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3 screen setup: PBX very strange behaviour


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--- UPDATE ---

problem solved.....  but so far my conclusion goes that PBX (in my case) has a different monitor numbering then Windows has.

When doing it right : telling PBX what monitor is what according to the Windows monitor assignment it does not work.

By try/error I could find the monitor numbers PBX is working perfectly although there is no relation with the monitor numbering in W7 (and yes,  from left to right playfield, BG, topper)

See this config but although strange, it's the only way to get everything working:  as you can see: playfield Win7 says #2 but PBX need 1, BG: Win says 3 but PBX need 2  and Topper: Win says 1, PBX needs 3   (PF is vertically here because when I work on it I rotate it :  PBX has a command line to rotate it back)






I'm having a very strange problem with PinballX (latest, 2.36) and 3 monitor setup (PF, BG and Topper)

First: 2 screen setup:   PF = mon 1,  BG = mon 2.    Everything ok, all fine in PBX, no problem.

3 screen setup:   windows assigns :  Topper = mon 1,  PF = 2  BG = 3.

Changed PBX setup with these values but did not (yet) enable topper display in the setup.

Now.....   when PBX needs to display a movie on the BG it doesn't.   Static BG pictures are ok.   Playfield movies are ok.

Enabeling the topper gives the same results to the topper as to the BG: no video's but static pictures, both for topper and BG are ok.

When reverting back to 2 screen setup everything ok.


When I think of movie problems within PBX I think of the LAV filters.... I did re-install them but no effect. Couldn't be because with 2 screen setup it's fine and PF is always fine.

In the log file there is an error:

19:17:11.6  12-5-2017:  Fout in de toepassing.

Which means : error in application

Any suggestion for this problem?

Thank you! 

---------- Even stranger -----

So: after some fooling around PBX came up with this:

Windows says: topper = mon1,  PF = mon 2  BG =mon3

When assigning wrong in PBX:

PF= mon1   BG = mon2  Topper = mon 3  it actually works although the BG is on the topper and the topper on the BG.  

Swapping the BG and topper number in PBX doesn't work, BG is on the BG (=ok) but no topper visable.








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Almost every time I get a Windows update for Windows 10, my monitors will switch order. I have to disconnect (not physically but through the display settings) the playfield monitor, apply then save the changes. Then I have to add them back. Pain in the ass that Microsoft can't fix this issue. 

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But the strange thing is that Windos count <> PBX count.

I mean, you can easy see what number Windows assigned to which monitor.

It should be easy to add these numbers correctly into PBX but if you do it the correct way it won't work: @ my setup the strange thing was that pictures on BG and topper were shown but video's weren't.

Only by luck and try/error I found a very wrong combination of putting the numbers into PBX which works well.

With 2 screen everything was fine but adding the 3rd one (topper) I had to change everything.    Not that much of a problem but the link: no video, do display static image to   the monitor/PBX numbering was something I did not find immediately.....

I must say: afterwards I heared more people saying that they only could get it working with a not correct numbering in PBX but don't know, may-be it's a Windows issue, may-be a VPX or the combination.

Anyway: thanks very much for the topper support!


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If Windows changes the display order it is only natural to assume that PinballX is going to have difficulty with the monitor assignments. GIGO at work.

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don't ask me...don't ask me...but it's working ...

At 1 point I had the backglass on the topper screen and the topper screen on the backglass..

Turned off the PC....swapped cables (most logical thing to do I guess...)  and........SAME !%^#%&^$$!!!!!!!!

Busy 1 hour, don't know anymore what when how but it's working together with the wooden backbox I finally made (after 3 years :-)  )

So...HAPPY and thank you team for your effort in making PBX and giving us support!

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