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Hi All

I've searched the forum and tried a couple of bits of advice but with no luck

1) I've installed the latest K-Lite Codecs

2) I'm trying to create a snap / play video for two video files

3) One has MPEG1 as video / audio codec (using Gspot) and is fine in terms of creating the snap / playing the video

4) The other is MPEG1 Audio but has a video codec of Xvid MPEG4. This one creates no snap and playing the video results in a black screen..

The problematic file is fine when played outside of Gameex but I'm obviously doing something wrong

I seem to be going around in circles and would appreciate any advice.



Hi All

I've searched the forum and tried a couple of bits of advice but with no luck

1) I've installed the latest K-Lite Codecs

2) I'm trying to create a snap / play video for two video files

3) One has MPEG1 as video / audio codec (using Gspot) and is fine in terms of creating the snap / playing the video

4) The other is MPEG1 Audio but has a video codec of Xvid MPEG4. This one creates no snap and playing the video results in a black screen..

The problematic file is fine when played outside of Gameex but I'm obviously doing something wrong

I seem to be going around in circles and would appreciate any advice.



Hi. I would uninstall the K-Lite codecs and install ffdshow http://tomspeirs.com/gameex/Extras.htm as it works best with GameEX.

EDIT: You can select to use mpeg1 & 2 during the install if you need them.



Thanks for that advice Iano

That corrected the problem..

I've got a couple of large video files (around 300MB) and the create snap feature only adds an actual "snap shot" picture rather than a video preview.

Has anyone had this before and can it be solved ?


Thanks for that advice Iano

That corrected the problem..

I've got a couple of large video files (around 300MB) and the create snap feature only adds an actual "snap shot" picture rather than a video preview.

Has anyone had this before and can it be solved ?


I'm almost sure GameEX will not do this. You'll have to use video capturing software like fraps or something.



EDIT: I may of misunderstood your post. Do you want to create video previews of your games or just get GameEX to display your video previews of your games ?


Ok..Thanks for the clarification

I assumed you had to "create snaps" on the video menu to generate the "video previews"..

Having said that I've got a couple of files that don't "play" a preview but purely a static snap picture of the video file..

When you select to play them they play fine but Gameex doesn't seem to play them in "preview mode"

Hope that clarifies what I meant :)


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