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7th April 2005 - Version 3.50 of GameEx

  • Right mouse button now does a
    navigate back
  • Fixed Issue with Alpha page down
    not working when DirectInput is being used.
  • Jukebox now includes a new one
    click feature to queue all songs for an Artist, Album or Genre.
  • New setting, to choose whether to
    process a game image or video on a thread (more responsive), or immediately
  • Maximum size of Game list is now
    45000 instead of 35000
  • New setting to run an app or bat
    file before launching a MAME game and after. Game and ArcadeVGA
    resolutions, Rom name, Control mode and Game name can be passed
    to the program.
  • GameEx now does does automatic
    switching of 2/4/8/49 way modes based on the selected game and
    controls.ini. A World First! Check the forum for more
    information and how it is being used.

<p><font face="Arial" size="3"><b>7th April 2005</b> - Version 3.50 of GameEx



              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">Right mouse button now does a

                navigate back</font></li>

              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">Fixed Issue with Alpha page down

                not working when DirectInput is being used.</font></li>

              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">Jukebox now includes a new one

                click feature to queue all songs for an Artist, Album or Genre.</font></li>

              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">New setting, to choose whether to

                process a game image or video on a thread (more responsive), or immediately


              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">Maximum size of Game list is now

                45000 instead of 35000</font></li>

              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">New setting to run an app or bat

                file before launching a MAME game and after. Game and ArcadeVGA

                resolutions, Rom name, Control mode and Game name can be passed

                to the program.</font></li>

              <li><font face="Arial" size="3">GameEx now does does automatic

                switching of 2/4/8/49 way modes based on the selected game and

                controls.ini. A World First! Check the forum for more

                information and how it is being used.</font></li>


            <hr noshade color="#000000">

Fantastic!!! Thanks for all the hard work!


Very nice work, I'll be sending you more PayPals soon. Is there a thread somewhere regarding what "switching of 2/4/8/49 way modes" means?


Very nice work, I'll be sending you more PayPals soon.  Is there a thread somewhere regarding what "switching of 2/4/8/49 way modes" means?


Hi Reuben,

There is a thread Here.

The short story is that there is a new control interface by Groovy Game Gear (http://www.groovygamegear.com) called the GP-Wiz49 that supports the use of Midway/Happ/Williams 49 way joysticks. One of the features of the interface is Digital Restrictor System (DRS) that makes the 49 way joystick act as a dedicated 2/4/8/16 & 49 way joystick. It's basically the next thing in all in 1 switchable joysticks. Compared to the Ultimarc T-Stick+ it blows it away and the cost is even a little lower.

What Tom's change does is allow GameEx to switch the mode of the joystick to the appropriate type based on the rom you are running. So if you run pacman, the joystick behaves as a 4 way, if you run defender, it acts like a 2 way vertical joystick if you run robotron it acts like an 8 way. If you run a game that is not in controls.ini it defaults to 8 way.

All in all a very exciting upgrade!

Hope that helps,



Thanks for the explaination. I'll also check out the htread you indicated.


Hi Reuben,

  There is a thread Here.

The short story is that there is a new control interface by Groovy Game Gear (http://www.groovygamegear.com) called the GP-Wiz49 that supports the use of Midway/Happ/Williams 49 way joysticks. One of the features of the interface is Digital Restrictor System (DRS) that makes the 49 way joystick act as a dedicated 2/4/8/16 & 49 way joystick. It's basically the next thing in all in 1 switchable joysticks. Compared to the Ultimarc T-Stick+ it blows it away and the cost is even a little lower.

What Tom's change does is allow GameEx to switch the mode of the joystick to the appropriate type based on the rom you are running. So if you run pacman, the joystick behaves as a 4 way, if you run defender, it acts like a 2 way vertical joystick if you run robotron it acts like an 8 way. If you run a game that is not in controls.ini it defaults to 8 way.

All in all a very exciting upgrade!

