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Kinda was thinking last night while playing around with the latest build of GameEX

Has anyone tried to make a theme based onthe following.....

Have GameEX setup with a graphical theme for the menus.... for example a picture of the SNES would take you to the SNES section, a picture of a arcade cabinet would take you to the MAME section, a juke box would take you to the audio section, a film reel would take you to the movies section.

The layout could be either a grid or a list from left to right, up or down or similar

Each picture would be smaller when not highlighted or in focus, and would enlarge when in focus

Then for each subsection you could have multiple views... a grid of screenshots, a grid of boxes, etc or a list again going up and down or left to right.

Each menu could also have the option for a Text based listing.

Yeah this sounds a lot like Media Centers interface or Vista MCE interface, and would prob be too much for older systems.... but it is fun to dream right? :D

I just mention all of this as GameEX seems to be progressing pretty well and it looks like the capabilities would be there..possibly. Don't know about programming or how the themes work or etc but just something I was thinking of and thought I would share.


Yeah, that would be a good idea... Maybe Tom can think about the option to use icons rather than text (or in addition to) in a future version.

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