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Does Windows 10 crash Amd Radeon based computers?


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I have experienced 2 computers crashing with Windows 10 installed On this computer the ie in 10 quit working and so I reverted back to 8.1

On the other one which I use to create music. Windows 10 gave me no warning only that I would have to restart the whole process and lose my files. Which I did but I went back to 8.1

Question would it have been better for me to boot back to a 7?-- although that is not what the computer came with. And force that in; I have an existing 7 license? Or did I do the right thing?

but now I can't get the mame list to install. When I downloaded Catalyst I customized it not to load raptor and My computer won't update the game list at all. I went through this before but I am curious. Amd's have been around a long time so why is there such an issue are they really that different from Intel?

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Amd's have been around a long time so why is there such an issue are they really that different from Intel?

Firstly, this has nothing to do with GameEx. No third party software in the history of the world was ever held responsible for what hardware manufacturers do. That's just common sense. AMD do what they please, just as nVidia do what they please.

Your OP is not very specific - what is the problem? We need specifics. For instance, You say: "My computer won't update the game list at all"...

You mention Rapture, and AMD a lot... These are just ramblings! I've been using AMD/ATI cards since the beginning of time, and i've had no problems at all.

GameEx is not biased! Never was.

What list? What is not updating? You don't provide any specifics at all. If you did, many of us could help you. Many of us would want to.

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Well, before trying to do anything with MAME, GameEx, or the like, I recommend getting your OS in order. Make sure that everything else is working well outside of GameEx. As for the comments about Ratr Evolved, if it isnot installed, then you will have no conflicts with GameEx. Once all that is working proper, provide the error that is occuring and the usual support files so we can take a look.

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Well, before trying to do anything with MAME, GameEx, or the like, I recommend getting your OS in order. Make sure that everything else is working well outside of GameEx. As for the comments about Ratr Evolved, if it isnot installed, then you will have no conflicts with GameEx. Once all that is working proper, provide the error that is occuring and the usual support files so we can take a look.


I should apologise if i came across a bit tempered in my previous post. Thing is, while Raptr and GeForce Experience do what they are supposed to (pre-configure your games and switch modes, resolutions, color palettes per game etc), they both can have an effect on GameEx while active. If you keep switching resolutions and color spaces in most programs you will eventually get an undesired effect ^_^

Disabling them helps rule out these kinds of wild cards.

Again i apologise if i came off as a bit of an ass - i should've explained :)

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