Hope that helps,


Hi Reuben,

  There is a thread Here.

The short story is that there is a new control interface by Groovy Game Gear (http://www.groovygamegear.com) called the GP-Wiz49 that supports the use of Midway/Happ/Williams 49 way joysticks. One of the features of the interface is Digital Restrictor System (DRS) that makes the 49 way joystick act as a dedicated 2/4/8/16 & 49 way joystick. It's basically the next thing in all in 1 switchable joysticks. Compared to the Ultimarc T-Stick+ it blows it away and the cost is even a little lower.

What Tom's change does is allow GameEx to switch the mode of the joystick to the appropriate type based on the rom you are running. So if you run pacman, the joystick behaves as a 4 way, if you run defender, it acts like a 2 way vertical joystick if you run robotron it acts like an 8 way. If you run a game that is not in controls.ini it defaults to 8 way.

All in all a very exciting upgrade!

Hope that helps,


Hey Erik,

Are you doing some testing with this?

Could you give me some feedback when you get a chance. I would also like to see your files (batch files) when done, and I can post them as examples for others with a little documentation.

Let me know.



Hey Erik,

Are you doing some testing with this?

Could you give me some feedback when you get a chance. I would also like to see your files (batch files) when done, and I can post them as examples for others with a little documentation.

Let me know.



Ok, I got some time to test this out today. It does not work with the batch files but if I compile the batch file with bat2exe into an executable it works great!

When using the batch files, the screen goes black, I hear the mode change then it pauses for a second and goes back to the menu. I have a feeling this has to do with calling a batch file from within another batch file. I seem to recall that when you call a batch file from another batch file you have to use a CALL statement in order for the batch file to return control to the original batch file. I hope that makes sense. I just found where I saw that. See http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm as a reference for the syntax.

I am attaching the release package that have my batch files, the instructions and the compiled batch files. You can use them for testing even if you have nothing hooked up as all it does it set bits on the parallel port.

This is a great start. I have to say it is really cool to have your joystick reconfigure itself when you launch a game!

Along the same lines, can you make [EMULATOR] a valid variable? It would need to return the emulator being used. This would make it possible to download codes to the IPAC/JPAC based on the emulator.

My next step is to combine both the mode switching and the key remapping using winipac into a single batch file so I can completely configure all controls (joysticks and buttons) based on the game being launched. This is going to be a little tricky as I am not sure whether batch files are going to be flexible enough (or probably more rightly so, my programming skills at creating the batch file) to accomplish the variables of inputs that could be passed to it ( [CONTROLS] [ROM] [EMULATOR] )

Thanks Again for putting this feature in!



Ok, I got some time to test this out today. It does not work with the batch files but if I compile the batch file with bat2exe into an executable it works great!

When using the batch files, the screen goes black, I hear the mode change then it pauses for a second and goes back to the menu. I have a feeling this has to do with calling a batch file from within another batch file. I seem to recall that when you call a batch file from another batch file you have to use a CALL statement in order for the batch file to return control to the original batch file. I hope that makes sense. I just found where I saw that. See http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm as a reference for the syntax.

I am attaching the release package that have my batch files, the instructions and the compiled batch files. You can use them for testing even if you have nothing hooked up as all it does it set bits on the parallel port.

This is a great start. I have to say it is really cool to have your joystick reconfigure itself when you launch a game!

Along the same lines, can you make [EMULATOR] a valid variable? It would need to return the emulator being used. This would make it possible to download codes to the IPAC/JPAC based on the emulator.

My next step is to combine both the mode switching and the key remapping using winipac into a single batch file so I can completely configure all controls (joysticks and buttons) based on the game being launched. This is going to be a little tricky as I am not sure whether batch files are going to be flexible enough (or probably more rightly so, my programming skills at creating the batch file) to accomplish the variables of inputs that could be passed to it ( [CONTROLS] [ROM] [EMULATOR] )

Thanks Again for putting this feature in!


