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Recorder not recording table, instead the backglass. Recording wrong screen

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I will set the record time to something lower for troubleshooting purposes. I am currently running the latest ffmpeg, and that eliminated the black screen recordings from a couple days ago. I am also runnin .50 of PBX. I will keep trying things.


Just installed the above recorder. Same exact issue. It recorded 4 tables correctly, but froze at the point it should have moved onto the 5th table.


Where can I see in the task manager, ffmpeg active when its recording. I will watch it and verify thats its closing out like it should.


Could this be a bug as a result of the recent fix you made when PBX would not exit an active table? This fix was made about a week or two ago, and you can find the discussion on that one in a separate thread. With that issue, some tables would exit, and some would not.



Finally, Maybe a nugget of usefulness. I deselected a slew of VPM tables in the manager so that a bunch of EM tables would record. And what do you know, no hangs.


After 12 successful recordings and as soon as it reached the first VPM table, it hangs. I dont think this is a coincidence because I have performed dozens of tests and I have not had a success rate greater than 4 -5 tables before the hangs - possible on all, or maybe only a select number of VPM tables.


I now believe that this issue could possible trace back to the issue with PBX not returning to the browser after exiting certain VPM tables. As a reminder, it was only certain VPM tables that had that issue, not all.


I am going to rerun this exact same test again now and see if I get the same result, then perform an even larger amount of EM recordings to firm-up on this theory.


EDIT: This test was performed with 6.23 which was the rev that addressed the issue of not returning to the PBX browser when exiting a table.



Well shit!!! I ran the exact same test as above, even with the exact same table recordings. It recorded one VPM table, then hung on the very next NON-VPM tablet. This is the crazy randomness I have been screaming about.  BTW, this is still using 6.23.


I am now going to revert back to 6.50 and see if I see similar results.


Also, I found where ffmpeg appears in the task manager when its active. What I am seeing I would "consider" normal behavior. I can see it go active, and the turn off each time. I see no evidence of a hanging issue with ffmpeg, but I am now expert in this area.


Just think out loud. As I have already mentioned, the issue seems to be with the hand-off from ffmpeg back to PBX, or maybe the handoff of VP10 back to PBX. I ASSume there are timers in these areas. Any chance a timer is causing this? Could a timer bee too short? Again, no expert here.



Same exact test, saw 8 successful recordings. I dont fucking know what to make of any of this with all of the randomness. I am done trying shit on my own, but I will try revs you guys post up here and see what happens. Thanks again for addressing it. Hope the feedback I have provided has helped a little.



Okay I will in a bit. I have been playing with PBXR and it has yet to hang like I have been seeing. Of course it threw a wrench at me and I have to jump through a few hoops to get it to do what I want. Not sure if this rules out weird shit with my PC or not as being the cause for the hangs.


I will try in about a half hour.


Okay I installed 6.52. It recorded 15 tables successfully, but hung before proceeding to number 16. Attached is the encoder setting that was in use:



I am 99% confident there is not a hanging issue on PBXR. What now?


Okay. It looks like its working completely as expected. It recorded a hundred tables or so with no hangs. The videos are correctly oriented with no weirdness. I will now put things back to normal for the final recordings which I will do today. So whatever you did in 54, it seemed to work. But dont let Draco close this out yet ;) . I will give an update in the next day or two.


BTW, what was the problem and should I still use the ffmpeg.exe you provided yesterday? Assuming yes.




Okay there is a glitch. I recorded the following:



It looks like ACDC, ALI, and Alien Star might be corrupt. The recordings are solid black. All the others look fine. When I try to view ACDC with WMP, I get this error. Log below. I am now going to try to record onlky those two again now.



Just tried recording those three again. Its a solid black screen when viewed through the PBX browser. These table appear perfectly fine on the TV. Another weird one here I guess. Log for those three recordings below.


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