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Here's an odd one, my cabinet has been running perfectly for some months now, all my VP tables have directb2s backglasses and they are named the same as the tables - and they did all work!

I added a ledwiz and the DOF config tool recently and followed the setup to the letter, now however when I load up my tables in PinballX the static backglass image from the main table selection screens remains on view - the ledwiz and effects all work just fine but you can't see the directb2s backglass. I've tried shifting focus with ALT- Tab but that makes no difference. If I run VP outside of PinballX it works perfectly, in PinballX if I uncheck the 'use plugins' box on the DirectB2s server setting it works fine again with backglasses loading and animating happily but of course that stops the ledwiz effects.

The folder locations and link shortcuts are right, the dll's are all unblocked and the b2s sever is properly registered - I'm stumped! The only thing I can think of is the server has a 'locate vp.xml' button but I didn't think that was necessary from the set up to work.

I'm running a Intel 4570 with 8Gig of 1600 Ram and a Nvidea 680GTX, it makes no odds if I use Visual Pinball 921/991/P5 as soon as I activate the b2s plugin the backglasses stop appearing?

Help me Obi Wan Spiers you're my only hope etc etc....

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So, what did you do to solve it?

By the way, I run a variation on Horsey's script and I never had a problem with directB2S. I don't see PinballX having much to do with it. It is VP that launches directB2S, not PinballX. Granted, I'm not running any toys.


Excellent point CP - it would help if I explained a bit more.

You're right PinballX has nothing to do with the issue, in fact to solve it I'm using the default <\alternateExe> tag which TYom introduced in version 1.96/7 and it works perfectly apart from the hugely irritating 23 second exit delay whenever an alternative version of Virtual Pinball is called with the <alternateExe> tag.......which is the reason I was using Horseys script in the first place <sigh>.

This one is a bit weird as using Horseys script as long as the plugin box is not selected in the B2Sserver settings the animated backglasses are displayed perfectly, but the second you tick that box the DirectB2S backglasses do not get displayed as the usual backglass image from the selection window remains stubbornly in place. I've even set the 'Use B2S in front end' flag in PinballX and that results in the B2s backglass being shown up until the table starts and then its back to the static one again.

I'm not having much luck tracking this down at the moment, I'm no AHK script guru so it all plod and poke stuff - I'm guess it may be a timing thing. Would you share your script, it may help a bit...

My VirtuaPlunger board died this week too, no reason just stopped working suddenly and when I went to reset it I found that it was red hot :-( Lucky Paul is sending me a replacement board at a reduced price (mine was out of warrenty) which is decent of him....

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did I get you right that this isn´t solved then?! Because I´ve got a compareable issue:

- two days ago I´ve installed DOF (I´m using a PinControl1 with a connected RGB-Strip).

- most tables are working fine and even DOF is working

- but there are few tables which show me an error "C:\...\.directb2s" connot be found..."

This is only if I start the table out of PinballX (after I installed DOF - previously they worked fine!).

If I start the tables directly out of Visual Pinball they also work fine without any error.

I will attach a screenshot of my error-message, my DOF-Settings and my PinballX-Settings.

Maybe somebody has a good idea. And many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,






Hi Jannek,

You can get that error with old .b2s backglasses and when there is no .dir3ectb2s file available - the first thing is to double check that those backglass files are named exactly the same as the table files that correspond to them. The second is to uncheck the error box in the setting I've indicated in the image attached (right click on the backglass to access these), it's a good idea anyway as it prevents tables without B2Server backglasses not running.




Right managed to sort out my issue properly by modifying Horsey's script which is linked in #2 above, it needed a couple of lines REM'ed out - don't ask me why though as I said earlier I'm no script expert but I am a patient fiddler - here's the modified script:-

#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\xpath.ahk

default_exe = VPinball991.exe
PinballX_Config = C:\PinballX\Config\PinballX.ini

;Read PinballX config for paths
IniRead, WorkingPath, %PinballX_Config%, VisualPinball, WorkingPath

TablePath = %1%
TableName = %2%
SplitPath, TableName, ,, ext,,

; Add extra check rename for VP10
If ext = vpx
StringReplace, table, TableName, .vpx,, All
StringReplace, table, TableName, .vpt,, All

; Read exe tag from xml, if no tag use default_exe
databaseFile = C:\PinballX\Databases\Visual Pinball\Visual Pinball.xml
xpath_load(dbXML, databaseFile ) ; need to read the existing xml otherwise xpath deletes all existing nodes
exe := XPath(dbXML, "/menu/game[@name= . table . ]/exe/text()")

If exe =
exe = %default_exe%

Run, %WorkingPath%\%exe% /Play -"%TablePath%\%TableName%"
MouseMove, 200, 100
;WinWait,ahk_class VPinball

WinWait, Visual Pinball Player
WinWaitClose, Visual Pinball Player
;WinClose, ahk_class VPinball

It looks like some form of delay???