Hi Eric,

You could make the CMD used in the GameEx config to include the Call statement. That should hopefully work. Look at runitgame.bat in the Data dir to see what GameEx is doing.

Also, the launch before and launch after is not currently implemented for other emulators only MAME at the moment.

Let's see how your testing goes a bit more before I implement that. OK?

Ok, I got some time to test this out today. It does not work with the batch files but if I compile the batch file with bat2exe into an executable it works great!

When using the batch files, the screen goes black, I hear the mode change then it pauses for a second and goes back to the menu. I have a feeling this has to do with calling a batch file from within another batch file. I seem to recall that when you call a batch file from another batch file you have to use a CALL statement in order for the batch file to return control to the original batch file. I hope that makes sense. I just found where I saw that. See http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm as a reference for the syntax.

I am attaching the release package that have my batch files, the instructions and the compiled batch files. You can use them for testing even if you have nothing hooked up as all it does it set bits on the parallel port.

This is a great start. I have to say it is really cool to have your joystick reconfigure itself when you launch a game!

Along the same lines, can you make [EMULATOR] a valid variable? It would need to return the emulator being used. This would make it possible to download codes to the IPAC/JPAC based on the emulator.

My next step is to combine both the mode switching and the key remapping using winipac into a single batch file so I can completely configure all controls (joysticks and buttons) based on the game being launched. This is going to be a little tricky as I am not sure whether batch files are going to be flexible enough (or probably more rightly so, my programming skills at creating the batch file) to accomplish the variables of inputs that could be passed to it ( [CONTROLS] [ROM] [EMULATOR] )

Thanks Again for putting this feature in!


I don't understand what you're doing, but Tom put me on to an excellent free app called AutoIT (when I was trying to get non command line emus working). Might be a long-shot, but it may help.

But anyway, it's real easy to figure out the scripting (for people like myself who don't know what they're doing). You can do stuff like make it wait til certain windows are active, or end the script once other windows are no longer active, launch other programs, it can use ini files, automate the keyboard or mouse, create a gui, and you can make exes with it to for people without AuotIT - there's heaps more stuff you can do with it, and heaps more technical stuff you can do which I have no idea about. The help file is very good as it has detailed descriptions and examples of all the commands.

The only problem I've had, which I haven't figured out yet, is if I use it in the emu configs "AlsoLaunch" line, and I have paths in the script, it seems to still try and use the GameEx path, instead of the one in the script, but if used as if it's a rom or emu in the "Command" line, it doesn't do this.

May be worth checking out, if you haven't already. But again, I don't really know what you want to do.

Hi Eric,

You could make the CMD used in the GameEx config to include the Call statement. That should hopefully work. Look at runitgame.bat in the Data dir to see what GameEx is doing.

Also, the launch before and launch after is not currently implemented for other emulators only MAME at the moment.

Let's see how your testing goes a bit more before I implement that. OK?

I added CALL to the run before and after lines and switched back to the .bat file. It works beautifully!

I am having one problem with the mode mapping though. I selected Q*Bert, a 4 way diagonal game and it gave me standard 4 way mode. How are you parsing the csv for comparison? SirPoonga has stated he will not change the joy4way short decsription to djoy4way for the diagonals so it would have to look for the word diagonal in the description to match it up.


How are you parsing the csv for comparison?


I am comparing the String in the last column before the pipe with the string for the game in P1 controls.

Lookup QBert in controls.ini. If its not the same as the one in the CSV included with GameEx then just add another mode to the CSV! :) (in the same format)

That should do it.

I am comparing the String in the last column before the pipe with the string for the game in P1 controls.

Lookup QBert in controls.ini. If its not the same as the one in the CSV included with GameEx then just add another mode to the CSV! :) (in the same format)

That should do it.

