quarth "Quarth (Japan)"

quester "Quester (Japan)"

r2dtank "R2D Tank"

rabiolep "Rabio Lepus (Japan)"

radarscp "Radar Scope"

radarzn1 "Radar Zone (Rev.1)"

radarznt "Radar Zone (Tuni)"

radarzon "Radar Zone"

radrad "Radical Radial"

raflesia "Rafflesia"

raiden "Raiden"

raidena "Raiden (Alternate Hardware)"

raiders5 "Raiders5"

raidrs5t "Raiders5 (Japan)"

raiga "Raiga - Strato Fighter (Japan)"

raimais "Raimais (Japan)"

rainbow "Rainbow Islands (new version)"

rainbowe "Rainbow Islands (Extra)"

rallybik "Rally Bike / Dash Yarou"

rallyx "Rally X"

rallyxm "Rally X (Midway)"

rambo3 "Rambo III (Europe set 1)"

rambo3a "Rambo III (US)"

rampage "Rampage (revision 3)"

rampage2 "Rampage (revision 2)"

raphero "Rapid Hero (Japan?)"

rastan "Rastan (World)"

rastanu "Rastan (US set 1)"

rastanu2 "Rastan (US set 2)"

rastsag2 "Rastan Saga 2 (Japan)"

rastsaga "Rastan Saga (Japan)"

razmataz "Razzmatazz"

rbtapper "Tapper (Root Beer)"

rckman2j "Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Japan 960708)"

rdaction "Rad Action"

reactor "Reactor"

realbrk "Billiard Academy Real Break (Japan)"

recordbr "Recordbreaker (World)"

redalert "Red Alert"

redbaron "Red Baron"

redclash "Red Clash"

redclask "Red Clash (Kaneko)"

redrobin "Red Robin"

redufo "Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO"

regulus "Regulus (New Ver.)"

reikaids "Reikai Doushi (Japan)"

renegade "Renegade (US)"

repulse "Repulse"

rescue "Rescue"

retofin1 "Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1)"

retofin2 "Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2)"

retofinv "Return of the Invaders"

rezon "Rezon"

ribbit "Ribbit!"

ridefgtj "Riding Fight (Japan)"

ridefgtu "Riding Fight (US)"

ridingf "Riding Fight (World)"

ridleofp "Riddle of Pythagoras (Japan)"

ringkin2 "Ring King (US set 2)"

ringohja "Ring no Ohja (Japan 2 Players ver. N)"

ringrage "Ring Rage (World)"

ringragj "Ring Rage (Japan)"

ringragu "Ring Rage (US)"

riotcity "Riot City"

ripcord "Rip Cord"

ripoff "Rip Off"

rjammer "Roller Jammer"

roadf "Road Fighter (set 1)"

roadf2 "Road Fighter (set 2)"

roadrunn "Road Runner (rev 2)"

robby "Robby Roto"

robocop "Robocop (World revision 4)"

robocop2 "Robocop 2 (World)"

robocopb "Robocop (World bootleg)"

robocopj "Robocop (Japan)"

robocopu "Robocop (US revision 1)"

robocopw "Robocop (World revision 3)"

robocpu0 "Robocop (US revision 0)"

robokid "Atomic Robo-kid"

robotron "Robotron (Solid Blue label)"

robotryo "Robotron (Yellow/Orange label)"

rockclim "Rock Climber"

rockmanj "Rockman - The Power Battle (CPS1 Japan 950922)"

rockrage "Rock 'n Rage (World?)"

rocktrv2 "MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2)"

rocnrope "Roc'n Rope"

rocnropk "Roc'n Rope (Kosuka)"

rodland "Rod-Land (World)"

rodlandj "Rod-Land (Japan)"

rollerg "Rollergames (US)"

rollingc "Rolling Crash / Moon Base"

rompers "Rompers (Japan)"

romperso "Rompers (Japan old version)"

roundup "Round-Up"

route16 "Route 16"

route16b "Route 16 (bootleg)"

rpatrolb "River Patrol (bootleg)"

rpunch "Rabbit Punch (US)"

rranger "Rough Ranger (v2.0)"

rshark "R-Shark"

rthun2 "Rolling Thunder 2"

rthun2j "Rolling Thunder 2 (Japan)"

rthunder "Rolling Thunder (new version)"

rthundro "Rolling Thunder (old version)"

rtype "R-Type (Japan)"

rtype2 "R-Type II"

rtype2j "R-Type II (Japan)"

rtypeleo "R-Type Leo (World rev. C)"

