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Win 7 UAC login icon appearing in dmd area


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Noob to virtual pinball here although not new to emulation. Been a member of GameEx for about ten years or so. I'm setting things up and everything is working really well. I am however experiencing a weird issue with this user account icon that keeps showing up on my third monitor in the dmd area I set up in Pinballx. The icon does not show up when I'm testing VPx apart from pinballx. It only appears when I've launched a table from Pinballx.

I'm running a third monitor on a 7 inch lcd via a usb adapter. In the process of building a mini. My graphics adapter (onboard) only supports two screens thus the usb adapter. I know most are using a better graphics card with their setups but I was curious before I drop (another) couple hundred dollars on a different GPU if this is something anyone else has seen before and if there is an easy fix to get rid of it. I think it has something to do with running the programs in admin mode but figured I would ask first before I go on a wild goose chase trying to figure it out. The icon appears shortly after starting a table in PinballX and doesn't go away until after I've exited PinballX and started any other unrelated program. Below are a couple images. Keep in mind, I've only just begun setting things up.





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Do you have PinballX installed in the root of c: (i.e. c:\pinballx)? Is pinballx.exe set to Run as administrator?

Check these out and, if making these changes does not help, reply with copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt files for review (Do not copy and paste!). Thanks.

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Thanks for the help you guys. I had gone thru setting everything to run in admin mode when I first installed everything but for some reason I neglected to set PinballX also. After setting it as admin, its running great now and no login icon.

@captaincroutons, I got the 7" on Amazon for $58. https://www.amazon.com/Lancevon-Computer-Monitor-display-raspberry/dp/B06XQJVXHL Its nothing special but it does the job.

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OK, maybe I spoke too soon. Still seeing that Icon. I do have PinballX in the root of C and it is set to run as admin. Attached are the files you mentioned. Not really sure what else to look at. It only shows up after running PinballX. It doesn't appear when I run a VPx table standalone. Weird.



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Upon looking at the images again, what you are seeing is a user account image, not a UAC icon which is a shield. uac-icon-200x200.png Not entirely sure how that is happening. I did notice in your log.txt file "Created DirectX Topper Window" line and confirmed that you have Topper set to Enabled=True in your pinballx.ini with the same monitor assignment as your DMD (monitor 2).

Can you load the Setup Wizard Display Settings and set Topper to disabled or, alternatively, load the pinballx.ini file, search for Topper, and set Enabled=False, save the file and restart to see if this eliminates the icon.


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Yeah this really has me scratching my head over here. I disabled the topper like you said but the icon still pops up. It seems to appear when I launch a Visual Pinball X table. I don't get it when I launch a Future Pinball table. It also only happens when they are launched from PinballX. Below is a video I just shot showing when the icon appears. Try to ignore the weird noises in the background, just my son being a teenager, LOL.


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One more point. If I load a VP table, the icon appears. If I exit that table then open a FP table the icon disappears. If I then go back into the menu and select a VP table again, the icon does not appear. So it seems like the issue only happens on the first VP table I load when I open PinballX. This is clearly not a deal breaker, just kind of strange that it happens at all. I'd like to figure it out but I guess I'll be able to live with it if not. Thanks for any continued help.

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