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[RESOLVED] "NOT FOUND" Folder for Snaps is no longer showing up?

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Sorry for probably easy fix, but my brain is burntout on this one...

Here is the issue...  After running GameEx and then exiting, I could go into the "Snaps" folder or "Box Art" folder and there would be a new Folder there called, "NOT FOUND".  This folder would have listed all the games that GameEX did not find a match for it/them to a Snap (pic of the game).  I know it must be a setting in the config, but either I keep over looking it or my eyes just don't want to see what is plannly infront of me.

Any help on this, it is much appreciated, I'm nearing the end of completion on my cabnet.

Thank You in Advance   ~  Lorecarver  ~

****   UPDATE  ****

Thank you to the Administrator for pointing out I was in the wrong area to post this and notifing me of what was required, much appreciated! Also for moving the post to the correct area, it appears it was moved to "General", again, thank you.

Below I have added the "GameEx.ini" and "log.txt" files for reviewing if anyone can see where the issue is.

Thank you again for all your help!!


GameEx.iniFetching info... log.txtFetching info...


When reporting an issue and to ensure a prompt response, please be aware of the subform you are starting a new thread (you launched this in the PinballX > General subforum),

Also, please attach copies (no copy & paste of text please) of your latest gameex.ini and log.txt files for review.




Just getting around to reviewing your files (thanks for attaching them BTW). 

I am not seeing any errors being reported. Is this a new install? I ask as you indicated that it worked in the past but isn't now.



No, just recently updated to V18.56.  Seemed to be showing the folders for missing Snaps, Box Art, Title art etc before?

I ran the verify and found no errors either, and have looked through the configuration several times the last few days, but not seeing anything...



it should be noted that the folder is deleted on a schedule to allow for a new artwork scan in case new (additional) artwork has become available. its on a schedule not everytime though. or should be.

it could be highlighting another issue that artwork is not downloading. id need to see "all" (artwork download and check the date) logs to look into it further.


Not sure if this is what you need, but I think I attached the right logs? (fingers crossed)

Thank you for looking into this, i do Really Appreciate It!

It looks like GameEx is downloading and comparing some art, what it looks like, is that there are only "5" directories that are not getting the compare.

These being PC1 through to PC8 (What I've noticed is it scans the Snaps/Box/Titles/Manuals directories inside each folder and compares the art there with the "*.bat" file to start a given game.  ie: in PC1 if running game "5_Days_A_Stranger.bat" it looks in the folders Snaps/Box/Titles/Manuals to see if there is a "5_Days_A_Stranger.png" file of the same name, if not, it creates the directory "NOT FOUND" and then creates a file called:  "5_Days_A_Stranger.nofd".

I know I don't need to explain this as you are the Creator, but just incase someone else jumps in and was wondering what the issue was.

log.txtFetching info... LogArtWorkDownload.txtFetching info...


So the not found folder is being deleted every time you start gameex. is that right? im confused, because you just said above it was being created?

Oh wait, i see there is an exception. thats why. ill look into it.


Sorry for the confusion...  No, it is not creating the "NOT FOUND"  in the following Folders (PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8).

It used to create the folders in those folder directories, but not anymore. It used to look like this:

** Note ** just an example






Games Art:




         C:\Roms\PC1\Box\NOT FOUND\5_Days_A_Stranger.nofd


I may have made this all very confusing, and I do appologize.  I'm just trying to figure out how to get that "NOT FOUND" folder back with the listed games that do not have a pic that matches the starting .bat file for the game(s).

Again, I appreciate your time with this! Thank you again.

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