Anyhow my tables now running flawlessly again and the script is once again allowing my tables to exit in 3 seconds rather than half a minute.

Now if I could only work out how to mark these posts with [Resolved] :-)



Alright Mark, got your email and decided to answer here.

I think I've mentioned before that even though you use this as a launcher it still loads up Toms if this system type is set to VP.



It's hard code if your system is named Visual Pinball. You could tell if "vpauto.exe" is running. So, even though you have commented out functions to close VP, vpauto.exe is maybe overriding that.

I haven't noticed any conflicts myself with it and no slow loading, but glad you finally got it sorted.


Hey mace,

the used backglasses are *.directb2s files. Names are exact the same (If I start the tables directly out of Visual Pinball everything works perfect).

Regarding your second tipp: this is just to avoid the error-prompt, isn´t it? This will not help me to get the backglass itself running, will it?

But I will check this option as well.

Thanks so far.

Kind regards,



I think that's it Dave, I'm running it from the VP entry section so the system type will be hardcoded to "1" by default - I just ran it up with TaskManager visible and VPauto is definitely running all the time the table is open along with Virtual Pinball.exe (obviously) and your VisualPinballExchanger.exe too. They only close when the table is exited. It's not slow loading, its really slow exiting, for some reason if you use Tom's <alternateExe> tags if another version of VP is used other than the default the tables hang for 23 odd seconds on close back to the selection menu. That's why I use your script, it shuts in three seconds and that's with my kill all script running hot on its heels too.


Jannek, sorry you said a few tables were not working - this affected all of my tables so I assumed as you had some working yours issue may have been a little different.....see if the setting helps. Looking at your files the entries look fine - are the non working backglasses confined to one VP system enry of the three you are using?


Hey mace,

thanks for your reply. I´ve jumped into your topic as it sounded a little bit the same like mine... :-)

Here are some more details:

- before I´ve installed DOF everything was working fine.

- if I start my tables directly out of VP9.9.0 or VP(PM5) everything works fine:

-> Backglass will be loaded, DOF starts, no problems

- if I start my tables out of PinballX (that´s what I used to do): I get an error message (as stated before)

-> DOF starts (only sometimes), Backglass Monitor gets dark, Playfield will be shown with mentioned error

This happens only with following tables:

- Indiana Jones VP920 MOD 2.0 FS (ij_l7)

- Indiana Jones MOD 2.5 FS PHYSMOD5_NM (ij_l7)

- STTNG_VP990_HD_GI_MOD_1.3_Physmod_FOM (sttng_x7)

- Jurassic Park (Data East 1993) UW_LW_dark-Javier_PM5_1.1 (jupk_513)

So, it´s not always the same VP-Version. I´ve already tried to rename my files to a little easier naming "NightMod.vpt" and "NightMod.directb2s", but this changed nothing.

I´ve also tried to use a backglass, which is working fine on another table, but this one will crash exactly the same way on the mentioned tables.

Kind regards,



No idea I'm afraid - there's nothing in your files that I can see as an error and if its just four tables (assuming you have others installed :-) ) it's probably the table and related files rather than the main programs or nothing would work I guess. Let me know if taking out the error selection helps.


Hey mace,

thanks for your replys.

1. Taking out the error selection

This helps to prevent the interupting error message. Table starts and is playable but indeed without the Backglass. (so it´s only half way through...)

2. New finding

Yesterday I tried to use different ROM-files (which changed nothing)... but by accident I found out that if I load the table in VP (I´ve NOT started it - just loaded), then I start PinballX and launch one of those tables: everything works perfect.

It seems to be a Timing issue at any stage, but I don´t know in which Programm/Software/script.

Currently I´m thinking about a batch-file which will load those tables into VP and to include that batch-file as a "Launch before"-Batch. Maybe this could help (but loading times will be doubled regarding those tables -_-).

Kind regards,



Hmm, as a point of interest try running just VP and dragging the window onto your backglass screen. Then close it and run VP and see if that makes any difference - I seem to remember a post on that a while back.


Hey Mace,

I found out that if I decrease Graphics Settings in VP, I get STTNG and Jurassic Park running in PinballX.

Seems to be that VP + B2S + PinballX needs too much memory...

Still I don't know exactly what the problem is: RAM, GraphicsRAM, CPU...

Ohh, and I got Indiana Jones running when I just start it in VP921 instead of VP990.

Only table I'm still not successful with is Indiana Jones PhysMod.

Kind regards,


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