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Thanks GAH1068.  

I found the problem and it is working now but with problem in the last two enter. I have to clck enter and enter to work.



You might have to increase the delay the script waits before it sends the mouse click.      There is also a line in the script where the AHK file moves the mouse pointer over the

startup logo.     If you are off it might not be going to the menu where the two enter keypresses are made.



Look for the following two lines in the AHK script (thy are right next to one another).     If you are not running 4K on your playfield you will definitely need

to change the values in the SetCursorPosition line.      I have attached a easy to use tool that you can run.    Move your mouse pointer and then press spacebar and it will report the X,Y of where your mouse point is at.    Another thing to try is to play with the sleep command (in milliseconds) to give Zaccaria more time to load from steam and get focus.   I have a fairly fast machine so 10 seconds works well for me.   You might want to try bumping that to 13000 or 14000 if you have a slower system.

Sleep, 10000

DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, 1900, int, 1000)  ; The first number is the X-coordinate and the second is the Y (relative to the screen).

Mofiki's Coordinate Finder.zipFetching info...


I changed this line and this first part works very well. When the Table Menu appears, the script stops working and the play key does not happen. I changed the delay to a larger number but it's still not working. Pinball x keys should be different from Zaccaria pinball ?

  On 12/25/2019 at 8:31 PM, halen said:

Thanks GAH1068.  

I found the problem and it is working now but with problem in the last two enter. I have to clck enter and enter to work.



it does select and load the table but you end up on the screen with the preview on the right and you have to press enter once for play and then once more enter to actually play the game. As far as i'm aware and in my case the script never pressed those two enter buttons for me i always do it manually using my launch button.

Key input in pinball x can and will probably defer from zaccaria pinball keys. However in the table menu you can goto options and redefine keys or you can remap your buttons only during zaccaria pinball gameplay using a simple autohotkey script. What i did was make nudge left and nudge right be linked to left and right arrow key inside zaccaria by changing the controls. Then i remapped my left magna and right magna save buttons on the cabinet (default LCTRL / RCTRL) to left and right. I also remapped my launch button key (default ampersand / 1 key) to enter/return key this way i can go left and right (not up / down) using nudge buttons and just press launch button twice on table menu to start the game it also allows me after a game to choose continue / restart to start a new game using only cabinet buttons.

Here is a simple example on such autohotkey script. I use them for a lot a of systems with different key assignments depending on the system (except for visual pinball).


put that in notepad and name your file zaccaria_remap.ahk (not zacarria_remap.ahK.txt) then you can right click and choose compile on the script which will produce an zaccaria_remap.exe (compiled script) also change key bindings to what your cabinet is actually using for buttons or leave things out if you don't need them remaps.

more info here: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Remap.htm but basically it's buttontochange::tonewkey and check here for the key list https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm

The create 2 .BAT files also in notepad name them zaccaria_launch_before.bat and in that file put in 

start Zaccaria_remap.exe

it will start your compiled script.

Next create the second batch file name them zaccaria_launch_after.bat and in that file put in

taskkill /IM Zaccaria_remap.exe

it will close the zaccaria_remap compiled script gracefully if it does not close add /F at the end.

In pinball x settings for your zaccaria pinball setup add the launch before and launch afterscripts .bat files tell it to not display the window and wait for exit to true.

thats what i do for zacarria but you can probablly do the same by just remapping keyboard in zaccaria to some of your cabinet buttons. The reason i use remaps is because i have both a plunger and a launch / start button. My plunger when pressed in also acts as a button and by default it uses return / enter already but it's easier to press a start / launch button so i added an extra key that will send return key

i added some example bat and ahk remap script here but you'll have to adopt for your cabinet 

zacaria launch example files.zipFetching info...

edit: if you really want the launcher script to press those last 2 return buttons automatically for you, you need to introduce a new sleep value long enough to load the table and be on the table menu then just send 2 return keys (keyup / keydown) with small sleep value in between them. It's easy to modify the script todo that but then you will never be able to change the table options (like classic mode etc) the game remembers last chosen option but if you want to change it you still can now which won't be possible if you let it press those last 2 returns after loading the table


Ahh Joyrider is correct.   I intentionally did not have the table start so people could enable multiple players/modes.    I thought you meant the table was not getting selected and loaded.


  • 2 weeks later...

Been following this thread for a bit and had no issues with this setup because of you guys...thanks so much! 

Question/curious...the "Extra" category that has Story, Campaign, and Zombie Invasion tables i wouldn't mind having in my Pinballx menu. I dont know how you guys find the table names as they are encrypted/scrambled in Steam unlike FX3 tables. Would we be able to add the Extra category (like Deluxe recently) and find out table names? And hell while we are at it Wheels would be nice! 

Just thinking as those 3 might not be for everyone but I am the OCD gotta have it guy...

Thanks again everyone!


