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Xpadder is an fairly new app for mapping Gamepads to Keyboards...the next revision is slated to have the ability to send key mapping profiles via the Command Line, which will make it an excellent replacement for the aged JoyToKey application.

I personally look forward to the CLI release, as I see it as a boon to help ease new users into the world of emulation...not to mention the butt load of features is brings to the table over prior products.

Anyways swing over to the site and give the current build a try...and if you like it give some encouragement to the developer and let him know you're excited to see future development that would aid in emulation. :)

Hell maybe Tom can find some way of making use of Xpadder with GameEx seamless. :)

Hell maybe Tom can find some way of making use of Xpadder with GameEx seamless. :)

That would be sweet! I like JoyToKey, but it has limitations and is complicated to set up if you can't use a single config for all emus. I will definitely be giving this a try.


@ Nolo:

That would have saved a bit of time in my VPinMAME setup, that's for sure!

And the ZiNc_Wrapper.exe would have certainly been a bit easier to get up and running...

But I'll wait for the next build before I get all crazy on it. It's basically Joy2Key right now.


Yeah it certainly makes things more readable.

Zinc...dear god yeah that would have been a breeze in hind sight with Xpadder...the next build will certainly be focused around using Xpadder. :)


*grabs pillow and blanket and prepares for the dog house*

Well there seems to be a lock in documentation for one...far as I'm aware only one gamepad can be mapped.

Its also not very intuitive to setup.

Macro's can't be setup...or at least I'm not aware that they can.

No turbo-fire

No toggle function

There is a large margin of difference between what GameEx offers in this area compared to Xpadder.

However currently Xpadder is near useless...but hopefully in time it'll get to where its usable with frontends like GameEx.

Really I'd love to see features like whats in Xpadder become native functions of GameEx.

Well maybe check out this small tutorial I put together to help a few guys get Xpadder setup for use with nullDC.


*keeps pillow and blanket close* hehe

Okay continuing with feedback.

GameEx currently doesn't support two or more different gamepad mapping's used at one time...course it doesn't support two or more controllers so not a big whoop. ;)

GameEx currently doesn't support per game, gamepad mappings.


Well JoyToKey is a little better than ControlMK which is barely better than native support thats in GameEx...however I don't think ControlMK is able to load a profile via the CLI so its generally in the same boat as Xpadder...only thing that Xpadder has over the others is its huge feature set. ;)

A quick break down


+ Close Process

+ Close multiple process's

+ Per Emu bind mapping

- Per game bind mapping

- Support for dual analog joysticks

- Documentation

- Multiple gamepad mapping

- Macros

+ Mouse

- Rumble\force feedback

- Triggers

- Toggle fuction

- Turbo fire

- Joystick deadzone adjustment

- Gui


- Close Process

- Close multiple process's

- Per Emu bind mapping

- Per game bind mapping

+ Support for dual analog joysticks

- Documentation

+ Multiple gamepad mapping

- Macros

- Mouse

- Rumble\force feedback

- Triggers

- Toggle fuction

+ Turbo fire

+ Joystick deadzone adjustment

+ Gui


- Close Process

- Close multiple process's

+ Per Emu bind mapping

+ Per game bind mapping (real bitch to do)

- Support for dual analog joysticks

- Documentation

+ Multiple gamepad mapping

- Macros

+ Mouse

- Rumble\force feedback

- Triggers

- Toggle fuction

+ Turbo fire

+ Joystick deadzone adjustment

+ Gui


- Close Process

- Close multiple process's

+ Per Emu bind mapping

+ Per game bind mapping

+ Support for dual analog joysticks

- Documentation

+ Multiple gamepad mapping

+ Macros

+ Mouse

+ Rumble\force feedback

+ Triggers

+ Toggle fuction

+ Turbo fire

+ Joystick deadzone adjustment

+ Gui


This is interesting... xpadder requires no installation. Pinnacle does and it mucks up every once in a while. I'm going to give

this program a try. Is this a program that I could use in the LAUNCH BEFORE area for each emulator and it loads the gamepads for each controller for the emulator?

This is interesting... xpadder requires no installation. Pinnacle does and it mucks up every once in a while. I'm going to give

this program a try. Is this a program that I could use in the LAUNCH BEFORE area for each emulator and it loads the gamepads for each controller for the emulator?

Did you read the thread?

In short...Not now, but yes in an upcoming version.

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