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I have the Amigademobase and Amiga gamebase but I am not exactly understanding the best route in that emulation.

I really don't understand how multiple hardfiles are configured. So I have gotten Whdload to work before but I have no idea how to set up the multiple hardfiles. Would I be better off trying to make these work in GameEx? Or apply only as much as I understand in Gamebase. The Amiga had many different levels involved in it. Are these all existing in GameEx. Can I use the Amiga demobase and make it work in GameEx?

Thanks for anyone that can shed light on these things.


GamBase support basically lists whatever GameBases you have installed and configured and allows it to "take over" when a program is selected from within the GameBase. You are essentially accessing a frontend via a frontend. GameEx does not impart much in the way of functionality so you will have to figure out how to setup the GameBases and any supporting emulators to run the contents.


I am having a bear of a time getting the various gamebase's to work. I am surprized not to find more information. I just set up the C64 gamebase but I cant get the emulator to find the games. The 64 emulator doesn't like zipped files so I unzipped them 24000 or so and they all went into their own folders and Gamebase can't find them did I do something wrong? Stuff like that. So all the screenshots work for all the gamebases but I can't get the emulators to work. I adjusted the directory but it won't pick up the files zipped or unzipped. So I don't know why?

The Amiga hd I built in Winuae had a 68881 accelerator and I got up to mui installation and then a can't open installer error shows up so all the steps afterwards don't work. So stuff like that frustrates me. I have to remake a different config.


I am having a bear of a time getting the various gamebase's to work. I am surprized not to find more information. I just set up the C64 gamebase but I cant get the emulator to find the games. The 64 emulator doesn't like zipped files so I unzipped them 24000 or so and they all went into their own folders and Gamebase can't find them did I do something wrong? Stuff like that. So all the screenshots work for all the gamebases but I can't get the emulators to work. I adjusted the directory but it won't pick up the files zipped or unzipped. So I don't know why?

The Amiga hd I built in Winuae had a 68881 accelerator and I got up to mui installation and then a can't open installer error shows up so all the steps afterwards don't work. So stuff like that frustrates me. I have to remake a different config.

There is an excellent gamebase tutorial here. Scroll down and download the PDF file its for the Atari ST but applies to all the other versions....C64 Amiga Snes etc


As for the amiga I use Winuaeloader for both whdload games and demos. Whdload game packs are from KillerGorilla site and are easily configured and run from Winuaeloader a brilliant tool.

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I am setting this up so far I am confused on the Renaming of Roms. I bought Amiga forever and dumped those roms into the Whd \Devs\kickstarts but they aren't listed the way the website suggests. Is that enough?

Next I am unable to locate the Whd.mdl I see it for gamebase and demobase but not whdload what directory is that in?

I only see emulators ini in Gamebase Amiga is that the correct file? I dumped that into Gamebase configs emulators/import export.

Now I tried to generate a list and nothing works. Am I on the right track

I found whdload ini games and dumped that. The names don't exactly match what is stated that is why I am not sure if I am loading the correct items.


I have wrestled with this for several days and I think I can log it

I have my Winuae at C/Winuae

I put Winloader inside of the Winuae directory. Should I pull it out and put it at c:/Winuaeloader or can I make Winuaeloader work inside? I already have many many gigs of files inside of Winuae and so I don't want to create an emulators directory just for that I think it is more of a hassle and There are so many conflicting examples that for a newbie it is confusing.

Next is it still necessary to rename the roms or real it accept the Cloanto default roms. I don't know I will try and then go from there.


I handwrote out individual ini's in GBST and looked for them in Amiga demobase to match . What is the name of the Amiga demobase Gamebase refuses to recognize my name I might have changed it so if someone knows please let me know thanks.


Thanks I printed out those pages as well as Winuaeloader. I have set up following their emulators. I am confused about a few things. I went and purchased Cloanto Amiga Forever and so When I go to choose Roms the Amiga forever names don't match the Tosec Names and I think Whdloader is using the Tosec Names.

Another question is that when I point Winuae to the configs at Publc cocuments Amiga files system. Winuae is not listing any of the Amiga Forever configuration setups. Even though its pointing to the directory it is not listing any of those configurations. Each Game /Demo base has a copy of winuae installation but any change made in any one of them is going to show up in the C\Winuae version (latest one)

I had on hand these databases but I don't see the Sps mdb at all is it possible to upload that because I don't have it but I do have the games.

  • 2 weeks later...

Great to hear - The WinUAE loader method is still worth doing for a number of reasons, but you do need the right ROMsets for it to work.


SUCCESS!!! !! i got gamebase to work with Amiga gamebase but so far nothing else. At least one carrot before the cart. Thanks

Good to know! The GameBase's are actually very powerful, and once you get one working it should get easier to get all of them working, be it C64, Spectrum ZX, Vic20... they should all fall in line once you figure it out :)

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