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Welcome to the GameEx forums. SInce some of our users that may be able to assist may not have access to view a video, how about sharing some more details about the problems you are experiencing. Are you having the problem outside of GameEx or within GameEx only? You will need to provide a copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini file so we may quickly assist you. Please refer to this link for additional information. Thanks!

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Like Draco, I also can't view that video (yet), but in terms of the game list you'll likely need to use a map file in order for game names to display properly. I don't believe the Naomi database is necessarily complete or accurate at this point.

fRequEnCy has compiled a nice set of map files which could be just what the doctor ordered. I'd give that a shot and see where it gets you.

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The issue isn't necessarily that we cannot view it as we can except when at work web filters are in place (some of us try to assist during breaks, etc. while on the job) or from mobile devices with tiny screens.

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Hi OverPower, i saw the vid :)

The thing is, someone elses map file will only get you so far - unless you have the exact same roms named the exact same way as the person who created the original map file. One of the reasons i've never really bothered with Naomi is because there are multiple sets, and often they aren't even consistent within themselves ^_^ That is why some of your games are displaying correctly and some are not. You will need to edit the map file yourself to include the roms that are not displaying correctly. They are pretty straight forward - just open it up in Notepad and have a look see ;) Add your troublesome roms to the end of the file in the same manner as the rest and you should be good.

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that worked out perfectly dazzle for once I can go through actually pick the game I want.

it's too bad I had to go through every file was really trying to avoid doing that

Glad you got it sorted out :) This hobby takes a bit of elbow grease from time to time but the end result is usually worth the effort.

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There are a few map file creation applications here on the forum that make this much easier. ;)

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well outta 21 emulators this was the only one that gave me trouble

This hobby takes a bit of elbow grease from time to time but the end result is usually worth the effort.

Which is exactly why i personally haven't tackled Naomi yet (that sentence conjurs up a strange image in my head ^_^). But as Riffman said, this is one of them hobbies when putting in the effort really pays off. In fact i'll bet once your list was sorted you spent at least a few minutes just scrolling through it with a sense of pride, didn't you ;) dintcha! :P

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I've been away for awhile so haven't updated the map files to match the latest available dats. I'll have to take a look. Just put in a request and I'll take a look. I whip them out in a matter of seconds with personal tools.

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