I will take a look.   I haven't tried out the extra tables yet but I believe they should work if I update the script to support it.      Let me take a look over the weekend and get the

table names and give it a whirl.





  • Like 1

No luck so far on the Extra tables.   I was able to see the table name is zombie001 and added that new category to script.   The launcher does select the Extra table

category but for some reason the actual table selection doesn't get focus so it doesn't launch.      I will still tinker and see if I can do anything but was fighting sick all weekend

so really didn't spend any great deal of time on it.


  • 1 month later...
New Deluxe table released.     Here is the name to use for your Game Manager.    They also have the scoreboard on the DMD now so
you can turn off the UI again.   Nice looking table!

<game name="spookydeluxe">
		<description>Spooky Deluxe</description>
		<manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer>

nice thanks for the heads up.

I think they also said they would fix the backglass images being cropped in certain display modes (like 4:3). But unfortunatly i have to recreate my script to take screenshots. I had lost it all with a harddisk crash :( 


Sorry meant scoring on on backglass.   Confirmed they moved for all deluxe tables.   Kudos to zacarria for listening to our requests. 


@GAH1068 do deluxe tables display you the backglass like this as well with you ? could you take a screenshot of yours ?

Like do the images fit that frame with you on the background or is it displayed the same as with me (i'm using 4:3)

Edit: It's probably a bug if you disable cabinet mode while being ingame it displays correctly, if you enable cabinet mode again it displays like in picture above



Guys, i cleaned up my database ..

  • verified all years for real zaccaria tables against IPDB only one had a wrong year being locomotion if i remember correctly
  • All Descriptions use Name [remake / retro / deluxe] ([Manufacturor] [year]) just like with visual pinball tables (pinballx does not show the data between brackets)
  • All real zaccaria tables have as manufacturor Zaccaria, all deluxe, remake and retro tables have as manufacturor Magic Pixel, the maker of the game
  • I verified some but not all retro table release dates by looking at the historical news of the game on steam
  • i don't know why but the awards table in my database all had the year 2012, i think i remember seeing something these award tables come from one of their previous games but i could not find release info about it so i left them at 2012 if someone has more info about them please let me know
  • verified all remake years by looking at the gamename / internal used name (they contain years)

Zaccaria Pinball.xml

here are the 2 company logo's i use for these (pinballx rescales them)



i also created topper video's using mike da spikes tool and i first spent hours recreating logo only versions of the wheels to be used with mikes tool. I used for retro / remake / original table the same logo for deluxe i used the deluxe ones but these might be less visible as they are bigger in height / width. These are available on ftp But here are a few previews. If you want to play these while playing you need to use ffplay.exe in a launch before script because the game does something at startup with displays that prevents pinball x from futher displaying them. I explained it in the malzbies pinball topic in the user projects section 


Nautilus remake

Black belt remake using Magic pixel logo

Black belt original table from zaccaria company

  • Thanks 1

i just noticed the game displays the years inside the menu previews for the award (and other) tables. So i changed all the 2012 values for the award tables to the year mentioned in the menu's. also recreated and reuploaded the topper video's so they also have the year update for the award tables. 

Here's the modified database with those 2012 entries changed to whats displayed inside the game Zaccaria Pinball.xml

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok i spent the afternoon modifying the logo only versions of the wheels to add the year or retro label. Availble on ftp here "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Wheel Images logo" also redid all the topper video's, logo's are much more readable now, created using a test version from @Mike_da_Spike tool which has options now to not first downscale the logos. I'm sure he'll release it soon for everyone. " /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Zaccaria Pinball/Topper Videos"

Here are some examples of the new logo's and topper video's

Logo wheels:





topper video's including labels.


  On 3/29/2020 at 4:15 PM, joyrider3774 said:




I updated Zaccaria Pinball and i have problems with launch zaccaria. I update with your new xml and i have the message Invalid table type. Well i edit the script. Remove the lines (table type) and  the script works without error message but only  SS tables works because i remove the lines. I think the lauch zaccaria has problem to recognize the table types. I try to use only one table in xml file but it is not working (message invalid table type), What is wrong? 


It would help if you said which table or which table type. The script is still working fine for me. Maybe you are having problems with the dx tables. And if you updated the script which you need todo for dx table support you must provide correct path to xml again. 

  On 3/31/2020 at 10:49 AM, halen said:

I dont know wich table type is wrong. My script has all table type.  Is it possible to post your files (xml and ahk) to download?


i'm using the script from 1st post and i uploaded my xml a few posts ago.
you know which table you select in pinballx right then you can post the tablename here (including retro / remake / deluxe flag).
you also did not say if you modified the script again to link to your xml file as explained in the 1st post. Also don't forget to right click and compile the script.

I have no problems whatsoever with the script



I dont know why but Zaccaria works with pinball x now, but i have a new problem. When i exit of Zaccaria to Pinball X i have a black screen. I change the keys but the problem persist. 

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