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Testing here this morning indicates that the above exe should do what you want,but you do have to run Mame in windowed mode. You can set that option in the mame.ini.

video d3d
numscreens 1
window 1
maximize 1

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Ooo .. thanks! Can't wait to try! Looks like I'll be leavung work early today!!!

Here's one of the pics that really got me going on this. I know this is a more slick look but the automation of using mm seems better to me... and I don't need 2 marquees!

Thanks, Tempest!



It certainly could be pilot error but I can't make it happen... mame is running windowed. But in gameex its still full screen. Does it matter that I'm using mameui32 instead of regular mame?

  • 10 months later...
  On 11/30/2010 at 10:36 PM, nexus6 said:

I've made my first test with MM, but no marquee is shown sad.gif

Heres my MM.ini

[General]Version=2.0UseTabs=0GameExDir=D:\Eigene Dateien\emulation\GameExGamelist=D:\Eigene Dateien\emulation\GameEx\DATA\gamelist.txt[MAME Games]Template=marqueetestImage2=D:\Eigene Dateien\emulation\arcade\mame\marqueesFileFolder2=2Backup2=D:\Eigene Dateien\emulation\arcade\mame\marquees\airbustr.png
Heres the MM-part of my my GameEx.ini

ShellBeforeLaunch=""D:\Eigene Dateien\emulation\arcade\Marquee Magician v2.0\Launch MM v2.0.exe" "marqueetest" "[rom]""
And heres my Template


Ok about 80% confused I have made a template which I think is right see attached "mame all" file. I have been trying to follow what this member has done in this post

lost not sure exactly what these files mean where to put them or how to link them to GameEx . :unsure: i understand what most of it menas just dont know how to change it to suit my setup. I want the marquee to display a static image along with hiscore and system info to match the rom being played. Not using any shell atm just want to understand enough to set it up myself and be able to change it if I want help for a newbie will be much appreciated thanks in advance,

MAME all.zip


ok now I get it mostly but dont know how to edit my GameEx.ini file what exactly do I put and where in the GameEx.ini stuck on step 8 from op do I put


C:\GaemeEx\Marquee Magician\Launch MM v2.0.exe "mame" "[Rom]"

into the GameEx.ini file? were in the file does it have to go?

("mame" is the name of my template and the rest is the path to "launch marquee mm")


Not sure where in ini, but if you go into the gameex setup wizard under mame settings, down the list look for advanced settings and place that command line in the run on launch.

Don't forget to put a command in the run on exit also. ""C:\GameEx\Marquee Magician\Launch MM v2.0.exe "mame" "KILL""

Unless you want it to show a title or picture upon exiting mame at that point.


Ok I kind of have it working in hyperspin I get my template to load but hitotext is not displaying also the main image does not change to match the game being played just stays on my backup image also the system monitor widget is a little off see my attached pic some of the test is cut and or overlapping off makes no difference re sizing the window stays the same I realise this is gameex forum but you seem more active over here tempest



Maybe PM him over there... We generally don't offer Hyperspin support at the GameEx forum. It's kind of like going to McDonald's and asking questions about Burger King. :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys

just signed in, im having an issue with MM (or maybe ifranview?) that is driving me crazy since more than 1 week (i can spend only few time on my cab).

Basically everything works fine, i can create a layout on my second screen with no problem but when I manually adjust the window(s) size and position (and then save configuration and system), everytime i re-open MM the layout wont have my setup, but windows will have different size and position....

i tried many IV option like fit to xx, fit only big image, remeber winows position ecc....no way, i really dont know what could it be.....

please help :wub:




emu resolution is the same of the 1st screen (32inch - 1280x768), while the second one has a slightly different res 1280x960.

The issue appears even if do not run the emulator but just save a template and then re-open it with MM.

Tried also to match the res. btw the 2 screens but i had the same result....

Only when i set up one fullscreen window i have no problem

  On 3/26/2014 at 11:45 AM, bluc said:

Then can't help sorry no idea why else it would be doing that

I am sure the author of the plugin will chime in when he has availability. He can answer for himself as to whether or not it is something than can be fixed. B)



finally i managed to get it working properly, i just had to move the second screen to the left side of the first one (i had it on the top) from video settings!! :rolleyes:

i have some minor issues that i will post soon but for now im satisfied.

thanks for supporting :wub:

  • 9 months later...

Ok, Where to start lol. I have read all the posts I could find on MM issues and still can't figure this out..... I have a 3 screen cab with GameEx.

I setup MM and cannot get it to display Dynamic Images. I have no problem with static images though.

I have followed tips through this thread, and others for other sources, but still no go.

I also created a test.bat to run outside of GameEx but get the same error.... Can't read Header.. File damaged or not found.

I can load the test image within Irfanview, but get error when loading through MM.

I included all files that i figured might help below. I would be really grateful if anyone can steer me in the right direction.








Thanks for the quick reply Tempest,

I like where you where going with that. I tried without the space ... same error.

I then went a step further and copied the 1942.png to F:/ (after changing the path in MM.ini) and ran the test.bat ... same error.


Hi Tempest, I tried, and no dice. From the different things I've tried, it seems that MM is sending something to Irfanview that it simply doesn't like. Is it possible that I am missing a process file or service. (like NetFramework 4 type of thing)? I am not even sure what to look for if that were the case......

I am running Win7 64 pro all updates installed if that helps......

  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, tried to set MM up today and also had problems with the dynamic images.

I only want to show Mame marquees on my second screen.

Problem: MM always shows the static fallback image, no dynamic folder images.

I set different Mame marquee images as fallback to test the files, and they show up without problems.

I tested with GameEx, then with a .bat script and with a shortcut, always the same issue.

I can verify that MM is recognizing my theme, the positioning of the image is also correct on my second display. But somehow no dynamic image shows up.

Also no spaces in any path or filenames.

My .ini:

Backup1=D:\ARCADE\MAME\marquees\3stooges.png <--- Shows up always

My command lines I tested:

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" "[rom]"

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" "3countb"

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" 3countb

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" "3countb.zip"

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" 3countb.zip

D:\ARCADE\MarqueeMagician\LaunchMM.exe "Mame" "D:\ARCADE\MAME\roms\3countb.zip"

Test-System is Windows 8.1 64 bit.

Any Idea, why no dynamic images reach the i_view32.exe?

Thx and greetings,



Hmmm... just wondering have you guys tried CPWizard? You should be able to do all the customisation/dynamic images you need through that. Particularly if it's mainly for Mame. Forgive me if this is discussed earlier in thread.

  • 2 weeks later...

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