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:P I've just grabbed snes GoodMerged rom sets 7zipped/rar and there running fine but my Goodsnes screen shots won't show up in gameEx, I've checked the paths and they are ok, checked the png names and thay match the game file names.

So what I'm I doing wrong ?.

Thanks. :huh:

Edit** Opps Just noticed that my png files have (u) or (j) at the end of them, and your going to tell me I've got remove all of the () to make them show up in gameEx arn't you :angry: is there some filter or batch file I can use to auto do this for me ?

And I got them from the linked screen shots site so why are they still named wrong ?


Hi gargoyle

it's been a while since i had to get screenshots, but the brackets shouldn't matter. Are the images in a zip or rar file? If so you might have to extract them in order for them to show up. (i could be wrong)


Hi Amos, thay are rar's but merged 7z format extracting them would defeat the object of having them merged.

Edit** If I have to rename all the screen shots box art e.c.t I'll prob just look for some shot's with the correct name format to download, perhaps I'll put a request in the future updates for an option to ignore brackets in the shots directory, if some ones not beaten me to it.


The only thing about artwork that's important is that the names match. Artwork needs to be extracted into their own folder. Roms can be 7z'd. For instance; Super Mario Brothers... artwork could be called "Super Mario Brothers.png" and the roms as "Super Mario Brothers.7z". If the rom is like "Super Mario Brothers (J)(!).7z" then the artwork needs to match "Super Mario Brothers (J)(!).png". If you set GameEx to do extra searching for artwork to best match, then it can work out better as far as not needing all the extra () stuff, only it doesn't work all the time. A lot of my stuff at first had the same screenshots for different games because of the best match option. Meaning... Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 2, Super Mario Brothers 3 all seem to have the same artwork because it's ignoring the 2 and 3 at the end. It requires a lot of work, but once you get it all setup correctly, it's a really nice extra to have.

Thanks hansolo77, I knew I'd have to do some more typing/renaming, It worth it though :P

Hi, there is tools out there to do this. I think even HeadKaze wrote one. Someone want to but in here, and let Gargoyle know where there at?

Hi, there is tools out there to do this. I think even HeadKaze wrote one. Someone want to but in here, and let Gargoyle know where there at?

There is something on Config HQ (Adultry's site) written by Nologic: GFX / Art Renamer

Tom, was this what you were thinking of?


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