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13.32 - Weather Select Tool broke


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@Tom - I have verified that nothing is being reported in the log.txt file on my end and that the weather icnons are indeed not displaying on the theme I have installed presently or other themes with the Weather icon enabled.

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Anyone else having issues with the weather select tool? I type in a zip code and nothing (doesn't display any city or anything) and no weather icon display in the themes either even thou it is enabled.

Same problem here... :(

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Only if you like bloatware crap! :)

The weather tool is independent of Windows integration. Shouldn't take long to fix hopefully. Maybe it'll be fine before my cab is running even. :)

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Yeah, I hate all the pop ups and what not inside weather bug. It might be better not to have the weather deal work anyways. Not really sure I want to know that it's 9 degrees Fahrenheit out right now in Minneapolis.

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I don't know how much would be involved in making it work, but I think Media Browser uses Yahoo for it's weather services. Might be worth checking into.

I also know that the Xbox community's Freestyle Dashboard uses an API from WorldWeatherOnline. Their API access is free, and is provided in xml. The problem with WWO is that their licenses are kinda limited. If you intend to use them, you would probably need to get the purchased license for more users. TeamFSD (xbox) got around this by having their users register their own API license if they wanted to use that feature. You simply plug the key into the settings in the program and it would work from there. If you don't want your users to have to register their own keys, then you would need to get the Premium version.

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