Hmmm, they look the same to me.

controlmap.csv = 5,4 Way Diagonals,Diagonal 4-way Joystick|joy4way

controls.ini = P1Controls=Diagonal 4-way Joystick+joy4way

Runitgame.bat =




CD "C:\mame"

mamep4.exe qbert -rompath "C:\mame\roms" -skip_disclaimer -joystick -skip_gameinfo -triplebuffer -nowindow -cheat -skip_validitychecks -resolution 352x256 -nohwstretch

CALL C:\setmode\setmode.bat 3

Any Ideas?



Edit: I also checked the other 4 way diagonals and they all do the same. QBert Qubes & Congo Bongo.

Hmmm, they look the same to me.

controlmap.csv = 5,4 Way Diagonals,Diagonal 4-way Joystick|joy4way

controls.ini = P1Controls=Diagonal 4-way Joystick+joy4way

Runitgame.bat =




CD "C:\mame"

mamep4.exe qbert -rompath "C:\mame\roms" -skip_disclaimer -joystick -skip_gameinfo -triplebuffer -nowindow -cheat -skip_validitychecks -resolution 352x256 -nohwstretch

CALL C:\setmode\setmode.bat 3

Any Ideas?



Edit: I also checked the other 4 way diagonals and they all do the same. QBert Qubes & Congo Bongo.

Hi, yes, my logic needed a little more work. Its fixed now.

Here is an updated GameEx.exe

I am working on an optional tree menu structure for the start page that is not finished yet. So youll need to put the following in GameEx.ini when using this version:




Great Changes... As everytime! You really have done a fantastic piece of software!

Wow! Tree menu!!!! YES YEs Yes yes... *to say it arcade-like (Tempest 2000)*

Sorry had no time to come back to the forum lately.

The 49 Way Sticks sound cool. I have two T-Stick Plus in my cab and modded the spring so that they are not so hard to push... Also changing the microswitches brings some more smoothness to the sticks.

I like the "hardware feeling" not to be able to push the joystick to the corners... And don't need more than 8 Ways to go, since the games i play are mostly from the golden age and so 4 way-games.

Although the thing with Q-Bert seems interesting. Thats a problem with my t-Sticks. I thought about a piece of software to make a 8 way to a diagonal 4 way... Or if i could not write the software and fake the controls of mame i thought about assigning ctrl and shift to left and right and a and b to up and down and use a keytojoy program to make A(shifted)=up, B(shifted)=right, ctrl-a=down, ctrl-b=left...

I had not yet tried to write my batch file for my monitor adjustments, since my Hantarex had an accident caused by the forwardind agency, i will get another Monitor which hopefully has an onscreen Display and memory for each resolution... when it is paid by the insurance company. (hantarex Monitors ar no longer produced, only pureflats, which don't fit in my naomi cab)

If anybody has the same problem like i had (Potis instead of onscreen menu) i could publish my thoughts and part-lists about how to control it via the parallel port. But be forewarned: you need some skill with your soldering iron.

CU Cupid.

Hi, yes, my logic needed a little more work. Its fixed now.

Here is an updated GameEx.exe

I am working on an optional tree menu structure for the start page that is not finished yet. So youll need to put the following in GameEx.ini when using this version:


Ok, I replaced the exe and added FlatStartPage=True to the top of the General section of gameex.ini. When I launch Gameex, I get a debug popup saying the progrm has caused an exception it can't handle and asks if I want to debug or terminate. I have tried the FlatStartPage=True in several places in teh .ini just to make sure. Attached is my log file.




Ok, I replaced the exe and added FlatStartPage=True to the top of the General section of gameex.ini. When I launch Gameex, I get a debug popup saying the progrm has caused an exception it can't handle and asks if I want to debug or terminate. I have tried the FlatStartPage=True in several places in teh .ini just to make sure. Attached is my log file.



OK, I must have updated some other files. You will have to wait for the next full release. Rest assured you will be able to play QBert to full affect when that happens.

OK, I must have updated some other files. You will have to wait for the next full release. Rest assured you will be able to play QBert to full affect when that happens.

Thanks for the GREAT support Tom!


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