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It's alive! Works beautifully with LEDWiz modules. I couldn't get the sound mode to work, but I didn't have a lot of time right then- I didn't immediately see a mix adjustment. I have a Soundblaster Awe64. I'll try again a bit later today...

The demo and attract mode work wonderfully.

This is so cool. I can't wait for the PlugIn!


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Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with the audio thing just yet, but it appears it's not working as I expected it to, I'm hoping loadman will make a little video of it in action so I can figure out what is going on.

It's alive! Works beautifully with LEDWiz modules. I couldn't get the sound mode to work, but I didn't have a lot of time right then- I didn't immediately see a mix adjustment. I have a Soundblaster Awe64. I'll try again a bit later today...

The demo and attract mode work wonderfully.

This is so cool. I can't wait for the PlugIn!


Okay, can you please download it again from the first post. I forgot to set the state to all on for the LED's before running the audio demo, so that would explain why it wouldn't work.

You need to make sure your recording mode is set to Stereo Mix. So you need to select the Volume control application (Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Volume Control).



Still didn't go with the music, although it did flash some LEDs when I hit "Start Audio". In the volume controls for recording I do not have a "stereo mix" option. I have these:

What U Here


Line In



I tried each of these, but no luck. I checked, and I have a SoundBlaster Live card in this machine, not the Awe64. This might be a more limited soundcard? Dunno.

Also, I think there is a bug in attract mode that I'm not sure was there before. Sometimes when you start attract mode, it seems to "forget" about certain outputs. Those LEDs never light through the entire sequence. Starting and stopping attract mode will fixes the problem or cause other LEDs to be forgotten. It happens almost every time, so I think this is new (since the last version).

Happy to help in any way possible...




Great Stuff here, I tested all three modes of the ledtest and they work great. I've got my leds on a test board right now, I'm hoping to have my new CP done this weekend. I can't wait to see this in GameEx.



I take that last bit back. The problem with attract mode seems to happen after starting and stopping audio mode. If I start and stop Attract mode a couple of times, the problem goes away... Hmmm... Attract mode by itself seems to work consistently if I don't start/stop audio mode...

Still didn't go with the music, although it did flash some LEDs when I hit "Start Audio". In the volume controls for recording I do not have a "stereo mix" option. I have these:

What U Here


Line In



I tried each of these, but no luck. I checked, and I have a SoundBlaster Live card in this machine, not the Awe64. This might be a more limited soundcard? Dunno.

Also, I think there is a bug in attract mode that I'm not sure was there before. Sometimes when you start attract mode, it seems to "forget" about certain outputs. Those LEDs never light through the entire sequence. Starting and stopping attract mode will fixes the problem or cause other LEDs to be forgotten. It happens almost every time, so I think this is new (since the last version).

Happy to help in any way possible...



Great Stuff here, I tested all three modes of the ledtest and they work great. I've got my leds on a test board right now, I'm hoping to have my new CP done this weekend. I can't wait to see this in GameEx.


Can you download again from the first post. I have changed the audio capture to use DirectSound. Can you see if it's still working for you now.

The audio mode would only flash once when started. the other modes seem to be working good.


Did it work for you before? I'm working on the audio thing still with loadman. I'm hoping to get this thing sorted soon. Thanks for your help.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


I've attached a movie of your LEDWiz Plugin in in atract mode. I think it is very cool I havent been able to get the leds to light up right when I select a game. I'm off for the holidays so I'm going to play with it some more as I have time. (the kids are home too).

Thanks for everything


Hmmm I can't seem to attach a file

Edited by ourgrace

Thanks for the video, it looks good :)

If you can get the audio function to work I would love to check out a video of that. Loadman has sent me a video of it working for him and it looks pretty good. Although the Offspring song wouldn't show it off as well as a song like the Chemical Brothers one Randy had in his audio demo.



the demo attract and audio modes seem to be working good, but I still cant seem to get the buttons for the games to work right.

I'll get the video posted in a few minutes.


My video


when I start the audio mode the area around the ledwiz turns red (see pic)



I just realised you have single LED's not RGB ones. The audio demo doesn't work very well with single LED's. So don't worry about testing that.

As for the games not lighting up, when you select a game from the list what happens? Are you getting data outputting to the Debug Info window?



I hope you can figure this out me and the kids are loving the looks of this cp.

Anyway here are some of the outputs from ledwiz configuration, and which buttons light up.

'88 games --------- SBA:224,24,224,0,2 --------------- P1 B6&8 P2 B6

19XX ---------------- SBA:192,24,192,0,2 --------------- P1 B8

MISSLE COMMAND - SBA:224,24,224,0,2 -------------- P1 B6&8 P2 B6

MORTAL COM 3 ----- SBA:252,24,252,0,2 -------------- P1 B3-6&8 P2 B3-6

Here is a diagram of my LEDWiz hookups


Looks good


Hey loadman welcome to the boards! :D

Hmm, this is wierd, you didn't have any problems with LCDTest lighting up for games did you?

I think I've had two people test that as working.

ourgrace: Can you post your LCD.ini file here please.

Hey loadman welcome to the boards! :D

Hmm, this is wierd, you didn't have any problems with LCDTest lighting up for games did you?

LEDS work fine on both Led-Wiz



I think I've figured it out; the DLL is expecting the bits in opposite order I'm giving them. The documentation dosn't actually say what order they should be, it only gives an example for turning them all on (SBA:255, 255, 255, 255) and all off (SBA:0,0,0,0). From the examples you can't see what order they should be in, but I should have assumed right to left instead of left to right I guess.

So for '88 Games it should be SBA:7,24,7,0,2

This is why I need beta testers :)

ourgrace, can you download and try again, thanks.



The buttons light up right now, and the 1-2 player and the coin lights are fine too. but none of the other controls work (trackball, dial, paddle, ect.).

Thanks again for working on this, it really adds alot to my cab.



Thanks ourgrace, your beta testing is also appreciated!

It's been so long since I've looked at the code (due to lack of testers) that I didn't realise that my controls.ini processing was incomplete. So I've fixed that part of the code and it should light up the correct controls now.

If you can confirm that it's working again please. Were just about ready to turn this into a plugin ;)


Does someone know (I just got my BetaBrite with EZ KeyII) which type of cable is required to try this out? I see what appears to be an RJ11 on the back or 4 pin (for ribbon). I really want to try this out!!

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