rtypepj "R-Type (Japan prototype)"

rtypeu "R-Type (US)"

rugrats "Rug Rats"

rungun "Run and Gun (World ver. EAA 1993 10.8)"

rushatck "Rush'n Attack (US)"

rushcrsh "Rush & Crash (Japan)"

rygar "Rygar (US set 1)"

rygar2 "Rygar (US set 2)"

rygarj "Argus no Senshi (Japan)"

ryujin "Ryu Jin (Japan)"

ryukendn "Ninja Ryukenden (Japan)"

s1945 "Strikers 1945"

s1945a "Strikers 1945 (Alt)"

s1945ii "Strikers 1945 II"

s1945iii "Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)"

s1945j "Strikers 1945 (Japan)"

s1945jn "Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected)"

sabotenb "Saboten Bombers"

sadari "Sadari"

safarir "Safari Rally (Japan)"

sailormn "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (95/03/22B)"

salamand "Salamander (version D)"

salamanj "Salamander (version J)"

salmndr2 "Salamander 2 (ver JAA)"

samesame "Same! Same! Same!"

samurai "Samurai"

samuraia "Samurai Aces (World)"

sandscrp "Sand Scorpion"

sasuke "Sasuke vs. Commander"

satansat "Satan of Saturn"

saturn "Saturn"

sauro "Sauro"

savgbees "Savage Bees"

sbagman "Super Bagman"

sbagmans "Super Bagman (Stern)"

sbasketb "Super Basketball (version G)"

sbbros "Super Buster Bros. (US)"

sbm "Sonic Blast Man (Japan)"

sboblbob "Super Bobble Bobble"

sbomberb "Space Bomber (ver. B)"

sbowling "Strike Bowling"

sbrkout "Super Breakout"

scfinals "Super Cup Finals (World)"

schaser "Space Chaser"

sci "Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1)"

scion "Scion"

scobra "Super Cobra"

scobras "Super Cobra (Stern)"

scontra "Super Contra"

scontraj "Super Contra (Japan)"

scotrsht "Scooter Shooter"

scramblb "Scramble (Galaxian hardware)"

scramble "Scramble"

scrambls "Scramble (Stern)"

scregg "Scrambled Egg"

scross "Stadium Cross (World)"

sctionza "Section Z (set 2)"

scudhamm "Scud Hammer"

sdgndmps "SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui"

sdi "SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative"

sdtennis "Super Doubles Tennis"

searchar "SAR - Search And Rescue (World)"

searthia "Super Earth Invasion (set 2)"

searthin "Super Earth Invasion (set 1)"

seawolf "Sea Wolf"

seawolf2 "Sea Wolf II" **loading score seems to autostart game**

sectionz "Section Z (set 1)"

seganinj "Sega Ninja"

seganinu "Sega Ninja (not encrypted)"

seicross "Seicross"

selfeena "Sel Feena"

sengekis "Sengeki Striker (Asia)"

senjyo "Senjyo"

sercharu "SAR - Search And Rescue (US)"

sexyparo "Sexy Parodius (ver JAA)"

sf1 "Street Fighter (World)"

sf2 "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (World 910522)"

sf2accp2 "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II)"

sf2ce "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313)"

sf2cej "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Japan 920513)"

sf2ceua "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (US 920313)"

sf2ceub "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (US 920513)"

sf2ceuc "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (US 920803)"

sf2j "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Japan 911210)"

sf2rb "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Rainbow set 1)"

sf2rb2 "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Rainbow set 2)"

sf2red "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Red Wave)"

sf2t "Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US 921209)"

sf2tj "Street Fighter II' Turbo - Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209)"

sf2ud "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910318)"

sf2v004 "Street Fighter II! - Champion Edition (V004)"

sfa "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)"

sfa2 "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306)"

sfa3 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)"

sfa3r1 "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980629)"

sflush "Straight Flush"

sformula "Super Formula (Japan)"

sfposeid "Sea Fighter Poseidon"

sfx "SF-X"

sfz3a "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980701)"

sfz3j "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727)"

sfz3jr1 "Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629)"

sfzj "Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950727)"

sfzjr1 "Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950627)"

sgemf "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (US 970904)"

sgemfa "Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (Asia 970904)"

sgladiat "Gladiator 1984"

sgunner "Steel Gunner"

sgunner2 "Steel Gunner 2 (US)"

sgunnr2j "Steel Gunner 2 (Japan)"

shackled "Shackled (US)"

shadfrce "Shadow Force (US Version 2)"

