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New GameEx lifetime member, with a few issues


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I'm a new GameEx member, just getting started with this utility. I've spent several hours knocking my head against the configuration wizard, and I'm *almost* there - just a few weird issues:

1) I'm using a custom menu, and of all the many options available in the GameExMenuEditor, the one option I can't find is probably the most basic: Update List. It's just totally not there, and I've found that the only way I can update the list is to turn custom menus *off*, restart GameEx, access "Update List" from the default menu, and then turn custom menus back on. There's gotta be an easier way... right?

2) I'm in the process of downloading GameBase64, and in the meantime, I've created a custom list entry for CCS64. Right next to it is my custom list entry for NES, which is working great. However - all of the entries for the NES are also appearing in CCS64. So I'm stuck with double entries for all of the NES games. (Yes, I've verified through the Setup Wizard that the CCS64 emulator is supposed to be using the Gamebase database, and not the NES database.)

3) I've got just a few SNES games included, and for some reason, all of the titles show up in lowercase.

4) My custom menus only have about six options in one top-level menu - but GameEx inisists on sticking a bunch of additional options after those that I don't want and can't remove: By Name, By Category, By Publisher, By Developer, By Year, Back (which is nonsensical since there's only one menu), and Home (same). Any way that I can get rid of those?

5) I've got logos assigned to all of my menu options, but they don't usually show up - GameEx just uses the default "GamEx" logo for every option.

GameEx.ini attached. Thanks in advance!


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1) I'm using a custom menu, and of all the many options available in the GameExMenuEditor, the one option I can't find is probably the most basic: Update List. It's just totally not there, and I've found that the only way I can update the list is to turn custom menus *off*, restart GameEx, access "Update List" from the default menu, and then turn custom menus back on. There's gotta be an easier way... right?

It looks like there's a couple likely culprits here. First and foremost, it looks like you have MAME setup as a 'standard' emulator. Unless you have a specific and compelling reason for that, you really don't want to do that. GameEx offers quite a lot of functionality specifically dedicates to supporting MAME, and as such it has it's own dedicated configuration settings in the Setup Wizard (see here), and for the most part you'll want to configure MAME exclusively through those settings.

Secondly, it's been a while since I've messed with custom menus, but generally the Update List function for MAME will appear as the last list item in your MAME list (for the integrated version of MAME - i.e. when you configure it through the MAME settings page). It doesn't actually have it's own independent menu selection that can be placed in a custom location. Double Check to see if it's in your MAME list (once you have it all configured to your liking).

2) I'm in the process of downloading GameBase64, and in the meantime, I've created a custom list entry for CCS64. Right next to it is my custom list entry for NES, which is working great. However - all of the entries for the NES are also appearing in CCS64. So I'm stuck with double entries for all of the NES games. (Yes, I've verified through the Setup Wizard that the CCS64 emulator is supposed to be using the Gamebase database, and not the NES database.)

To me this sounds like it may be an issue with cache files, not being properly overwritten updated. Please try the following: navigate to the \Gameex\DATA folder and delete all the files with cache in the file name or extension. The next time you start GameEx it will rebuild these files.

3) I've got just a few SNES games included, and for some reason, all of the titles show up in lowercase.

I see the following in your settings:

Change that setting, and I think you should be on the right track here.

4) My custom menus only have about six options in one top-level menu - but GameEx inisists on sticking a bunch of additional options after those that I don't want and can't remove: By Name, By Category, By Publisher, By Developer, By Year, Back (which is nonsensical since there's only one menu), and Home (same). Any way that I can get rid of those?

I believe you can alter those items by modifying the theme you are using. For some reason I want to say that you need to move them off the screen, as you can't get rid of them entirely. I'm shooting from the hip there. One of our theme wizards might have to field this one.

5) I've got logos assigned to all of my menu options, but they don't usually show up - GameEx just uses the default "GamEx" logo for every option.

This one is weird. Clearing those cache files might help, otherwise you might have some sort of issue going on at the theme level.

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I believe you can alter those items by modifying the theme you are using. For some reason I want to say that you need to move them off the screen, as you can't get rid of them entirely. I'm shooting from the hip there. One of our theme wizards might have to field this one.

nullPointer is correct. The only way to get rid of those items is by moving them offscreen. This is only a workaround, and so is unofficial, but it works.

The principle is that a theme will have a visible, workable area (what you see) but this workaround will move the items you describe "offscreen" so they are not visible. They are still there though! You just can't see them. If you want to use this method then carry on, but know that you will have to alter a fair few things to make it truely seem like that they have disappeared.

Firstly, you will need to load the theme you are using in the Theme Editor (you can find it in the Windows Menu under GameEx> Config i believe). Once your Theme has loaded you will need to determine the resolution of said theme. I'm working from memory here so can't remember how you determine this, but you can if you look around the menus. Once you know the resolution of your theme you are ready to use this workaround.

As mentioned before, the goal is to move the options you describe offscreen. To do this let's use a fictional Theme that has a resolution of 1920x1080. On the default screen that loads when you boot your Theme in the Editor, find the module called "Menu" and select/click it.

Now, on the lower left in the editor there will be some numbers in the X and Y boxes. These are coordinates, that tell GameEx where to place this item onscreen. But you want to place this item offscreen!

So using our 1920x1080 theme, we want to put this menu out of sight. To do this we use our theme's resolution. We know that it is 1920 pixels wide, and 1080 pixels high. So to put this menu offscreen we enter 1920 in X, and 1080 in Y. This will put the Menu in the 1st pixel offscreen to the bottom right of your display, in other words out of sight :)

It is still there though! But you can't see it. There is more to making this workaround foolproof, but i don't want to bombard you with information. If you grasp what i am saying with the theme, then i'll gladly help you get it working like it was a feature :P

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