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[RESOLVED] Daemon Tools & Windows 10 cd image management


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I recently upgraded my Win7 to Win10 and the handling of Daemon Tools (V10) seems to be very different

There is no tray icon for daemon tools and the vitrual drive is not showing if there is no image mounted ( no drive letter)

Another thing, the command line for Daemon tools doesn't work anymore : dtlite.exe -mount scsi, 0, "[Rompath]\[Romfile]"

So wich program for iso management should i use now if daemon tools doesn't work as intended before

Should the command line be modified, or should i use an older version of daemon tools

Wich one could work with Win10??


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Yeah, unfortunately DaemonTools decided to take their application that worked perfectly well 99% of the time, and change it so that it works 50% of the time ... maybe. These changes included making significant changes to their command line support. You can read more about it right here. Unfortunately I've not had the time to start testing out some alternatives (like Virtual Clone Drive, Alcohol 120%, and the like), but conversely I've also not updated DaemonTools, so there is that. -_-

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Daemon Tools had an upgrade unfortunately and it changed the mount and unmount command. I can't provide that Intel right now because I'm at work. But if you can wait a bit or someone beats me too it I'll provide them for you.

There's also a delay between scsi mounts which will also bonk your setup. I can't find the thread but there's one here somewhere.

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Ok Thanks.

I've tried with an older Daemon Tools setup ( V5.01) and it works with windows 10

The command line has changed as there is no more scsi mounting in the lite version

So the command line is now : dtlite.exe -mount dt, "[Rompath]\[Romfile]"

In the 5.01 version, the DTAgent is still here (tray icon) and drive letter can be configured.

I think it's the last usable version

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Well, after deeper tests, some emulators doesn't recognize the virtual drive, whenever it's mounted

For example Fusion, Magic Engine & Epsxe doesn't see the drive......

Switching to VirtualCloneDrive as it works without problem


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oh ffs. Just tried the new 10.1 - and it would appear that these fekin geniuses have broken it again!!!

Spent ages redesigning an app to run with the 'new' command line. Just ran it with the new 10.1 version - crashes.

Are these guys thick?

ffs x 10.


Sorry - just winds me up.

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I was playing with daemon tools and other Virtual CD tools wich finally works but when i've restarted Gameex, there is a crash saying illegal caracter in a path

I've checked my paths and i've found nothing "illegal"

I've reinstalled Gameex and cleared cache files but the problem is still here.

I'm on french Windows 10

Here are my logs :


It was working before playing with those iso tools...


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@Rochabian - I went ahead and merged the two topics regading the issues you were having regarding CD management and the latest issues with Virtual CD. This keeps things a little cleaner in the forums while trying to help the same user with the same and related issue.

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OK - had a play today. Basically, you just have to use DTAgent.exe rather than DTLite.exe. Command lines preserved as per last (pointless and annoying!?) update. Working examples:

DTAgent.exe -get_count
DTAgent.exe -mount, F, "C:\Test.vhd"
DTAgent.exe -mount dt, F, "C:\Test.vhd"

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