shadoww "Shadow Warriors (World set 1)"

shadowwa "Shadow Warriors (World set 2)"

shangha2 "Shanghai II (Japan)"

shangha3 "Shanghai III (Japan)"

shanghai "Shanghai (Japan)"

shangkid "Shanghai Kid"

shangonb "Super Hang-On (bootleg)"

shaolins "Shao-Lin's Road"

sharkatt "Shark Attack"

sharrier "Space Harrier"

shdancbl "Shadow Dancer (bootleg)"

shdancer "Shadow Dancer (US)"

shdancrb "Shadow Dancer (Rev.B)"

shdancrj "Shadow Dancer (Japan)"

sheriff "Sheriff"

shienryu "Shienryu"

shinobi "Shinobi (set 1)"

shinobl "Shinobi (bootleg)"

shippumd "Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)"

shisen "Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan)"

shocking "Shocking"

shocktro "Shock Troopers (set 1)"

shootout "Shoot Out (US)"

shtrider "Shot Rider"

sia2650 "Super Invader Attack"

sichuan2 "Sichuan II (hack?) (set 1)"

sichuana "Sichuan II (hack?) (set 2)"

sicv "Space Invaders (CV Version)"

sidearjp "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (Japan)"

sidearmr "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US)"

sidearms "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)"

sidepckt "Side Pocket (World)"

sidepctb "Side Pocket (bootleg)"

sidepctj "Side Pocket (Japan)"

sidetrac "Side Track"

silentd "Silent Dragon (World)"

silkroad "Legend of Silkroad, The"

silkworm "Silk Worm (set 1)"

silkwrm2 "Silk Worm (set 2)"

simps2pj "Simpsons, The (2 Players Japan)"

simpsn2p "Simpsons, The (2 Players)"

simpsons "Simpsons, The (4 Players)"

sindbadm "Sindbad Mystery"

sinvemag "Super Invaders (EMAG)"

sisv "Space Invaders (SV Version)"

sisv2 "Space Invaders (SV Version 2)"

sitv "Space Invaders (TV Version)"

skingam2 "Irem Skins Game, The (US set 2)"

skingame "Irem Skins Game, The (US set 1)"

skullxb2 "Skull & Crossbones (rev 2)"

skullxbo "Skull & Crossbones (rev 5)"

skyadvnt "Sky Adventure (World)"

skyadvnu "Sky Adventure (US)"

skyalert "Sky Alert"

skyarmy "Sky Army"

skybase "Sky Base"

skychut "Sky Chuter"

skydiver "Sky Diver"

skyfox "Sky Fox"

skykid "Sky Kid (New Ver.)"

skykiddo "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 2)"

skykiddx "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)"

skylancr "Sky Lancer"

skyraid "Sky Raider"

skyshark "Sky Shark (US)"

skyskipr "Sky Skipper"

skysmash "Sky Smasher"

skysoldr "Sky Soldiers (US)"

skywolf "Sky Wolf (set 1)"

skywolf2 "Sky Wolf (set 2)"

slammast "Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)"

slammasu "Saturday Night Slam Masters (US 930713)"

slapbtjp "Slap Fight (Japan bootleg)"

slapbtuk "Slap Fight (English bootleg)"

slyspy "Sly Spy (US revision 3)"

smooncrs "Super Moon Cresta"

snapjack "Snap Jack"

sngkace "Sengoku Ace (Japan)"

snowbro2 "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise"

snowbroa "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2)"

snowbrob "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3)"

snowbroj "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan)"

snowbros "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)"

sokonuke "Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan)"

solarfox "Solar Fox"

solarq "Solar Quest"

soldamj "Soldam (Japan)"

soldivid "Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness"

solfight "Solar Fight"

solfigtr "Solitary Fighter (World)"

solomon "Solomon's Key (Japan)"

solvalou "Solvalou (Japan)"

sonicwi2 "Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2"

sonicwi3 "Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3"

sonofphx "Son of Phoenix"

sonson "Son Son"

sos "SOS"

sotsugyo "Sotsugyo Shousho"

soukobdx "Souko Ban Deluxe (Japan)"

spacbatt "Space Battle"

spacbeam "Space Beam"

spacduel "Space Duel"

spaceatt "Space Attack"

spacedx "Space Invaders DX (US) v2.1"

spacefb "Space Firebird (Nintendo)"

spacefbb "Space Firebird (bootleg)"

spacefbg "Space Firebird (Gremlin)"

spacefev "Space Fever (set 1)"

