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Awesome! I like! :)


Hmm... dunno how I managed that - check out my GameTag main page!!

Adultery - how about two avatar entries - one for your gametag and one for your GameTag main page - no idea why Wall-E is still on my gametag and the spinny thing is on my profile page!

UPDATE - meh - lost my wall-e on my card:


- still - how about it, adultery? Two avvys or would that be a b-ache to code? (possibly more database work and site redesign i'm guessing!)

Loving this btw

  • Like 1

YES! i second that request :P A separate Profile Avvy and one for the card pleeeeeeeeeese :ph34r: The reason i ask for it is we could do some nice trickery with the card avvy, that makes it seem like the background is overlaying the snap in the bottom left corner - very cool :D:P:ph34r:


Yeah I can probably do that too. ;)

Shouldn't be too difficult, I'll try tonight and se if I can come up with something.

I fixed the bbcode bug too btw. :)

  • Like 1

Few more suggestions, Adultery:

1) If one of the game images isn't found - the Profile page uses the no_img png in the theme folder - I used the same size as the ones in your theme - also meaning the no image on profile page is rather small! (can we put a larger no image in the theme folder?)

2) When using the no-img png - the transparency seems to be lost on the profile page.

4) If you go to the "News/About" page - you loose the top nav bar.

3) Loving the page design btw. Feels full of more possibilities - what other data can you pull from GE?

Please don't feel I'm being pedantic - I know when I make something - I like a full snag list back :)

Great work.


You're losing transparency on the snaps because these are converted to jpeg to speed up page loading, that's by design and that's not likely to change. I was using pngs before for these and it just loads too long for my tastes. ;)

What browser are you using? I can't reproduce the nav bar issue, might just be because I added a new tab for themes a couple minutes ago.

Does it happen every time you browse to that page?

There's a bit of data I can get from GameEx, but my next step will probably be integrating the hi-score comp, well after I finish up the things I'm working on now anyway.

The page will be in rapid development all summer probably, so expect changes. Hard refresh your browser often to keep your JavaScript and CSS fresh too. :)


That's probably not the bbcode, it's more likely your browser cache settings. Try pressing CTRL-F5 and see if it updates your tag.


Thanks. ;)


So I found a way to get around the cache issue by simply drawing the tag on the server, so it always gets the most recent tag.

I updated the plugin to reflect this, but all you need to do is change the BB Code in your signature to:


You can also download the latest version of the plugin and just copy/paste the new code. ;)

@stig/Dazzle: I fixed your sig for you already buddy. ;)


Just got done adding the ability to upload your own page avatar (this is seperate than the ones on your tag itself). Supported file types are .png, .jpg/.jpeg, .bmp and .gif - and yes, animated GIFs are fully supported. ;)

You just need to press the CHANGE button under your avatar in the user cp to get the option. Be advised you need to have Javascript enabled for this feature to work. ;)

I also finished up the email password recovery system, not that any of you will need it, right? :D

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SUGGESTION: Have the theme xml in the directory with the rest of its files. Will make them more portable and reduce the number of errors a user will make, seeing as this is a user customisable plugin :D We all know what happens when you have to do more than just plonk one folder in one place - panic, hysteria - may as well make it fool proof in the beginning dontcha think? :)

@stigz - that is such a British phrase ^_^ me mam says it all the time hehe

  On 5/28/2014 at 3:29 PM, DazzleHP said:

SUGGESTION: Have the theme xml in the directory with the rest of its files. Will make them more portable and reduce the number of errors a user will make, seeing as this is a user customisable plugin :D We all know what happens when you have to do more than just plonk one folder in one place - panic, hysteria - may as well make it fool proof in the beginning dontcha think? :)

Seconded. This'd be really helpful + reduce hassles for all.

Dazzle - "me mam" - I'm guessing North East UK @ that - you not UK?

  On 5/28/2014 at 5:38 PM, stigzler said:

Dazzle - "me mam" - I'm guessing North East UK @ that - you not UK?

Actually way down south, near the southern coast. We still use northern dialect occasionally though - i blame corrie :rolleyes:

About losing the transparency - that is only for the "no image" file right? I notice when i click stigz' singular tag image it has a white background. Is this just FF doing that? I don't want to spend hours creating a theme only to find out it only works on white forums as it has a lot of transparency in it (in otherwords have to manually put a white back in to square it up) ^_^


Yeah probably, FF is the bane if my existence.

In IE and Chrome I don't have any of these issues. FF just never seems to do anything right. ;)

It's like they don't adhere to the rules and I often have to code around them.

  On 5/28/2014 at 6:04 PM, DazzleHP said:

Actually way down south, near the southern coast. We still use northern dialect occasionally though - i blame corrie :rolleyes:

Cardiff? Or Southampton or Portsmouth? Any further south and you will respond Oui!


Dazzle - Please excuse the "off-topic" - but I'm shamelessly trying to rally together all the UK system builders. Firstly to know who's about in the UK (a UK builders convention one year? :)) and secondly so we can all share resources/suppliers etc. Can be hard work over here to get certain parts+services!

So, if you'd care to pin yourself on the map, Click here!


OK - back on topic. This is all looking fab, Adultery. I see you've added others' gamecards + you can browse them - very cool.

It feels like you could add loads more to this.

One would be to add other game tags to your profile - so you could have your xbox tag, your steam tag, think people have some kinda streaming service tag or something? Oh, and let's not forget all our Facebook tabs! (oh, they don't have them, you say!?)

Dunno what else you can pull from GE. I'm aware also there may be a bit of an overlap going on, but maybe keeping a history of games played, for how long, how many times etc...

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