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I am trying to set up model 2 as a standalone emu within GameEx and having no luck, i have read all the other posts on model 2 and cannot find where i am going wrong

i have no problems using the emu without gameex but each time i try to load a game through the fe i get a cple of screen flashes and then it returns to GameEx. ( which show up in the fe as the roms names and not the game names in the list ???)

Even when i run Model 2 through GameEx in debug mode with show desktop set to yes i get the following command window-

C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA>C:

C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA>CD "C:\emulators\Model2"

ECHO is on.

m2loader.exe -loadrom "C:\emulators\Model2\roms\topskatr.zip"

ECHO is on.


Press any key to continue . . .

then once i push a key it opens up the model2 emulator for a second and then shuts down and returns to gameEx

i have downloaded the m2loader and the latest roms and a new version of model2 0.5a emulator just to be sure and still no luck

if anyone has any ideas where i might be going wrong or can point me to another thread that can help i would appreciate it


Just wondering whats wrong with using the built in Model2 support thats included in GameEx? If I recall it's under Advanced Mame options in the config?


Just wondering whats wrong with using the built in Model2 support thats included in GameEx? If I recall it's under Advanced Mame options in the config?


I am setting up a dedicated driving cabinet and wanted to have the driving games for each emu accessable through a different menu form the fe


ah I see... what command are you telling GameEx to run?

I don't see what the 2 echo commands are trying to do

sending echo on it's own will just return the state of echo which seems errelivant as echo is just for displaying text and your never going to see the text anyway as it will be behind the frontend... that being said echo won't be doing any harm either

If your using 0.5a there is no need to use the m2loader.exe you can launch the games by using the command

emulator.exe topskatr

it will search the rom directories specified in the emulator.ini


ah I see... what command are you telling GameEx to run?

I don't see what the 2 echo commands are trying to do

sending echo on it's own will just return the state of echo which seems errelivant as echo is just for displaying text and your never going to see the text anyway as it will be behind the frontend... that being said echo won't be doing any harm either

If your using 0.5a there is no need to use the m2loader.exe you can launch the games by using the command

emulator.exe topskatr

it will search the rom directories specified in the emulator.ini


my command line in gameex config for Model2 emu as a standalone is

emulator.exe "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"

dont know if this is where the problem starts

if there are any ini's i can post here to help find the problem please let me know and i will post them

thanks for your help so far Stu


So your not using headkaze's m2loader then? when is it telling you this:

ECHO is on.

m2loader.exe -loadrom "C:\emulators\Model2\roms\topskatr.zip"

ECHO is on.

I just gave it a try there I think the command line you need GameEx config is:


but you'll need to check your rompath is right at the top of the EMULATOR.INI in the model 2 folder

it's important that use [ROM] and not [ROMFILE] and not [ROMPATH] for this emu because it won't work if you specify the extension or the path in the command line

Let me know how you get on



hey cda -

Have you worked out a list of games that you will be putting on your cab? I've got a dedicated driver that just needs the games widdled down (which I keep putting off). What wheels do you have (270° or 360°)? If 360°, have you gotten 270° games to work with it?

(I was going to PM, but I thought any potential correspondence might help others doing the same thing.)



You were exactly right i simply changed the command line to


and the problem is solved :)

Now i just have to rewrite my map file to show the game names and not the rom names and i can get back to cabinet construction

and downloading the roms ( which of course i have the licences for ) ;)

Thankyou very much for all of your help with this



Hi bkenobi

Still working on the list at the moment

trying to get all my emus running through gameex and then i'll move on to the games themsleves

At the moment i have 2 driving cabinets i built with linked xbox 360's in them

only problem is my mates wont ever go home they just call in for a quick visit and stay for 6 hrs playing against each other.

And i also have a pair of final lap 3 cabs which i am going to use for the gameEx cabs

As far as the steering wheel i am still debating whether to make them interchangable within the dashboard or whether to build

one cabinet for 360 and one for 270 games

I think there is a way to hack the wheels to have them switchable from 270 to 360 but i cant seem to find any info on it, if i do i will let u know



You were exactly right i simply changed the command line to


and the problem is solved :)

Now i just have to rewrite my map file to show the game names and not the rom names and i can get back to cabinet construction

and downloading the roms ( which of course i have the licences for ) ;)

Thankyou very much for all of your help with this


Your welcome, glad you got it sorted... I'd love to add a wheel to my cabinet I'd need some sort of system though that would allow me to snap it on and off as I wouldn't want it there all the time, don't know if anything thing like this exists though


I think there is a way to hack the wheels to have them switchable from 270 to 360 but i cant seem to find any info on it, if i do i will let u know


I've never heard of this kind of a hack before. I know there is one steering wheel that was a 360 with restricted movement to 270, but that is the exception. All 360's are optical (like an old school mouse) and all 270's (except of the one) use analog via a potentiometer. If you want to have it switchable, you would need some way to switch on and off a restrictor plate and probably a centering spring of some sort. Then you would have to do what I'm trying to do and get 270 games to use the ticks of the 360 work in place of the position of the potentiometer in the 270. Sounds like a tough hack, but give it a go if you got a plan!

My plan was to use the 360's as they are and have them control 270 games since I read a while back that it shouldn't be a problem. Well, the problem is that I can't find the article/thread now and so I don't remember how they said it should be configured in MAME to do it. If you (or anyone else reading this) knows of a thread or a procedure or anything that could help, please let me know. 360 games are my favorite, but I would really like to play 270's as well!

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