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FAQ: Pinball FX2 Unique Table Names  
Alien Isolation Alien_Isolation
Alien Vs Predator Alien_vs_Predator
Aliens Aliens
American Dad AmericanDad
Ant-Man MARVEL_Ant-Man
Archer Archer
Avengers MARVEL_Avengers
Avengers - Age of Ultron MARVEL_Age_of_Ultron
Bethesda Doom BETHESDA_Doom
Bethesda Fallout BETHESDA_Fallout
Bethesda Skyrim BETHESDA_Skyrim
BioLab BioLab
Blade MARVEL_Blade
Boba Fett STARWARS_Boba_Fett
Bobs Burgers BobsBurgers
Captain America MARVEL_CaptainAmerica
Castle Storm CastleStorm
Civil War MARVEL_CivilWar
Darth Vader STARWARS_Darth_Vader
Deadpool MARVEL_Deadpool
Doctor Strange MARVEL_DrStrange
Droids STARWARS_Droids
Earth Defense EarthDefense
El Dorado Eldorado
Epic Quest Looter
Episode IV - A New Hope STARWARS_Episode_4
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back STARWARS_Episode_5
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi STARWARS_Episode_6
Excalibur Excalibur
Family Guy FamilyGuy
Fantastic Four MARVEL_FantasticFour
Fear Itself MARVEL_FearItSelf
Ghost Rider MARVEL_GhostRider
Guardians of the Galaxy MARVEL_Guardians
Han Solo STARWARS_Han_Solo
Iron Man MARVEL_IronMan
Mars Mars
Masters of the Force STARWARS_Light_VS_Dark
Moon Knight MARVEL_MoonKnight
Ms Marvel MARVEL_MsMarvel
Ms. Splosion Man SplosionMan
Paranormal Paranormal
Pasha Pasha
Plants vs Zombies PlantsVsZombies
Portal Portal
Rebels STARWARS_Rebels
Rome Rome
Secrets of the Deep Atlantis
Shaman Shaman
Sorcerers Lair Citadel
South Park - Butters Own Pinball SouthPark2
South Park - Super Sweet Pinball SouthPark1
Spider-Man MARVEL_SpiderMan
Starfighter Assault STARWARS_SFA
Super League Football A.C. Milan Football_Milan
Super League Football A.S. Roma Football_Roma
Super League Football Arsenal Football_Arsenal
Super League Football FC Barcelona Football_Barcelona
Super League Football Juventus Football Club Football_Juventus
Super League Football Liverpool FC Football_Liverpool
Super League Football Real Madrid C.F. Football_RealMadrid
Super League Football Zen Studios F.C. Football
Tesla Tesla
The Clone Wars STARWARS_CloneWars
The Force Awakens STARWARS_Episode_7
The Infinity Gauntlet MARVEL_InfinityGauntlet
The Walking Dead TheWalkingDead
Thor MARVEL_Thor
V12 V12
Venom MARVEL_Venom
Wild West Rampage Western
Wolverine MARVEL_Wolverine
WOP The Next Generation MARVEL_WOP_TheNextGeneration
World War Hulk MARVEL_WWH
  • Like 2

Excellent list, @CHASER! I moved and pinned this under the PinballX FAQs, Guides, and Other Useful Information subforum. Please be sure to update the first post with new additions!

  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished cleaning up all the data for databases and have attached it. 

Items in the database are grouped by their release type. Single tables are grouped by their studio and sorted at the bottom of the file. Table packs are sorted by the Most Recent Released at the top of the file.

In the main Pinball FX2.xml file, all tables are listed for logging purposes and marked as "Disabled."
All tables are also listed in ONE of the additional xml files and marked as "Enabled" there IF and only if they should be available. Personally, I only bought one Football table, so I disabled the rest.
Using these extra files lets PinballX group them together in the UI for easier searching.

Fox Pinball
Bethesda Pinball
Zen Studios
Marvel Pinball
Star Wars Pinball

Aliens vs. Pinball
Balls of Glory
Bethesda Pinball
Singles - Zen
Singles - Marvel
Singles - Star Wars
Avenger Chronicles
Marvel Pinball Originals
Vengeance and Virtue
Marvel's Women of Power
South Park Pinball
Star Wars Pack
Balance of the Force
Heroes Within

Pinball FX2_databses.zipFetching info...


Edit: Just to clarify, My database set uses the "game name" field to directly match to the PFX2 file names so that the PBX matching engine can perfectly identify files for you.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

First of all... Thank's alot CHASER and humor4fun for the jobs done....

I was looking to fix this issue and as i bought Pinballx two day's ago... I didn't know where to begin so i'll explain a little more for newbe...

You need to take the files that humor4fun have uploaded "Pinball FX2_databses.zip" and put it's content to your "PinballX/Databases/Pinball FX2/" folder.

Now you will be able to execute the Pinballx Game List Manager and import the database if it is avalaible.... Now i'm looking for a way to make the missing files and spred it to everyone... I have to read much more...


Thank's again!

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