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BBCode + open links in new tab or window


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Anyone know how to do it?

Don't want to have users navigate away from GameEx when clicking a link....feels like poor form...

So, anyone know the bbcode to include a link, but this opens in separate tab/window on click? (a bit like the _blank,_top etc tags in html?)


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BBCode cannot be modified to control it. If the user right-clicks on the link, they can select to open in a tab or new window. There are settings in IE (and probably the other browsers as well) where you can modify how IE handles links by default (tabbed browser settings under Internet Options).

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In most modern browsers clicking a link with the scroll wheel will also open a new tab (which is great if you have a 'clickable' scroll wheel - I suppose that the middle button on one of those 3 button jobbies might do the same thing, but I don't have any of those).

You're right that it would be cool if you could control that via BBCode, but it's not possible at this time (as Draco pointed out).

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