spacefrt "Space Fortress"

spacefva "Space Fever (set 2)"

spacegun "Space Gun (World)"

spaceint "Space Intruder"

spacelnc "Space Launcher"

spaceod "Space Odyssey"

spaceph "Space Phantoms"

spaceplt "Space Pilot"

spaceskr "Space Seeker"

spacetrk "Space Trek (upright)"

spacewr3 "Space War Part 3"

spacezap "Space Zap"

spacfura "Space Fury (revision A)"

spacfury "Space Fury (revision C)"

spang "Super Pang (World)"

spatter "Spatter"

spbactn "Super Pinball Action (US)"

spceking "Space King"

spcenctr "Space Encounters"

spcewarl "Space War (Leijac)"

spcewars "Space War (Sanritsu)"

spcforce "Space Force"

spcfrcii "Special Forces II"

spcinv95 "Space Invaders '95 - Attack Of The Lunar Loonies (World)"

spcinvdj "Space Invaders DX (Japan F3 version)"

spcking2 "Space King 2"

spclaser "Space Laser"

spclforc "Special Forces"

spdcoin "Speed Coin (prototype)"

spdodgeb "Super Dodge Ball (US)"

speakres "Speak & Rescue"

spectar "Spectar (revision 3)"

spectar1 "Spectar (revision 1?)"

speedatk "Speed Attack!"

speedbal "Speed Ball"

speedfrk "Speed Freak"

speedspn "Speed Spin"

spelnkrj "Spelunker (Japan)"

spelunk2 "Spelunker II"

spelunkr "Spelunker"

spf2t "Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (US 960620)"

spf2xj "Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X (Japan 960531)"

spiders "Spiders (set 1)"

spiders2 "Spiders (set 2)"

spidey "Spider-Man: The Videogame (US)"

spideyj "Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan)"

spinlbrj "Spinal Breakers (Japan)"

spinlbrk "Spinal Breakers (World)"

spinlbru "Spinal Breakers (US)"

spinner "Spinner"

splash "Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World)"

splatter "Splatter House (Japan)"

splndrbt "Splendor Blast"

spnchout "Super Punch-Out!!"

spool3 "Super Pool III (World?)"

spool3i "Super Pool III (I-Vics)"

sprcros2 "Super Cross 2 (Japan)"

springer "Springer"

sprint1 "Sprint 1"

sprtmtch "Sports Match"

sptrekct "Space Trek (cocktail)"

spy "S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N)"

spyhnt2a "Spy Hunter 2 (rev 1)"

spyhunt "Spy Hunter"

spyhunt2 "Spy Hunter 2 (rev 2)"

sqixbl "Super Qix (bootleg)"

srdarwin "Super Real Darwin (World)"

srdmissn "S.R.D. Mission"

srumbler "Speed Rumbler, The (set 1)"

srumblr2 "Speed Rumbler, The (set 2)"

ssf2 "Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (World 930911)"

ssf2j "Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (Japan 931005)"

ssf2jr1 "Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (Japan 930911)"

ssf2jr2 "Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (Japan 930910)"

ssf2t "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (World 940223)"

ssf2ta "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (Asia 940223)"

ssf2tu "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (US 940323)"

ssf2xj "Super Street Fighter 2 X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223)"

sshanghb "Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World, bootleg)"

ssi "Super Space Invaders '91 (World)"

ssmissin "S.S. Mission"

ssoldier "Superior Soldiers (US)"

ssozumo "Syusse Oozumou (Japan)"

sspacaho "Space Attack / Head On"

ssrdrabd "Sunset Riders (Asia 2 Players ver. ABD)"

ssrdrebc "Sunset Riders (World 2 Players ver. EBC)"

ssrdrebd "Sunset Riders (World 2 Players ver. EBD)"

ssrdrjbd "Sunset Riders (Japan 2 Players ver. JBD)"

ssrdruac "Sunset Riders (US 4 Players ver. UAC)"

ssrdrubc "Sunset Riders (US 2 Players ver. UBC)"

ssrdruda "Sunset Riders (US 4 Players ver. UDA)"

ssriders "Sunset Riders (World 4 Players ver. EAC)"

sstingry "Super Stingray"

sstrangr "Space Stranger"

sstriker "Sorcer Striker (World)"

sstrngr2 "Space Stranger 2"

stactics "Space Tactics"

stagger1 "Stagger I (Japan)"

starcas "Star Castle (version 3)"

starcas1 "Star Castle (older)"

starcase "Star Castle (Mottoeis)"

