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I've created a system called "Visuall Pinball 9 Physmod 5" at "other systems" to launch the pm5 exe for the pm5 tables. I've selected System Type Visual Pinball.

When i download artwork in the Game Manager, the artwork is saved in Media\Visual Pinball instead of Media\Visual Pinball PM5. Thus no artwork is shown in Pinball X.

When i copy the pm5 xml to visual pinball folder, the artwork is shown, but the wrong executable is used. When i copy the artwork to the PM5 folder manually, nothing is shown.

When i change the system type to custom, no artwork is found online.

I think that's a bug? Or am i doing something wrong?

Please advise


You may want to provide us with copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt (Click here for additional information on how to find these files and others that may be required). There may be other files we will request but we need to take a look at these first. Thanks!


Thanks for your quick reply!

I've attached the pinballx.ini file. There is no log file, but according to the link you've posted, the log file only appears when PinballX crashes (which it doesn't).

Is there an prefered way to add PM5 tables to pinball X? Did i do it correctly by adding a custom system like i've described?



The log.txt file is created when you first run PinballX and is always overwritten. Please provide it as well. Thanks.


Here you go... I was looking in the config folder for the log... my bad.

But i don't think the log will help you. The problem appears in the game manager. No need to start PinballX. I think it has something to do with online import, i'm doing more tests currently. Please just try to reproduce it...


Ok, the problem is with the online import.

- Created a new system

- Filled out everything for PM5, doesn't matter if system is visual pinball or custom

- Imported a random picture for the wheel art

- stopped game list manager and restarted it

- Picture is still there, it's copied to the correct folder (Media\Visual Pinball 9 PM 5)

- So far everthing is ok

- changed to online import

- downloaded wheel art

- stopped game list manager and restarted it

- no picture is shown -> The picture was downloaded to Media\Visual Pinball -> The old, manually added picture from before is still shown in Pinball X.

- not ok

- disable "Online for Import" again

- import a random image for wheel art. -> Overwrite

- it's saved in visual pinball folder instead of the PM5.

- Old picture that was added first is still shown in Pinball X

- not ok

Seems that enabling online import and downloading an image once messes something up. This can only be fixed by deleting the game and adding it again.

Additional Info.

- Add 2 games. Add some random images for the first game without online import. -> it's saved correctly

- switch to online import

- download something for the second game. -> it's messed up and saved to default Visual Pinball folder.

- First game isn't messed up until you click on import.

My current workaround:

I'm doing the whole vp9 folder on a clean pinball x installation and when i'm done i copy the content of the Visual Pinball Folder to my "real" installations Visual Pinball 9 PM5 folder. Good enough for me, but this should be fixed.


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