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I am working on a project for my own pincab for custom Visual Pinball logos. I have started with the default Visual Pinball Logo. For comparison, here is the default Visual Pinball logo found under \PinballX\\Media\System Logos:

Visual Pinball.png

And here is the one I have designed:


Let me know what you think. I will probably add additional versions with the PhysMod text/version immediately below the Visual Pinball text (above the motion blur) and VP versions to the right of the VP text.

PhysMod5 example:


VP X example:


And a variation of the VP with version # below the Visual Pinball text which I prefer:


All can be found on the PinballX FTP for download at /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Draco1962/Alt_VP_Logos

  • Like 4

Those look really nice! Are you planning to do "mega docklets" style wheel images on popular Visual Pinball tables too? Those would be great :)


Thanks! Since there are so many tables, what I will likely do is create a .psd file with the docklets frame and the VP logos on top along with a sample image and table logo on the bottom. This will allow for others to create and share their images. Of course, I will share my creations with the community as I add tables to my cab.

Here is an example of the custom VP logo used with a Mega Docklets style image for The Amazing Spider-Man table by Gottlieb:


  • Like 2

Nicely done. I have yet to goto the monster that is VP, but having the community have access to a template for the wheel images would be great. It's not that hard once its all setup. Would the template be usable in GIMP, since that is free for everyone and easy to get?

Would be REAL nice if there could be a Future Pinball template as well... and maybe a PC games template..... ;) MAME would be pushing it.... :(


LOL! I can throw the "header" logos for Future Pinball and MAME in the template for those that would like to use them in their creations. GIMP opens .psd files (I use GIMP myself for these) and can save to .psd or .xcf (GIMP's layered format).

As a matter of fact, when I release the template, I may just do so with all the header logos that i have used (i.e., Zen, Star Wars Pinball, Marvel Pinball, etc. for Pinball FX2, Pinball Arcade, Pro Pinball) for my different projects.

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Alrighty then - here is the Mega Docklets Wheels Template in both .xcf and .psd format. I have included the following system "header" logos:

Pinball FX2

Zen Studios

Star Wars Pinball

Marvel Pinball

Super League Football

The Pinball Arcade

Slamit Pinball


Visual Pinball (including several versions and PhysMod variants)

Future Pinball


Enjoy! I hope to see some posts using the template sharing some creative goodness! If you do, please start your own project thread in the PinballX Media Projects forum.


  • Like 2

Fantastic! This will allow for the community to help you out... since MAME and PC are also thrown in the mix on some people's cabs (mine for sure), we can see more of that too!

I currently have MAME showing the marquees for the wheel art, and there are SOOOOO many MAME games.... but this all in one template will help alot... slowly but surely.

I am slowly getting my Future Pinball tables edited and adjusted for my cab's unique backglass / dmd. (Some are simple, some complex)

I have to edit EVERY table for the "4th" screen extended backglass. I'm also capturing videos for the playfield, backglass, and dmd for each table as I go. I have up to 150 Future Pinball tables to do with about 40 or so left.

Once that's done I can start on some Future Pinball wheel images using this template..... unless there are some already made out there that I am unaware of???

Thanks very much!

Maybe this could be its own topic for the community's works?

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