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[RESOLVED] Steam access - display problem


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if there is something wrong is it usable to re install game ex? do i lose my setup? thanks

If you do an in place install, your settings will be fine. If you completely uninstall GameEx, remove your GameEx directory and so forth, you will lose your settings.

So I'm confused. Are we describing two (possibly three) problems or just one? I've seen a few things reported

  1. Steam starts with GameEx. Both applications start, but Steam steals focus from GameEx.

  2. You can launch a Steam game from GameEx, but GameEx steals focus back from the game before it really gets going.

  3. Steam tries to Start with GameEx. Steam starts up fine, but GameEx doesn't start at all

Do I have all of that right? If that's the case we need to try and focus on just one thing at a time. It seems like 1. and 3. are most pressing (and inversely related somehow). If you're having problems with games, let's not worry about that until we either get Steam starting up at the same time as GameEx without issue, or alternately starting up with Windows and and not causing issues for GameEx.

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first of all thanks for your replay end excuse me if my english is a bit rusty

1- Steam starts with GameEx. Both applications start, but Steam steals focus from GameEx

--->>> yes. when i make tests if i use "LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait=D:\Emulators\Steam\Steam.exe -silent" game ex start, steam start but steam steal focus .

3-.Steam tries to Start with GameEx. Steam starts up fine, but GameEx doesn't start at all

--->>> yes. when i use "LaunchOnStart=D:\Emulators\Steam\Steam.exe -silent LaunchOnStartNoWait="

i ve tried to start steam with settings "start steam with windows". using settings indicated in point 1 . i had the same result. steam start, game ex start. after this test (now start steam with windows is unckecked) steam starts silent (in msconfig i can see it as autostart) .

When i start gameex with option at point 1 now it seems RIGHT and apparently the problem is solved with this configuration:

- ms config auto start in silent mode steam

- in game ex .ini i leaved this configuration "LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait=D:\Emulators\Steam\Steam.exe -silent" and no one steal focus to each other.

I assume this problem is solved but tonight i will take a new look (in italy i have some hours of difference from you).

2- You can launch a Steam game from GameEx, but GameEx steals focus back from the game before it really gets going.

... the real problem is that the game from game ex starts but in the game menu .. controls are not recognized (i use ipac2 board that works perfectly in mame) and after a minute i see that steam logoff .

I suppose that we can focus on problem number two.. but tonight as i said i will turn on my cabinet, verify the config, and if it works i will confirm in a new post.

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I have Steam setup to load silent at Windows startup and no entries in either of the launch on start fields. No issues. The only time I have experienced a problem is when either Steam or one of the games are trying to push an update and require a user response to update. If that is the case, then you might want to go directly to Steam outside of GameEx to make sure everything is up to date.

Is it possible that the IPAC or another device is generating a keypress? I do not use an IPAC, but have seen posts where this type of scenario has played out.

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I can't wrap my head around why you would start Steam with Windows and then also run a launch command to do it again with GameEx.

My setup and many others here are like Dracs and I have never had even the slightest problem aside from the dialog box when I need to update Steam occasionally.

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ok. via steam i setup "start automatically with windows"

i delete the 2 lines in gameex.ini related to steam

as :



perfect! steam starts with windows. gameex start. when i start a steam game starts... but

after 30 seconds close the same and exit automatically from steam.

is it possible a conflit related to the mouse press in game and in game ex setup?

i start the game and touch nothing on keyboard.... after some seconds logout game and steam automatically

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You need to match your settings via Setup Wizard to match these as illustrated:

Under the Steam section - enter your Steam Login info as in this example under Online Game Services:


Remove anything in the Launch on Start or Launch On Start No Wait entries under Tweaks / Performance:


Provide updated copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files after attempting it with these settings. Thank you.

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I think we need answers to a few questions as this issue is not replicable via GameEx for me or anyone else:

1. Are you are encountering this with all games or just certain games?

2. Are you experiencing any of these game "crashes" outside of GameEx (i.e., via Steam interface directly)?

Here are some tasks that I need you to perform in this order using the settings you tried from my last post:

1. Go to GameEx\DATA folder and delete the following files (don't worry, these should rebuild after you follow these steps):

- EMU_1002.dbcache.ini

- gameex_[PC] Valve Steam.map

2. Click Start | Computer.
3. Go to wherever Steam is installed - usually c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) for 64-bit Windows.
4. Locate the folder appcache. Right-click on it then left-click Delete.
5. Restart your PC and launch Steam again.
6. Start GameEx and try to run one of the Steam games again.
Report back with an updated log.txt file. Thanks!
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I don't think you need 'Enable Automatic Login And Logout' on, that's probably why you're being logged out. If Steam is logged on already you shouldn't need that or the username/password.

That's what I'm saying. :)

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I have that set and no problems with Steam and loading, playing, or switching games. I am trying to get him to a baseline setup and working forward from there. As you have seen, it took several attempts just to get him to turn off the Load on Start settings under Tweaks / Performance.

I have a strong feeling the issue is well outside of GameEx. By having him clear the Steam appcache as well as GameEx's dbcache.ini for Steam I am hoping to eliminate a few things.

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Another thing he might need to attempt is turning off the Steam Overlay.

I've kind of backed off a bit on this one since we've got a lot of cooks in the kitchen :lol:, but just to chime in, I would definitely advise against this one.

I think this is because the in game overlay is turned off. GameEx relies on this being turned on (within steam) to know when the game has exited.

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I've kind of backed off a bit on this one since we've got a lot of cooks in the kitchen :lol:, but just to chime in, I would definitely advise against this one.

I wonder if that has already been turned off? I have seen where it has been suggested to do so with games crashing when launched via the Steam app. Maybe that is something Pisuke can answer for us.

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Steam Overlay.is turned OFF

ok test result:

1. Are you are encountering this with all games or just certain games?


2. Are you experiencing any of these game "crashes" outside of GameEx (i.e., via Steam interface directly)?


1. Go to GameEx\DATA folder and delete the following files (don't worry, these should rebuild after you follow these steps):
- EMU_1002.dbcache.ini
- gameex_[PC] Valve Steam.map


2. Click Start | Computer.


3. Go to wherever Steam is installed - usually c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) for 64-bit Windows.


4. Locate the folder appcache. Right-click on it then left-click Delete.


5. Restart your PC and launch Steam again.


6. Start GameEx and try to run one of the Steam games again.



FOR ME IT S A problem relating to log in and log off.. it seems that gameex sends an exit command .. because i pressed nothing.



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Tom Speirs, on 25 Jul 2015 - 04:12 AM, said:
I think this is because the in game overlay is turned off. GameEx relies on this being turned on (within steam) to know when the game has exited.



but there is another problem.. i assume this game "ascendant".. when i try to re map the keys.. my directional arrows are not accepted... it s like winipac is not recognized by steam. do i have to integrate xpadder? if i need xpadder in this games .. how can i launch xpadder at game startup and close after session of steam game is closed? or with this plugin http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/15924-plugin-xpadder-plugin/ i solve my problems?

another question (if i need i will open a specific thread).. how to customize gameex menu? ex.. if i want in first page MAME,PC engine ecc.. because at startup other emulator are under game sub menu

excuse if my english is a bit rusty...

thanks thanks thanks so much guys.. i was getting mad about this problem

you are the best...

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