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Windows Media 11 beta


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Anyone taken the leap yet to see if this works ok with GAMEEX??? If not..I will jump in and give it a whirl and report!!

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....<gulp>....Good luck. I refuse to try anything new from Microsoft when its in beta. So many open oppertunities for stuff like hackers and crashes. And it's not garaunteed to even work.

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hehe..I hear ya!! It is Bill's world afterall!! We are just his pawns!! I will be loading Vista probably next week and will update as to how GAMEEX works with that.. I have no fear however: Tom is always on the spot to fix everything quickly!!

So far, so good..pretty cool...nice look and organizes everything nicely!! I do NOT recommend the new IE though..it SUX!!! Don't do it yet!!!! You can install it and take it out with add/remove, so you can compare..but it is very slow and seeks licenses and such for everything...

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I hate licenses.. and I hate paying $300 bucks for software. I'll just wait till it's hacked and readily available for free on the torrent networks. Bill Gates is such a fucktard. He would make TONS more money if he sold the OS for like $50 bucks. Everybody would buy it because it's so cheap. Rather than only about 10,000 people buying it at $300. Figure, 1.2billion times $50, vs 10thousand times $300. Heh good ol' windows calc... $60 billion for the first figure, and look! :) $3 million for the second (his method). What an idiot. :) And I think the global population is actually like 32 or something billion.

Oh yeah, and Internet Explore sucks anyway. It always has and always will. Go with Firefox. Mmmm ya firefox. :)

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I hate licenses.. and I hate paying $300 bucks for software. I'll just wait till it's hacked and readily available for free on the torrent networks. Bill Gates is such a fucktard. He would make TONS more money if he sold the OS for like $50 bucks. Everybody would buy it because it's so cheap. Rather than only about 10,000 people buying it at $300. Figure, 1.2billion times $50, vs 10thousand times $300. Heh good ol' windows calc... $60 billion for the first figure, and look! :) $3 million for the second (his method). What an idiot. :) And I think the global population is actually like 32 or something billion.

Oh yeah, and Internet Explore sucks anyway. It always has and always will. Go with Firefox. Mmmm ya firefox. :)

lol well said , :D

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Hehe..I agree wholeheartedly!! ;)

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