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Is PinballX capable of running on Windows XP?


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I have a Visual Pinball cabinet setup running just fine on Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3.  I also have HyperPin working as a front end.  Have had this system for a few years now and all has been well.  Then I heard about PinballX, saw it on a friends machine and thought it was great.  So I just did a new install PinballX 2.14....

BUT, no matter what I do I can't get PinballX to launch.  I get a Runtime Error (see my other post Runtime Error on New PinballX Install).  So it got me wondering if PinballX can be run on Windows XP.  Is it compatible?  Anybody out there got the latest PinballX running on WindowsXP?  Maybe I need an older version of PinballX with the Shark codecs?   Any ideas or advice?

 Most instructions and posts are geared toward Windows 7 - understandable, but I really like my system and would love to have PinballX on  it.

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There are others that have it running on XP and it is compatible, but any XP specific fixes to the program itself will probably not happen. Also, as new PinballX versions are made available, the prior versions are deprecated and not kept for download. I wish you well in attempting to troubleshoot the issue, but heatily recommend that you upgrade to a more current OS where there is still MS support.

As for checking your other post, if you want us to look at something, please provide it in your new post. Most of us have limited time to try to hunt down info from another thread.

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