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PinballX Topper Videos not playing after activating visual pinball


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Hi All, I know this has been asked before some time back, I was wondering if anyone having the problem found the answer. With the new interactive video software being rolled out soon for vpx I am eager to get it fixed.

Topper and DMD videos play during Pinballx but turn into a black slot when starting visual pinball, topper pictures do remain however.

I use Windows 7 and the hide topper is unticked in Game manager. Any ideas would be grateley appreciated.


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Hi Draco and Ralack, thank you for replying so quick,i have been out at rugby and just got back. rablack thanks i tryed your suggestion but no luck unfortunatley. Draco i attach the pinball x ini.

thank you very much for looking at them for me  much appreciated. by the way i only have the hide topper unticked for hook at the moment as this is the one i am using to test.





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Hi Rablack, yes i unticked it in the game manager too, and i do not have a still file in the folder with it. I have seen an earlier post on this and another guy seemed to have the same prob but it was not possible to solve. It would have been a nice to have, the good news is that I have heard that the interactive vids through pinup player work straight from vpx and do not through the pinballx topper option so not too worried now  but thanks again for trying. Regards

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The VPX feature your speaking too uses triggers in the script to trigger videos via a playlist during gameplay.  Different issue than what your facing.  Your trying to keep the PBX dmd and topper video playing/looping during the actual gameplay, which is possible, as I am doing this now on my cab.

If it's blacking out, something is hiding the video.  This a PBX feature not a VPX feature as the video toppers and dmd videos have nothing to do with the game.

It looks like your only trying one game, try other games with the same video and see if you get the same results.

Here's my settings that work, i am using a real dmd and 3 monitor for topper.

If your using the B2S as your backglass in PBX try disabling that as well, I've noticed the backglass and videos show up at the same time when the table boots.  You might have a conflict.




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Hi Rablack, I checked and am not using b2s backglass in pinballx, just backglass images from front end media. I don't think something is hiding the video as it does not hide still images when they are used as toppers. Also the exact size topper screen (as specified in my settings) is still shown on the screen using video toppers but it is strangely just a black box, it must be a conflict somewhere in windows or in my graphics driver. I should have also mentioned that i remember now that I had the same issue when trying to play animated backglass videos for fx2, the same black screen for video but fine for a still image. I am not too concerned as the video toppers do at least play during pinballx front end and as they are not interactive they are not so important to me during the game, I now understand that the pinup feature soon to be added to vpx for interactive videos, will require  that topper videos are not used from pinballx,  but will work well with topper images from pinballx  used and placed below the pinup interactive video clips. Looks like I will be fine for them to work :D, so I am happy with the situation. However thanks once again for all your effort in trying to help, it has been much appreciated. Happy Pinballin.

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Hi I used pin2dmd on a lcd 3rd monitor. I use the topper vids as i have two viewing areas on my 3rd screen 1 for dmd and one for interactive video clips in future pinball and soon for vpx. At the moment in vpx i use the topper images to occupy the screen during the game due to the looping vids going blank. I removed the still images to try the vids but same old black screen, never mind as new interactive vids will be available  in vpx so not a worry.

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What folder are you placing the videos in?

Your videos are probably in the wrong folder, try putting them in the DMD videos folder and not the Topper videos folder, make sure your video matches the game name.

disable the topper in the PBX setting manager

check hide topper and uncheck hide dmd in the game manager.

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