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Is There a way to launch rpcs3 lnk files? I created a folder for the games and put in the shortcuts. When I double click they run fine, but when launched by Game Ex I get a error. The commandline I'm trying is first "[rompath]/[romfile]" then I tried ""[rompath]/[romfile]""


Hey, would you m8nd attaching both your gameex.ini and log.txt files? 

Refer to this post for proper command line and ROM filter:

Let us know if that works.


Did you try it with just single quotes "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" or double quotes  ""[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"" as well?

Is the issue occurring for all games? I noted in the log file:

Running: cmd.exe /c  😧 rpcs3.exe "D:\Games\PS3\Rayman® Legends.lnk"

Not sure if the ® may be causing a problem. Is that in all the lnk names?


tried both ways. when rpcs3 creates shortcuts. thats what u get. I can double click outside of Game Ex and the games launch. 


In researching it seems that there are mixed results running via frontends for this. I did come across this, however which may be helpful in converting the games into exe's (which can then have lnk files made and use the "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" command line successfully:

Utility to create direct-launch EXE files for games



That utility did the trick thank you for that!! I deleted my shortcuts made with RPCS3 and replaced them with the ones made by that program.

just make working and ROM directories same as your shortcuts, extension as *.exe commandline a simple "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" don't forget to set map keys as yes and in advanced set to mapping off process close. Now everything runs in Game Ex. Thank you again. Can't wait to add to other setups.

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