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[RESOLVED] Buttons wont save on cab when launching pinball x


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Please help as this is doing my head in.  I have vp9 and vpx set up on pinballx.  Now vp9 works as it should but vpx will not save its settings when i launch pinballx.  It works standalone but as soon as I run it though pinball x it just doesn't work.  The flippers stay the same but the credit and start buttons change every time.  They are not mapped in pinballx except to launch is used as credit also..This is set up the same as vp9 with no issues..

Any help would be appreciated..

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Thanks I will do tomorrow..One  thing I did notice is that when I open my controller I hardware which is the pinscaoe controller.  When I press a button on my cab it shows me the number of that button..these are correct in visual pinball but when I press them in pinballx the button numbers are not the same as the ones that light up when pressed In controller settings..

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This is driving me mad... Changed the Buttons and keys to match vp9 and u checked the default and as soon as I launch pinballx it just overwrites my config again.  The key I mapped to insert coin starts the table and the insert coin is mapped to nothing..Vp9 works a treat with no problems..Worth noting that Vpx is set in other systems to launch If that shines a light for anyone..

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You are a star mate.  Never looked at that becaus it wasnt an option in other systems setup where i have set up my vpx launcher.  Changed it in visual pinball set up and now it saves all keys.  Strange.  One more question while you know whats what.  Im trying to determine the dmd position so i can edit dmd settings in pinballx.  Tried using set dmd but it only sizes my vp9 dmd and way oversizes my vpx dmd so have set them with stretch.  Is there any way to find the position x and y and size..

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as far as I know the DMD settings in pinballX are for when you are browsing tables so there's a either a video
 or still picture on your DMD, that has nothing to do with the DMD size settings..
If you run visual pinball vpx outside of pinballx what does the DMD do?
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It plays in the bottom half of my screen on screen 3.  I was assuming it needed to know where the dmd was to record the dmd for browsing tables..PBX recorder records backglass and play field but wont record dmd..I assumed it had to have dmd position for recording 

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This is what i did  - I do not use setdmd

After I did this I deleted all the ROM entries and when you start a new game it just makes
a new ROM entrie with all the correct settings

1) Setup the DMD for one VP table manually the way you want it.  
2) Open the registry and locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default   and delete that entry
2) In the registry, now locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\<rom filename> for the table you manually setup and rename it to Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default
All new tables will automatically pick up the Default settings



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dig through the forums, I know i found a thread a while back where some folks made these dmd recordings already.  Some might be on the game-ex ftp.  Your a supporting member, look in the ftp first before re-creating the wheel.

43 minutes ago, Outhere said:

This is what i did  - I do not use setdmd

After I did this I deleted all the ROM entries and when you start a new game it just makes
a new ROM entrie with all the correct settings

1) Setup the DMD for one VP table manually the way you want it.  
2) Open the registry and locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default   and delete that entry
2) In the registry, now locate Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\<rom filename> for the table you manually setup and rename it to Computer\HK_LOCALUSER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\default
All new tables will automatically pick up the Default settings



thats a pretty nifty trick right there.

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Yeah it's in the place I want it on my third monitor at the bottom with my topper above it..It just won't record through PBX it's not saved in the dmd video folder tables and backglass are..Also PBX recorder says it can't load Vpx tables but does record backglass and table also

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