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[Resolved] Possible corruption with database files?


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Hi there,

I am having a strange new problem with GameEx and I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out what is causing it.

Recently I set up WinUAE Loader and it was working like a dream. There were 3 ROMsets that I was playing around with. SPS, Gamebase, and WHDLOAD.

One of the features in WinUAE Loader is a "check ROMs" feature which allows you to confirm that you've set it up correctly and all the ROMs are there. You can also test ROMs via this method. I noticed that it was indicating that some of the ROMsets weren't complete, so I located alternate ROMs and rechecked, and WinUAE Loader indicated that I had in fact solved the issues and 100% of the ROMs were working for the SPS and WHDLoad sets. (Gamebase wasn't 100% but let's ignore that for now) Since I had created new directories with the corrected ROM sets, I had to tell GameEx where the new ROMs were since the directory changed so I did that with the Setup Wizard.

(The games emulate just fine via the WINUAE Loader ROM test so everything seemed great)

Only problem is, now in GameEx, not a single game will run in the via WinUAE Loader from either of the 3 ROMsets. In fact, now it says that none of the SPS ROMs are even showing up, and the games in the WHDLoad section appear corrupted (Game list is fine, but clicking on a game brings up a list of random words in GameEx). I have double checked that the paths are correct in the Setup Wizard profile.

I'm totally stabbing in the dark here that somehow some file permissions got messed up, and GameEx is having trouble accessing certain files, but it's a total guess.

Also in the GameEx log file I see the following:

Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 1
22:05:13.2 13/03/2014: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
22:05:13.2 13/03/2014: at GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.b(Int32 A_0, Int32 A_1, Boolean A_2)
22:05:13.2 13/03/2014: No Database Data: 2
22:05:13.3 13/03/2014: No Database Data: 3

What's strange is that I've copied new versions of the database files from the WinUAE Loader setup to replace the old ones in the GameEx directory, and this does not seem to help.

I would love any suggestions because I'm pretty stumped. I had it working so nicely, too!

Thank you,


PC Commodore Amiga (GameBase).ini

PC Commodore Amiga (SPS).ini

PC Commodore Amiga (WHDLoad).ini



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I was thinking the same thing. It's possible that something became corrupted in your cache files. To expand on Draco's advice, navigate to the \Gameex\DATA folder and delete all the files with cache in the file name or extension. The next time you start GameEx it will rebuild these files.

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Alas, the suggestion of deleting the cache files did not solve the problem. Still appear to have some sort of corruption.

Any other ideas?

I'm working in debug mode - there appears to be an error just after the emulator tries to run the game but the shell screen closes instantly so I can't see the message.

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After doing a split second "print screen" keypress the moment the shell appeared, I was able to finally see the error which was

"WinUAELoader.exe" is not recognized as an internal or external recognized command, operable program or batch file.

This made me realize that there was somehow a paths problem. It turned out when I reinstalled "WinUAE Loader", by dragging the .ini files from its setup to GameEx, it reset the working directory to

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinUAE\WinUAE Loader

instead of

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinUAE Loader

which was where I had installed it on my machine.

They were so similar that I didn't recognize that it had changed. My apologies, I have the WHD set working fine again now with WinUae Loader. Will keep troubleshooting the other WinUae Loader ROMsets, there might be something unique (resetting the paths correctly didn't fix those, but I'm not one to give up)

Thanks for the assistance, earlier.


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Glad you got that one sorted - turned out much easier to deal with than corrupt DB's i'd say :D And no apologies needed, i know i had a "phew" moment when i read your conclusion :P Also it comes with installing from backups - i often browse my drives and get the bright idea of moving a couple of folders and then wonder why the heck everything acting all crazy later ^_^

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