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[PLUGIN] Xpadder Plugin


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Hi there!

Xpadder plugin is awesome but yesterday I updated gameex to the last version available.

...and xpadder plugin stopped working right.

I mean, I have 2 gamepads. 1 usb controller that shows as 2 gamepads, and a hacked gamepad that controls coin selectors and internal buttons.

it should load 3 profiles, defecto1, defecto2 and cajetin. (controller 1, controller 2 and hacked gamepad).

since I updated gameex, although it's set like that on xpadder setup for mame, when it launches it always loads defecto1, defecto2...and defecto2 again! so none of my internal buttons or coin selectors work.

if I use a .bat file to load defecto1, defecto2 and cajetin profiles xpadder loads them perfectly, but xpadder plugin keeps using defecto1 defecto2 defecto2.

Xpadder log has only this:

19/01/2014 17:29:54 : Xpadder Plugin (Version: 1.1.8)
19/01/2014 17:29:54 : GameEx 13.21 loaded successfully!
19/01/2014 17:29:54 : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for GameEx Interface!
19/01/2014 17:30:40 : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for MAME!
19/01/2014 17:31:06 : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for GameEx Interface!
19/01/2014 17:31:23 : GAMEEX: Leaving Xpadder running and closing plugin!
19/01/2014 17:31:23 : GAMEEX: Closing GameEx and cleaning up!
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There's nothing in the code that would cause that. Can you zip up your settings.xml and post it so I can have a look at it?

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  • 2 months later...

Could you post your GameEx ini for me? I have a feeling I know what's happening here, and I can probably fix it. :-)

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I haven't looked at it yet. I will dive into it after school tonight, I'm super busy IRL at the moment. :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @Parka1300: I need to get a copy of your Settings.ini for the Xpadder plugin located here: GameEx->Plugins->Xpadder

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I forgot. ;)

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Adultery!

So I've been doing a real overhaul of my emulator setups recently; updating versions of emulators, changing emulators where better ones have become available, and just generally creating chaos for myself according to my whim. ;) Part of this process has been re-tooling my Xpadder profiles, and as such I've been fiddling around alot with the Xpadder plugin. As luck would have it I ran into the same issue reported by Parka1300 above. I'm running emulator groups for several systems including Nintendo N64, Sony Playstation, and in this particular case Nintendo Famicom.

So I have two emulator configs dedicated to Nintendo Famicom; one for Nestopia, and one for FCEUX. The interesting part is that when I configure the Xpadder plugin for one of them, the changes get applied to both of them. Interestingly enough the settings XML actually does store the separate configs, it's just that in the Configuration Utility and in execution it appears as if there's a single config that applies to both of them. I think the issue might be that the XML parsing picks the first instance of <Nintendo_Famicom> it finds, rather than looking at the entire set. The same thing happens when start the emulator (i.e. it loads the first <Nintendo_Famicom> profile rather than picking from the set).

It might be something that's easy to fix, or it may be something that requires more extensive restructuring. For that matter you might be in a code freeze waiting to see what changes Evolution might bring. Either way it's not really a huge deal (there's always good 'ol Launch Before & After), I just figured I'd dutifully report what I found. And ... I'll actually post my settings.xml and xpadder.log which ... you know ... makes me just a little bit superior. B) You'll see in the log that I'm launching FCEUX, but it's the Nestopia Xpadder profiles that get loaded.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><xpadder>  <settings>    <xml_ver>1.1x</xml_ver>    <created>Monday, February 04, 2013 8:19:46 PM</created>    <exe>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe</exe>  </settings>  <Nintendo_NES>    <profile_1>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\F710_P1[Nestopia].xpadderprofile</profile_1>    <profile_2>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\DS3_P2[Nestopia].xpadderprofile</profile_2>    <enabled>True</enabled>    <last_updated>Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:55:49 PM</last_updated>  </Nintendo_NES>  <Nintendo_SNES>    <profile_1>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\F710_P1[bsnes].xpadderprofile</profile_1>    <enabled>True</enabled>    <last_updated>Thursday, August 21, 2014 11:30:18 PM</last_updated>    <profile_2>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\DS3_P2[bsnes].xpadderprofile</profile_2>  </Nintendo_SNES>  <Nintendo_Super_Famicom>    <profile_1>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\F710_P1[bsnes].xpadderprofile</profile_1>    <profile_2>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\DS3_P2[bsnes].xpadderprofile</profile_2>    <enabled>True</enabled>    <last_updated>Friday, August 22, 2014 10:57:05 AM</last_updated>  </Nintendo_Super_Famicom>  <Nintendo_Famicom>    <profile_1>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\F710_P1[FCEUX].xpadderprofile</profile_1>    <profile_2>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\DS3_P2[FCEUX].xpadderprofile</profile_2>    <enabled>True</enabled>    <last_updated>Friday, August 22, 2014 7:05:59 PM</last_updated>  </Nintendo_Famicom>  <Nintendo_Famicom_>    <profile_1>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\F710_P1[Nestopia].xpadderprofile</profile_1>    <profile_2>C:\Emulation\Utilities\Xpadder\profiles\DS3_P2[Nestopia].xpadderprofile</profile_2>    <enabled>True</enabled>    <last_updated>Friday, August 22, 2014 7:17:37 PM</last_updated>  </Nintendo_Famicom_></xpadder>


8/22/2014 7:58:01 PM : Xpadder Plugin (Version: 1.1.9)
8/22/2014 7:58:01 PM : GameEx 13.27 loaded successfully!
8/22/2014 7:58:46 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for Nintendo Super Famicom!
8/22/2014 7:59:12 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder was terminated successfully!
8/22/2014 7:59:36 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder settings were enabled for Nintendo Famicom (FCEUX)!
8/22/2014 8:00:23 PM : GAMEEX: Xpadder was terminated successfully!
8/22/2014 8:00:29 PM : GAMEEX: Closing GameEx and cleaning up!
8/22/2014 8:00:29 PM : GAMEEX: Bye bye!