starcasp "Star Castle (prototype)"

starfire "Star Fire (set 1)"

starforc "Star Force"

starfore "Star Force (encrypted)"

starjack "Star Jacker (Sega)"

starjacs "Star Jacker (Stern)"

startrek "Star Trek"

starw "Star Wars"

starwar1 "Star Wars (rev 1)"

starwars "Star Wars (rev 2)"

statriv4 "Triv Four"

stdragon "Saint Dragon"

stellcas "Stellar Castle (Elettronolo)"

stfight "Street Fight (Germany)"

stg "Strike Gunner S.T.G"

stinger "Stinger"

stkclmns "Stack Columns (Japan)"

stlforce "Steel Force"

stmblade "Storm Blade (US)"

stoffy "Super Toffy"

strahl "Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1)"

stratgys "Strategy X (Stern)"

stratgyx "Strategy X"

stratof "Raiga - Strato Fighter (US)"

stratvox "Stratovox"

streakng "Streaking"

streets1 "Street Smart (US version 1)"

streetsm "Street Smart (US version 2)"

strfbomb "Strafe Bomb"

strider "Strider (US set 1)" **Missing extra save info**

striderj "Strider Hiryu (Japan set 1)"

stridrja "Strider Hiryu (Japan set 2)"

strnskil "Strength & Skill"

strtheat "Street Heat - Cardinal Amusements"

subroc3d "Subroc-3D"

supbtime "Super Burger Time (World)"

supbtimj "Super Burger Time (Japan)"

superbik "Superbike"

superbon "Super Bond"

superbug "Super Bug"

superchs "Super Chase - Criminal Termination (US)"

superg "Super Galaxians"

superman "Superman"

superpac "Super Pac-Man"

superpcm "Super Pac-Man (Midway)"

supertr2 "Super Triv II"

superx "Super-X (NTC)"

superxm "Super-X (Mitchell)"

suprglob "Super Glob"

suprloco "Super Locomotive"

suprmatk "Super Missile Attack"

suprmous "Super Mouse"

suprmrio "Vs. Super Mario Bros."

surpratk "Surprise Attack (Japan ver. M)"

survarts "Survival Arts (USA)"

sutapper "Tapper (Suntory)"

swarm "Swarm"

swat "SWAT"

swimmer "Swimmer (set 1)"

swimmera "Swimmer (set 2)"

sxevious "Super Xevious"

syvalion "Syvalion (Japan)"

szaxxon "Super Zaxxon"

tacscan "Tac/Scan"

tactcian "Tactician (set 1)"

tagteam "Tag Team Wrestling"

tail2nos "Tail to Nose - Great Championship"

tailg "Tailgunner"

tankbatt "Tank Battalion"

tankbust "Tank Busters"

tantr "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Japan)"

tantrbl "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Japan) (bootleg set 1)"

tantrbl2 "Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) (Japan) (bootleg set 2)"

tapper "Tapper (Budweiser)"

tappera "Tapper (alternate)"

targ "Targ"

tazmani2 "Tazz-Mania (set 2)"

tazmania "Tazz-Mania (set 1)"

tbowl "Tecmo Bowl (World?)"

tbowlj "Tecmo Bowl (Japan)"

tbyahhoo "Twin Bee Yahhoo! (ver JAA)"

tdfever "TouchDown Fever"

tdfeverj "TouchDown Fever (Japan)"

tdragon2 "Thunder Dragon 2"

tdragonb "Thunder Dragon (Bootleg)"

teddybb "TeddyBoy Blues (New Ver.)"

tehkanwc "Tehkan World Cup"

tekipaki "Teki Paki"

tempest "Tempest (rev 3)"

tempest1 "Tempest (rev 1)"

tempest2 "Tempest (rev 2)"

temptube "Tempest Tubes"

tengai "Tengai / Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II"

teplus2j "Tetris Plus 2 (Japan)"

terracra "Terra Cresta (YM2203)"

terracrb "Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2)"

terracre "Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)"

terraf "Terra Force"

terrafu "Terra Force (US)"

tetrisbl "Tetris (Sega bootleg)"

tetrisp "Tetris Plus"

tetrisp2 "Tetris Plus 2 (World?)"

