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Hi guys!

I recently messed up a folder in my Visual Pinball folders. Hade XDMD and UltraDMD and removed the UltraDMD one
as I thought it was from an older install.

Now it seems that I also broke the PinballX video, as the PIN2DMD is black during table browsing.
It works just fine when staring a norma ROM table, although UltraDMD tables are also broken. (works with virtual window on the playfield, n ot on the PIN2DMD)

I tried to re-install PinballX and also UltraDMD but the abscense remains...

How can I get this back. can't recall additional installations, but please. I anyone Gould do a step-by-step re-installing
PinballX with working intro video support and even how to get UltraDMD tables to show on PIN2DMD I shure would
be a happy camper! :rolleyes:




Do you mean lila a restore from Windows? Have not made any own restore images so I guess I have to re-install windows10 from scratch if so.


Do you have UltraDMD working on PIN2DMD? Do you have UltraDMD folder or just XDMD?

I installed the latest all-in-one installer for vpx10.1 from monsterbash pinball which installs vpx-b2s server-DOF and XDMD but maybe that is not enough for complete UltraDMD functionallity as PinballX also is dysfunctional.. :'(



No, I meant System Restore. Not a reset or reinstall of Windows.

It would have been real good if you had made a System Restore image.

I'm not going to be much help. I don't run a real DMD. Don't know much about how to get one working with PinballX.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Generally restore points are created by Windows after updates, but if files have been moved or deleted they will not be restored along with any driver or other upates being rolled back.


Thanks guys.... still I find this very strange. :huh:

Would not PinballX come with its own XDMD driver so it could display the "no real dmd.avi"?
I re-installed PinballX, but still the same result.

Anyone with a pin2dmd care to chip in?

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