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It helps a lot actually, I already have an idea how to go about fixing this. If I get a little time this weekend, I'll put out an update.

I appreciate it buddy. :)

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Any other improvements you would like to see when I'm in there? I wouldn't mind circling back and having a look at the code if you can think of any other useful enchancements.... It'll be nice to take a break from Moodle. :)

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Well, it's time for an update...

Version 1.2.0 Released!

  • Added a lookup for emulators that share similar namings using the Emulator Number in GameEx
    • This will break compatibility with old versions of the plugin, all emulators will need this attribute no matter if they are duplicates or not (sorry, it's honestly for the best. I promise!)
    • You're going to have to go through your xml and either add the "num" attribute to that emulator like so:<Nintendo_SNES num="3">
    • The "3" is the Emulator Number given by GameEx.If you don't know your emulator number, it's the number in the Settings Wizard pull-down for Emulator Setup.
    • If you don't have a ton of emulator or game profiles, you can simply start over fresh
  • Added a profile mode for "Attract Mode"
    • Basically this profile will be called when GameEx enters Attract Mode
    • On my machine, I have F5 mapped to "Select" and "Esc" mapped to "Start", and then I use a shift key to revert "Select" back to coin in and "Start" back to 1P Start.
    • This way I can play games inside Attract Mode as is the original GameEx functionality instead of Xpadder resting.
  • Added some additional information to the configuration screen's drop down menu
    • The list now shows like so: Emulator Name [GameBase If Applicable] [Emulator Number]
    • Here's an example of how games are displayed:
      Arcadia 2001 [GameBase] [#500]
      Sega CD [#27]
    • This should assist in identifying which emulator in your setup you are editing, which is specifically useful if you have several emulators where the text is the same
  • Added icons to the Edit Xpadder Profile and Browse For Xpadder Profile buttons/minor graphical tweaks
  • Some code improvements to speed up loading and browsing

So as I said up there, this is gonna require either some adapting your XML or creating it from scratch. I always prefer the 2nd option, but I realize that doesn't work for some of you with a lot of game specific profiles. If you are going to attempt going at it, I'll be more than happy to help you along. I would prefer the users get on this before I ask Tom to pack it in, because profiles will not load anymore for users on the old system. It just has to be that way, I'm sorry... I put this off for a long time because of this, but it's popping up in places unfortunately. Call it bad planning on my part, I dodn't see this as a problem when I initially put this plugin together or I would have coded around it.

Hopefully y'all aren't too pissed with me, and accept my sincere apologies. :)

Download details are in the usual place.

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Minor update to 1.2.1:

  • Bug fix for Attract Mode profile
  • Added some additional logging
  • A couple more visual updates
  • A minor code fix in the plugin (not critical, just redundant code)

I wouldn't have even put it out but the Attract Mode profile wasn't working as expected before (it was loading emu profiles over the attract mode profile), but it is now.

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Yeah I apologize for that, but it turns out my new job is awfully demanding, not to mention I spend an hour driving each way. I will be able to set up VPN access this week though, so I'll be able to do a bit from home, which should free up some of my schedule hopefully.

Next week will be easy with an extra day of for the holiday, but the week after that is another mandatory overtime weekend. I have a feeling I'll start really hating php in the end. Lol!

Anyways, I'm still in and out, just not as active as I would like to be. And for that I apologize.

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No need to apologize! Sounds like you're having a blast in your new post :) Must feel good earning some green after all that effort you put in. I was just trying to show my appreciation that you still find the time to chip in here - you're the plugin King no doubt and i for one want you to keep that throne :P

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I don't know about having a blast, but it certainly is a great job so far. Just really demanding, but also rewarding. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to 1.2.2!

  • Added support for EA Origin Native Support
  • Added support for UbiSoft UPlay Native Support
  • Moved Emulator Number from drop-down to the info group
  • Added/improved integrated online game support
  • Fixed bug where "Games In Subfolders" option was available for Steam, GX Arcade, and GX Interface options
  • Added some improvements to the logging and emu details populating
  • Added support for the new GameEx options to enable/disable Steam, Origin, and UPlay in Setup Wizard

HUUUGE shout out to my man Tom Speirs for the additions of Origin and UPlay! I'd love to get these going on my system, but Steam is where I reside mostly. I will probably take advantage of these services at some point, but for now I was able to add functionality and test without having to purchase any games thanks to a huge assist from the big guy himself. It's much appreciated!!!

So yeah, the above pretty much says it all really. There is per-game support for both new additions (EA Origin and UPlay), and the rest was mostly cosmetics (fixed the profile for game labels not showing properly, moved emu numbers around, etc) and some minor functionality stuff (disabling games in subfolders option for emulators that don't support it, automatically checking that box for emulators that have that option specified in GameEx, etc) and some internal code optimizations.

You can get it from the usual places.


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