tetrist "Tetris (Japan, B-System)"

tfrceac "ThunderForce AC"

tfrceacb "ThunderForce AC (bootleg)"

tfrceacj "ThunderForce AC (Japan)"

thedeep "Deep, The (Japan)"

theend "End, The"

theends "End, The (Stern)"

thehand "Hand, The"

thepit "Pit, The"

thief "Thief"

thndblst "Thunder Blaster (Japan)"

thnderxj "Thunder Cross (Japan)"

thndrx2 "Thunder Cross II (Japan)"

thndzone "Thunder Zone (World)"

thunderj "ThunderJaws"

thunderl "Thunder & Lightning"

thunderx "Thunder Cross"

thundfox "Thunder Fox (World)"

tigerh "Tiger Heli (US)"

tigerhb1 "Tiger Heli (bootleg set 1)"

tigerhb2 "Tiger Heli (bootleg set 2)"

tigeroad "Tiger Road (US)"

timber "Timber"

timelimt "Time Limit"

timeplt "Time Pilot"

timeplta "Time Pilot (Atari)"

timepltc "Time Pilot (Centuri)"

timesold "Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)"

timetunl "Time Tunnel"

timscanr "Time Scanner"

tinklpit "Tinkle Pit (Japan)"

tinstar "Tin Star, The"

tiptop "Tip Top"

tknight "Tecmo Knight"

tmht "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players)"

tmht2p "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players)"

tmnt "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players)"

tmnt2 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (US 4P UAA)"

tmnt2a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (Asia 4p ADA)"

tmnt2pj "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players)"

tmnt2po "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players)"

tmntj "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players)"

tmntu "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 1)"

tmntua "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, set 2)"

tndrcade "Thundercade / Twin Formation"

tndrcadj "Tokusyu Butai U.A.G. (Japan)"

tnexspce "Next Space, The"

tnk3 "T.N.K. III (US)"

tnk3j "T.A.N.K. (Japan)"

tnzs "NewZealand Story, The (Japan)"

tnzs2 "NewZealand Story 2, The (World)"

tnzsb "NewZealand Story, The (World, bootleg)"

todruaga "Tower of Druaga (New Ver.)"

toffy "Toffy"

toki "Toki (World set 1)"

tokib "Toki (bootleg)"

tokiob "Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg)"

tokisens "Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier"

tokiu "Toki (US)"

tomahaw5 "Tomahawk 777 (Revision 5)"

tomahawk "Tomahawk 777 (Revision 1)"

toobin "Toobin' (rev 3)"

topgunbl "Top Gunner (bootleg)"

topgunr "Top Gunner (US)"

topsecrt "Top Secret (Japan)"

topspedu "Top Speed (US)"

topspeed "Top Speed (World)"

toramich "Tora-he no Michi (Japan)"

toryumon "Toryumon"

toypop "Toypop"

tp84 "Time Pilot '84 (set 1)"

transfrm "Transformer"

travrusa "Traverse USA / Zippy Race"

trckydoc "Tricky Doc"

tricktrp "Trick Trap (World?)"

trigon "Trigon (Japan)"

triothep "Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (Japan)"

triplep "Triple Punch"

troangel "Tropical Angel"

trojan "Trojan (US)"

trojanj "Tatakai no Banka (Japan)"

trojanr "Trojan (Romstar)"

trstar "Top Ranking Stars (World new version)"

trstarj "Top Ranking Stars (Japan new version)"

trstaro "Top Ranking Stars (World old version)"

trstaroj "Top Ranking Stars (Japan old version)"

truxton "Truxton / Tatsujin"

truxton2 "Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan)"

tsamura2 "Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 2)"

tsamurai "Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 1)"

tshingen "Takeda Shingen (Japan, Japanese)"

tshingna "Shingen Samurai-Fighter (Japan, English)"

tturf "Tough Turf (Japan)"

tturfbl "Tough Turf (bootleg)"

tturfu "Tough Turf (US)"

tubeit "Tube-It"

tubep "Tube Panic"

tumblep "Tumble Pop (World)"

tumblep2 "Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2)"

tumblepb "Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1)"

tumblepj "Tumble Pop (Japan)"

tunhunt "Tunnel Hunt"

turbo "Turbo"

turboa "Turbo (encrypted set 1)"

turbob "Turbo (encrypted set 2)"

turbofrc "Turbo Force"

turpin "Turpin"

turtles "Turtles"

turtship "Turtle Ship"

tutankhm "Tutankham"

tutankst "Tutankham (Stern)"

twinbee "TwinBee"

twincobr "Twin Cobra (World)"

twincobu "Twin Cobra (US)"

twineag2 "Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission"

twineagl "Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother"

twinhawk "Twin Hawk (World)"

twinhwku "Twin Hawk (US)"

twinqix "Twin Qix (US Prototype)"

twocrude "Two Crude (US)"

typhoon "Typhoon"

uballoon "Ultra Balloon"

uccops "Undercover Cops (World)"

ultraman "Ultraman (Japan)"

ultrax "Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai"

umanclub "Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!"

