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mame marquee problem


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Can you add some screen captures or video? If I understand what you are saying, all BUT the Panasonci 3DO via MAME .254 are showing.

Typically if something is not displaying, it may be an issue of your media names not matching the ROM names for it to display.

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thanks draco1962 I ll try  to explain

in gameex if I use panaosic3d0 (with its own emulator) or amiga Atari megardive master system with their own emulators I have for each game their marquee on second monitor

in mame dosent appear. I ve passed from .219 to 254 rom and chd , updated mameui and tried to use mame 254. originally I have the marquee also when scroll games in gameex but now when I scroll games or launch games on second display I have only my desktop

i ve enabled marquee masher (if I remember correctly the name).

i ve disabled on mame.exe in mame.ini second monitor and marquee view but nothing happen.

who decide the marquee on second monitor? the emulator or the gameex frontend. thanks for your precious help

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5 hours ago, pisuke said:

yes the path is correct

Are you saying that the marquee files for the 3DO are located in the path along with the other MAME marquee files?

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The only thing I can think of may be a cache issue with the GameEx app itself, but that doesn't happen often.

I hope that we get some others to chime in as I don't see why, with your settings, this is not working for a specific system being launched via MAME if the ROM files and marquee files all have matching names and share the same path.

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Then this is likely your problem. The integrated MAME settings cannot look for them in that location. Copy your 3DO marquee image files to D:\MAME\Assets\marquee and see if this remedies the issue. Please report back either way.

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