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anyone use this?

well i'm running 4 different emulators within gameex, but its a bit confusing setting up my 2 playstation 2 controllers to control every game.. is there a way to make a different profile in joy 2 key ( i know you can make profiles) but can i make a profile for each emulator and somehow have it recognize when the emulator is launched to use those specific button layouts?


You can do it in Joy2Key, but switching between profiles is a challenge. I highly recommend one of 2 other options.

1) You could use XPadder instead. This program does everything Joy2Key does and much more. It is also in active development, so you could ask the author questions or request features if desired. It has a command line interface, and it's EASY to switch profiles in a single command. This is the most robust solution and possibly the easiest.

2) You could use the built-in joystick remapping capability in GameEx. This will allow you to set up different configurations for each emulator and it will do everything for you when running. Since it's built-in, there should be no extra system resources tied up like you might see with XPadder or Joy2Key.

If you are really, really attached to Joy2Key for some reason, there is a thread from a long time back that discusses a way to make Joy2Key work, but it involves changes to the registry for each run. Not really a problem, but definitely not the best solution.


There is a file for each emulator in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS

You need to edit the [JOYMAPPING] section of the file and change the VK codes using the list (VKCodes.htm) as your guide. You can also have a set of keys work for exiting the emulator by editing the [GAMEPADEXIT] section.

The problem with this (unless it's been changed) is that you can only use up to 10 buttons. If you use a GP-Wiz or another gamepad emulator with a LOT of buttons, you are SOL. Also, I don't think this will work in MAME at the moment. MAME has really good mapping built in anyway, so it's not a problem really.


i cant get xpadder to work with my controllers.. windows wont see them in gamepads either, thats why joy2key works for me. so is there a way in joy 2 key to make a saved setting for nes or snes run automatically when the rom is launched from gameex?


If windows doesn't detect the gamepad, how do you get Joy2Key to work?

Yes, you can have settings for different emulators and switch between them, but it's not easy and it's not very elegant. There is no command line interface for Joy2Key and the configuration that will be loaded is stored in the registry. The only way to change configs is to change the value in the registry prior to loading the program. There was a thread a while back that Nologic made a huge contribution to (as I recall) that made switching possible via a batch file of some kind, but I don't know where it is at this point. Best bet is to search for Joy2Key and read through them.

Alternately, you might try setting up the emulators and Joy2Key such that they use the same keys. This is what I did before switching to XPadder. Since most emulators can be tweaked at least a little bit, you should be able to come up with a configuration that works with everything without having to switch Joy2Key configurations.

My best advice is to try to get XPadder working. I would highly recommend contacting the author of XPadder in their forum or psuedo chat page (it's not live...). He might be able to help you get going.

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