undoukai "Undoukai, The (Japan)"

undrfire "Under Fire (World)"

uniwars "UniWar S"

unsquad "U.N. Squadron (US)"

uopoko "Uo Poko (Japan)"

upndown "Up'n Down"

upndownu "Up'n Down (not encrypted)"

valkyrie "Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan)"

valtric "Valtric"

vampj "Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705)"

vampja "Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705 alt)"

vampjr1 "Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940630)"

vandyke "Vandyke (Japan)"

vangrd2 "Vanguard II"

vangrdce "Vanguard (Centuri)"

vanguard "Vanguard (SNK)"

vanvan "Van-Van Car"

vaportra "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)"

vaportru "Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)"

varth "Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (World 920612)"

varthj "Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (Japan 920714)"

varthu "Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (US 920612)"

vasara "Vasara"

vastar "Vastar (set 1)"

vastar2 "Vastar (set 2)"

vendetta "Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T)"

vendettj "Crime Fighters 2 (Japan 2 Players ver. P)"

venture "Venture (version 5 set 1)"

venture2 "Venture (version 5 set 2)"

venture4 "Venture (version 4)"

vfive "V-Five (Japan)"

vhuntj "Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950316)"

vhuntjr1 "Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307)"

victroad "Victory Road"

videopin "Video Pinball"

vigilant "Vigilante (World)"

vimana "Vimana"

viofight "Violence Fight (World)"

viofighu "Violence Fight (US)"

viostorm "Violent Storm (Europe ver EAB)"

volfied "Volfied (World)"

vsav "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)"

vsav2 "Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)"

vsava "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Asia 970519)"

vsavj "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970519)"

vsavu "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (US 970519)"

vspinbal "Vs. Pinball"

vsskykid "Vs. Super SkyKid"

vsyard "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version World, 11/05/84)"

vsyard2 "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version Japan, set 2)"

vulgus "Vulgus (set 1)"

vulgus2 "Vulgus (set 2)"

vulgusj "Vulgus (Japan?)"

wallc "Wall Crash"

wallst "Wall Street"

wanted "Wanted" **not saving whole table**

wardner "Wardner (World)"

wardnerj "Wardner no Mori (Japan)"

warlords "Warlords"

warofbug "War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze"

warpwarp "Warp & Warp"

warriorb "Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan)"

waterski "Water Ski"

wb3 "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 1)"

wb3bl "Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (bootleg)"

wbdeluxe "Wonder Boy Deluxe"

wbeachvl "World Beach Volley"

wbmlb "Wonder Boy in Monster Land"

wboy "Wonder Boy (set 1, new encryption)"

wboy2 "Wonder Boy (set 2)"

wboy2u "Wonder Boy (set 2 not encrypted)"

wboy3 "Wonder Boy (set 3)"

wboyo "Wonder Boy (set 1, old encryption)"

wboyu "Wonder Boy (not encrypted)" ** only 1/2 works**

wc90b "Euro League"

wecleman "WEC Le Mans 24"

welltris "Welltris (Japan, 2 players)"

weststry "West Story"

wexpresb "Western Express (bootleg set 1)"

wexpress "Western Express (World?)"

wgp "World Grand Prix (US)"

wgpjoy "World Grand Prix (joystick version set 1) (Japan)"

wiggie "Wiggie Waggie"

wildfang "Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight"

willow "Willow (US)"

willowj "Willow (Japan, Japanese)"

willowje "Willow (Japan, English)"

wilytowr "Wily Tower"

wiping "Wiping"

wits "Wit's (Japan)"

wiz "Wiz"

wizdfire "Wizard Fire (US v1.1)"

wizt "Wiz (Taito)"

wmatch "Water Match"

wndrmomo "Wonder Momo"

wndrplnt "Wonder Planet (Japan)"

wof "Warriors of Fate (World 921002)"

wofu "Warriors of Fate (US 921031)"

wonder3 "Wonder 3 (Japan 910520)"

worldwar "World Wars (World)"

wotw "War of the Worlds"

wow "Wizard of Wor" **reset screws up 1st score**

wrally2 "World Rally 2: Twin Racing"

wrecking "Vs. Wrecking Crew"

wrestwar "Wrestle War"

wrofaero "War of Aero - Project MEIOU"

wtennis "World Tennis"

wwester1 "Wild Western (set 2)"

wwestern "Wild Western (set 1)"

wwfwfest "WWF WrestleFest (US)"

wwjgtin "Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In!"

