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[RESOLVED] Pinballx Video Recording


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I apologize if this has been answered , I searched and couldnt find it. When you use the recording feature in pbx i have mine setup to f9 and it looks like it starts and stops i just cant find the recording location of videos

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Not understand you correctly.

Database manager uses the video record of PinballX.  If you try to capture future pinball, I thought it won't work, because of FFMPEG GDI capture.

From your first post, I assume you mean to capture with nvidia?

Check this :


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14 minutes ago, djshal said:

here is screenshots of what im speaking of, pbx has video recording and dbm has them but only for visual pinball. they are not clickable with fp

dbm settings.PNG

pbx settings.PNG

Yup.The "Bulk video" and "Create video" for FP we made unavailable, because it won't work capturing via PBX
I'm do not have any FP tables, but @scutters is pretty sure it won't work

The F9 in settings, is when you use GPU Driver capture (that is set to no to you) and only works for Nvidia video cards (see my previous post how to setup)
But still I think that the capture of FP will not work.
If it work, let me know

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38 minutes ago, djshal said:

i just thought the settings in pbx would record anything and the database manager would only do visual pinball, am i incorrect?

It can capture almost any system

It uses PinballX to record  to record the videos, but only FP we disabled, because it won't work


Checking this post, it maybe could work with the NVIDIA capture. If that works, we would modify database manager to record Future pinball when "Use gpu driver" is set to yes


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Btw. In the screenshot I see you setup FX3, but Database manager cannot find the steam path.
Is Steam installed correctly or did I made a bug in the program ?
You will miss the auto add of tables in FX3 if it cannot find steam

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Which NVIDIA card do you have ?

The nvidia experience driver should take care of the capture.

I use ut myself and works like a charm.

If you use just the pinballx capture (that uses ffmpeg), it won't capture your playfield in FP and you need to use the media on the ftp server

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