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Juno First Leaderboard


1 ExedExes 394,390 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
2 Mame Offender 302,680 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
3 Cynicaster 195,850 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
4 KRC 163,730 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
5 rtkiii 148,280 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
6 jedah 140,520 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
7 murve33 103,040 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
8 Floyd Turbo 99,560 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
9 wolfman24 95,580 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
10 Floyd Turbo 93,120 http://goo.gl/N4i6bL
Last Updated by hansolo77: 01-13-2021


  1. millerbrad - 46,450 (link)
  2. GimmeClassics - 45,050 (link)
  3. Buzzin69 - 43,520 points (link)
  4. hansolo77 - 39,790 points (link)
  5. Adultery - 37,940 points (link)

Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Juno First:

ROMSet: junofrst
Lives: 3
Cabinet: Upright
Unused: Off
Difficulty: 1

---> All settings are appropriate on DEFAULT. No need to change anything.

# you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link
# you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link
# general rules for submitting you hi-score > link
# the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > see attached file





Thank you ExedExes for choosing Juno First as your favorite game

We want to reward our hi-score contestants with the possibility to add a personal favorite hi-score game !

ExedExes was chosen for this month's free game !!

We invite you to compete for a good Leaderboard position and be the next one to choose your favorite game in April :)

Happy hi-scoring everyone !


Awright, Juno First is first in hopefully a long line of trustworthy suggestions by yours truly.

Before we begin, here's your benchmark score.

ExedExes - 230,060

Now I hear you all groaning and leaving the thread, but before you bolt for the doors, I'm gonna help out those who are less familiar with this game.

Think of it as a vertical Defender. You have the long range scanner on the top, enemies that roughly resemble and appear just like the alien landing ships, and even the chance to save humans here. Plus, the second button is your Warp, that will get you out of trouble, much like Hyperspace can.

Each wave has many of these alien ships, but you can easily avoid them and their shots by moving up to speed up, and holding down will reverse the direction of your ship. Yes, you can travel backwards in this game, and it might help. A warning though, the longer the ships stay alive, the harder they'll be to destroy, they will change colors and fire faster.

Be on the lookout for a blue circular space capsule (looks like an asteroid) with a spaceman inside once shot at. Pick him up for fast points, then the screen turns red and you enter a special mode where the enemies don't fire back, but they also don't appear on the screen quite as fast - these enemies start at a certain point value and increase by 200 pts for each one (up to 3200 pts) you can kill during the red screen period.

When a wave is cleared, you receive a point bonus for time remaining. (anywhere from 100 - 400 (depending on wave) multiplied by every 5 seconds left on the timer, example if you had 64 seconds left in wave 1 it would be 100 X 12 = 1200)

You have 3 uses per stage of the Warp feature by pressing the second button, it temporarily breaks your ship up clearing the screen, and you'll use that to avoid enemy fire, collisions, and the dreaded mines that appear starting in Wave 4, which are best avoided by reversing your ship and shooting them, because scrolling them off the screen doesn't always work.

Extra lives are at every 100K.

That's it for now, hope more of you will try this!


  • Like 3

Nice score ExedExes and thank your for your thorough eplanation !! I'll definitely use it when I'm playing Juno First :)


I remember that re spawning thing the computer ships do but I'm not sure I have ever played this. Look forward to adding to my collection,.

  On 3/8/2014 at 4:46 AM, ExedExes said:
*lots of awesome tips and strats*

Thanks for the headsup! Those are the bits of knowledge that would take quite some playtime to learn by experience alone so much appreciated man! B)


I like this game :)

Here's my first try. I'll definitely revisit this game a lot B)

points: 45,050

initials: DEN


Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB


55,520 - this is fun but I bet this gets crazy challening. I havve not looked at the tips but after I get some practice in I will. I like to try it out first and figure out my own moves...then realize I can never do it any better than the tips and I give in :)


  On 3/11/2014 at 1:43 AM, rtkiii said:

I like to try it out first and figure out my own moves..

That's usually my stance but i've gotten so far behind lately i'll take any hints that'll help me to catch up :P

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.

Edit by GC: Updated LB

  • Like 1

Aw yeah, this one has always been a favorite of mine. Doesn't mean I'm pro at it though!



  On 3/13/2014 at 9:23 PM, murve33 said:

Aw yeah, this one has always been a favorite of mine. Doesn't mean I'm pro at it though!


I've never played this one but after a couple quick goes it does seem like my type of game! Will def put some time into this one in the near future.

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.

  • 5 weeks later...
  On 4/12/2014 at 4:46 PM, KRC said:


Initials: KRC

Wow ! Nice score Ray. Puts you in second spot :)

Updated OP, DB, RSS

  On 4/12/2014 at 5:07 PM, KRC said:

Thanks, I'm not too keen on this game, a little too fast past for my liking!

It's a fast game indeed. I also have a hard time improving my best score :blink:

Updated LB

  On 4/17/2014 at 1:41 PM, Cynicaster said:


Jumps in with a second place score! Welcome to our competition btw B) It seems word is spreading ^_^

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.

  • Like 1
  On 4/18/2014 at 3:15 AM, ExedExes said:

Seeing a new score for this game made me play it again, and this time even better!

ExedExes - 394,390

Holy shhhhhhhhips on a stick! If there were a worship smiley i'd be doing it right now :o

*Updated OP, DB, RSS.


On the board...


  • 2 months later...

Welcome to our GameEx Hi-Score competition TIF !!

...oh my...you are serious competition for our top hi-score players. I already knew you from RU and you're one hell of an arcade / console player and that's already been proved by this amazing Juno First Hi-Score :o !! Great job. One small thing I noticed > your Juno First Hi-score at RU is 231,860 (April 2013). You've trippled your hi-score with this submission ! Did you never bother to play this game anymore at RU ?

Of course you're more than welcome. I hope you don't mind but I want to make you aware we're running a friendly competition. I hope you won't crush each and every single hi-score by using hit and run tactics by submitting only once per game and not actually play in our competition. I'm not saying you will ;) but for the sake of our competition I felt the need to tell you this. If you're simply better than that's ok of course but I just hope you won't simply hit and run...that's all. Other than that, it's great to have you aboard :)

I've sent you a PM with some additional info about our hi-score competition.

~ GC

Updated OP, DB, RSS

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