xevios "Xevios"

xevious "Xevious (Namco)"

xeviousa "Xevious (Atari set 1)"

xexex "Xexex (World)" **missing 1st digit?**

xmcota "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)"

xmcotaj1 "X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941217)"

xmen "X-Men (US 4 Players)"

xmen2pj "X-Men (Japan 2 Players)"

xmen6p "X-Men (US 6 Players)" **not working**

xmultipl "X Multiply (Japan)"

xmvsf "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910)"

xsleena "Xain'd Sleena"

xxmissio "XX Mission"

xybots "Xybots (rev 2)"

xyonix "Xyonix"

yamagchi "Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun"

yamato "Yamato (US)"

yamato2 "Yamato (World?)"

yamyam "Yam! Yam!?"

yankeedo "Yankee DO!"

yard "10 Yard Fight (Japan)"

yiear "Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 1)"

yiear2 "Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 2)"

yosakdon "Yosaku To Donbei (set 1)"

youjyudn "Youjyuden (Japan)"

youma "Youma Ninpou Chou (Japan)"

zarzon "Zarzon"

zaviga "Zaviga"

zaxxon "Zaxxon (set 1)"

zaxxon2 "Zaxxon (set 2)"

zaxxonb "Jackson"

zedblade "Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok"

zektor "Zektor (revision B)"

zerohour "Zero Hour"

zeropnt "Zero Point (set 1)"

zeropnt2 "Zero Point 2"

zerotime "Zero Time"

zerowing "Zero Wing"

zerozone "Zero Zone"

zingzip "Zing Zing Zip"

zoar "Zoar"

zodiack "Zodiack"

zombraid "Zombie Raid (US)"

zoom909 "Zoom 909"

zunkyou "Zunzunkyou No Yabou (Japan)"

zwackery "Zwackery"

zzyzzyx2 "Zzyzzyxx (set 2)"

zzyzzyxx "Zzyzzyxx (set 1)"

Questions, comments? email([email protected])


Err but Ms Pac man is in the list.. does he have the hiscore.dat in the same folder as the Mame exe? And does a file get generated in the hi folder after running a supported game?

Err but Ms Pac man is in the list.. does he have the hiscore.dat in the same folder as the Mame exe? And does a file get generated in the hi folder after running a supported game?

He stated

"The meseges were omited wich is good but it laoded the Ms. Pacman/gallaga mix game."

Ive seen these arcades and I beleve they are the 20 year anniversay editions.

Which then would be a diffrent romset.

I suggested trying an original. or gallaga by it self.

I too am unsure if he is setup properly.


I downloaded both files as you suggested to patch and remove the disclaimers, and I am having the same problem with keyboard, without the patch the games play fine, I have tested various games and all use the standard mame keys and so on, but after the patch, it seems near impossible to choose a game or enter the config menu from mame, like the keyboard is messed up, sorry its early as spent a lot of time late last night trying to see if it was me! Thanks for any help :blink:

I downloaded both files as you suggested to patch and remove the disclaimers, and I am having the same problem with keyboard, without the patch the games play fine, I have tested various games and all use the standard mame keys and so on, but after the patch, it seems near impossible to choose a game or enter the config menu from mame, like the keyboard is messed up, sorry its early as spent a lot of time late last night trying to see if it was me! Thanks for any help :blink:

The patch only removes warning screens. It does NOT change any input mapping.

My suggestion.

Dl official mame 119 put in in a folder in your c:\ called c:\testmame

Copy 1 rom in the Roms folder. Id try something small like sf2

goto your command prompt and type "cd c:\testmame"

This will bring you to the testmame folder. Then type mame sf2 (or name of rom)

This will launch mame and the called rom. Verify TAB and default controls are intact.

Exit game

Apply the patch. Re run the game.

Verify TAB and default controls are intact.


The patch does actually remap some keys, namely:

KEYCODE_TAB - will bring up the menu but also pause the game.

KEYCODE_1 - UI Select (instead of enter)

The patch does actually remap some keys, namely:

KEYCODE_TAB - will bring up the menu but also pause the game.

KEYCODE_1 - UI Select (instead of enter)

Wow.. I didn't see that anywhere in the code.

I did verify that though.

Im attaching a new default.cfg with ORIGINAL mappings.

Sorry about that guys.. I'll b sure to refrence this in the change log.


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