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Pinball FX now can use DMDExt.
This is great for Real DMD Users and for Monitor users.
Pinball FX can´t reaspect DMD (FX2 and FX3 can reaspect DMD), but DMDExt can reaspect DMD.
One problem, new Zen´s DMD video style, don´t work fine in DMDExt.
My intention is to make a .bat file, which depending on the name of the table (number) overwrites the Sttings.ini of PinballFX.
But I don't know how I should put it in this script example or how the Pinball FX configuration parameters should look like in PinballX.

@Echo off

set strCheck=%1
set strCheck=%strCheck:"=%

if xxxxxxxxxxx goto DMDExtOn (if table name=1, 2, 4, 10, 125...)
if xxxxxxxxxxx goto DMDExtOff (if table name=146, 148...)
Rem nothing found

copy  "C:\PinballX\Scripts\FXDMD\DMDExtOn\Settings.ini"  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini"

copy  "C:\PinballX\Scripts\FXDMD\DMDExtOff\Settings.ini"  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini"



Not following you quit right yet. But as all the fx tables are displayed by dmddevice.dll, cant you set in the dmddevice.ini file a 'per table' setting, 

So for example table [1] has differrent settings ?

Even the alphanumeric can be used and set to freezy's alphanumeric display (so all the differrent display segements with the glowing part)

I think that is much easier than a batch file


I just tested it and my (and @Carny_Priest) suggestions works
For example table "A Samurai’s Vengeance"
if I add the following to my dmddevice.ini :

resize = stretch

The real DMD will be streched


good stuff that ZEn finally worked with freezy together.
it can even do colored roms from serum, vni/pal or just pal files (.pac will be added if Lucky has his plugin to work)

Edit : Setting the stretch to Fill, makes the fonts much better, but misses the top part 


so play around with the settings, to get the best result


It's working fine for you from what I see.
I put an image of how it shows me these new Zen DMD.
They look oblique and a part is missing on the left is shown on the right.
Also, they look black and white.
I am using DMDDevice 2.0
I tried with DMDDevice 2.2.0 Beta but then the image of all DMD looks bad and I had to go back to 2.0



What kind of hardware dmd do you have ?

Strange you have black and white, as mine is full rgb color.

  On 7/6/2023 at 9:00 AM, PcTeknic said:

I tried with DMDDevice 2.2.0 Beta but then the image of all DMD looks bad and I had to go back to 2.0


What's your defenition of bad ? The dmddevice64.dll that was shipped worked fine for me, but freezy fixed some stuff.

I think 2.0 is too old for running fx, you need at least 2.1  (.x)

I tested this version on my pindmdv3 https://ci.appveyor.com/project/freezy/dmd-extensions/builds/47470970/job/vjhhlid9iodmspqy/artifacts.

I createdca globabal environment variable for dmddevice.ini and point this to my vpinmame folder. This will use 1 ini file and if you have a new version of dmddevice64.dll it, zen fx will use that automatically. 

Maybe yours is falling back to the version in vpinmame\dmdext. Thats an pretty old version.



I use one monitor format 4:1 with 16:9 resolution.
This monitor have the size of one RealDMD and uses HD resolution (1280x720) and show all windows desktop on the screen.
There are other old models with size 4:1 and 4:3 resolution (1280x1024) and show olny upper windows desktop os this type.

I set 1280x720 in all games, Visual FX2, FX3, ProPinball... and work perfect.
Pinball Wicked and Pinball FX DMD´s don´t support custom resolutions, only standart sizes, 128x32, 256x64, 512x128, 1024x256 or 1280x320.
For Pinball Wickd i use one Underlay to solve this because i can't use DMDExt.
For Pinball FX i have set to 1280x720 and Pinball FX says no, 1280x720 no, i show at 1280x320, them the DMD in this monitors looks very short.
Luckily we can now use DMDExt in Pinball FX and this solves the problem (when I manage to fix the glitch in the new Zen DMDs, Dotmatrix and Alphanumeric look great).

The exact resolution used for the DMDs is 1240x680 so as not to lose part of the DMD in the rounded corners of the furniture and it moves 20 horizontally and 20 vertically to center it.

I will try that version
Thank you very much



dmdext- works fine.

A lot of thanks, but I have a question.

So far, every time I've updated DMDExt, I've had to download the x86 and x64 version unzip and put them together.

Here only the x64 version appears.

If I now open FlexDMDUI.exe, it shows me an error that I have different versions of DMDDecice.dll and DMDDevice64.dll

Work everything works correct, but that error is displayed


Has anyone been able to use color palettes for Pinball FX's Williams tables?
In C:/Visual Pinball/VPinMAME/altcolor I made a copy of my color palette for Fishtales and renamed it 105, but PinballFX doesn't display it.
Instead of putting that colored palette, I put a generic one of blue tones, but it doesn't show it either.
I think I've seen somewhere that it worked, but trying I don't see that it works.
Anyway, we finally have PinballFX's DMDs working properly, which is enough.

  On 7/6/2023 at 2:40 PM, PcTeknic said:

Has anyone been able to use color palettes for Pinball FX's Williams tables?


Yes, check this and especially the yt video that shows fishtales in color


Only pac files not working (yet). But thats in progress

  On 7/6/2023 at 2:40 PM, PcTeknic said:

I think I've seen somewhere that it worked, but trying I don't see that it works.


Yeah, from day 1 :D

  On 7/6/2023 at 1:59 PM, PcTeknic said:

If I now open FlexDMDUI.exe, it shows me an error that I have different versions of DMDDecice.dll and DMDDevice64.dll


Depends if you still use 32 bit on combination with flexdmd.

Technically if all is 64 bit, you don't need to copy it, but as vp was mostly used as 32 bit, vincent added a check for both dll's. 

  On 7/6/2023 at 1:59 PM, PcTeknic said:

Here only the x64 version appears.


There is a 32bit version of the same dll as well.

EDIT: Wasn't aware that 105 was a Starwars. But adding a  pal file results in not only yellow, but having blue colors as well



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