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I have installed and setup GameEx on my Windows 10 PC. I started Stella/Atari 2600 Air Raid game to test the emulator. The screen goes black and back to the desktop and a small box with an error message stating in small letters "skipping" and then below it GameEx. I ran the verify in the Setup Wizard and I only get messages like empty folders on content that I have not downloaded yet like Box art, titles, etc. 

I read in the forum to delete the "dbcache" files and that did not work. I just recently re-installed GameEx to see if that would remove the offending file. That has not worked. So I am looking for some other solutions. I have attached my log and GameEx.ini file for assistance.

If anything else is needed, please let me know.

GameEx.iniFetching info... log.txtFetching info...


Do you get the same "Skipping" error prompt when you attempt to launch the game directly via Stella?



I do not get the skipping error in Stella. After I closed it, I went in to MAME and played a game, exited, and the Gameex skipping error was on the desktop after Gameex closed down on its own. Gameex was still running in one window and the skipping error in another window. When Instant Sheller crashed and I repaired Windows from the blue screen, Gameex was still there but not functional. I reinstalled Gameex and Gameex installed a new folder. There are two Gameex icons listed in the Startup Apps. I disabled them both, but that did not resolve the issue. I enabled the GameEx that seemed functional and I was able to re-map my emulators and MAME. I am still getting this current skipping error. Is it possible that there are remnants of Instant Sheller and the old GameEx folders causing a conflict in the current system? How can I remove or check that they are completely removed?


Very possible that you've created additional conflict by not a.) Installing a newer instance "over the top" of the existing or b.) not performing a backup of your gameex.ini file and performing a proper uninstall of GameEx, restart Windows then reinstall, followed by copying your gameex.ini over the one  created during the fresh installation.

My suggestion would be to follow the actions for item b.). which will hopefully straighten out in registry or other conflicts and result in only one installation of GameEx.

  • Draco1962 changed the title to [RESOLVED] GameEx skipping error
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