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[PLUG-IN] PINemHi LeaderBoard (works with pinballx version 1.76 and up) :cheers:

PINemHi LeaderBoard is a program that catches the score and specialscores from player 1 (Visual Pinball only at the moment)

The normal score doesn't have to be on the hiscore table of the game, even scores like 1000 can be submitted.

Special scores are for instance , 20 loops (back to the future) or 50 martians killed (attack from mars) and so on...

If you have a nice score, just don't start a new game but just quit the game, PINemHi LeaderBoard will do the rest.

When quitting a game you don't have to rush , just as long as you don't start a new game the score(s) can be retrieved.

Hiscores can be found on http://www.pinemhi.com/hiscores.php

Just a trial run here to see if it works ok....so if anyone wants to try it out...

unpack the pinemhi_leaderboard_plugin.zip in your pinballx directory.

Read the instructions that come with it to get it working and for more information <IMPORTANT>

If all goes well I'll upload it to the site....

Have Fun,

Dna Disturber

-edit- found a little problem with the special scores, i already fixed it and have added support for 18 future pinball tables.... Will release it soon..in the meantime i deleted the plugin from this post.

  • Like 5

This is super cool. I actually did a half-assed plugin like this for GameEx that just uploaded and downloaded hiscores from an FTP. This looks great though, thanks for your contribution!

PS Ever thought about doing a HiToText compatible version for GameEx? The plugin system is very similar. We can get you a free license of GameEx if you're interested.

  • Like 1
  On 3/8/2014 at 1:42 PM, headkaze said:

This is super cool. I actually did a half-assed plugin like this for GameEx that just uploaded and downloaded hiscores from an FTP. This looks great though, thanks for your contribution!

PS Ever thought about doing a HiToText compatible version for GameEx? The plugin system is very similar. We can get you a free license of GameEx if you're interested.

Hi headkaze,

With mame you have so many different versions, if you use an older one the name of the rom could be totally different or the byteadresses are different. The roms used in vpinmame are pretty stable so to speak.

A lot of the roms don't work anymore for hitotext as a result of changes, it was very difficult to maintain.

I really liked working on hitotext but with every new release of mame some scores broke...

And i have to find the first players scores from the roms as hitotext only gives the hiscores.

But you never know...when i do i'll make sure to contact you..

First i want to add a lot more tables to this one and add future pinball support as well...

Unit3d should also work as it works with vpinmame, only thing would be if the roms could be detected by pinballx and send to the pluginsystem.

So that will take up a lot of my freetime i'm afraid.


PS this plugin hadn't been here without the hitotext project , as the idea originated somewhat from it.....so your involvement early on with it certainly helped to make this :)


I have a small problem prg crashes at exit vp setup seems to be correctly see my logfile.

Using win7 32bit pinballx latest version



  On 3/14/2014 at 6:36 PM, Slashbot said:

I have a small problem prg crashes at exit vp setup seems to be correctly see my logfile. Using win7 32bit pinballx latest version

Hi Slashbot,

The crash is with pinemhi , that is the one for the hiscores in pinballx (in the menu)....not sure why that is as i don't have any additional information

The hiscores you made were being sent to the website however the tables are newer version of the ones supported.

These are the scores you made:

2014-03-14 15:12:46 Slashbot T2_CE_Tipoto_1.07_FS 3119910

2014-03-14 15:14:20 Slashbot TOTAN_VP91x_3.4FS_Classic_FOM_SUNKEN_RELEASE_GI 25110

2014-03-14 19:27:42 Slashbot STTNG_VP920_HD_GI_MOD_1.1 180323510

2014-03-14 19:32:28 Slashbot T2_CE_Tipoto_1.07_FS 3073280

Later on I will surely update the tables to their newer versions.

If you use the pinemhi leaderboard.xml file and have the tables in the xml it will work

Using gamemanager to enable the right tables

Thanks for testing...

Hoop dat je nog een paar scores zet op de wat oudere tafels...



Ok i will try with some older tables and see if it works.

Can anyone confirm i dont have to start a new challenge to see my highscores on the PINEmHI website?

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:20 PM, Slashbot said:

Ok i will try with some older tables and see if it works.

Can anyone confirm i dont have to start a new challenge to see my highscores on the PINEmHI website?

No challenges needed to submit scores.....it's just an extra feature to make it fun



So i submited 2 highscores (LOTR and NoFear) the logfile tells me the score is send but i cannot find them on the website.

Is there any specif link to these highscore?

  On 3/15/2014 at 8:38 PM, Slashbot said:

So i submited 2 highscores (LOTR and NoFear) the logfile tells me the score is send but i cannot find them on the website.

Is there any specif link to these highscore?

These tables are not supported.

In the pinemhi leaderboard xml are the tables that are supported (including nofear and lotr)

You can use the xml file by copying it to the databases dir and then under visual pinball

Using gamemanager you can enable them.

Just download the right tables and it should work.


I find it a great idea this plugin and was very enthousiast when i saw this plugin, but already 6 of the first tables i tried are not supported :-)

Better update the plugin with the newest tables because sometimes i delete the old table when a new version is available, and now they update lot of tables to flashermod versions (FOM).

Anyway thnx for all the work u put into this plugin.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/12/2014 at 3:03 PM, Tom Speirs said:

Thank you, and apologies you are not getting much feedback. Just how it is sometimes :)

Hi Tom,

No need to apologize.... :)

That's how it goes sometimes as you said...

I also posted it on vpforums.....

Got some scores in from players using the plugin.

Maybe it will grow to a little more...



Seems feedback is available to the point of being overwhelming when you screw something up or someone's setup isn't working. As for it when you fix the issue... crickets. As Tom said, it is how it is sometimes. While I do not run PinballX at present, I still appreciate your effort and contributions to this hobby.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Added a little extra competition on the website. pleasantry.gif

Country CUP

You represent your country by raking up points.

All points (vp9, vp8 , FS and 5minutes modes and of course Future Pinball) made are points for your country.

You can also see who are the great contributors for a country (ranking them , so you know if you're the best of your country) otvclap.gif

I took the liberty of filling in the countries of players who are on vpforum (if they mention it on their userpage)

Hope you don't mind....if so please say it and i'll remove you from the country-list

Also please mention it if I made a booboo regarding which country you represent.

If you aren't on it and you already have a user , just tell me and I'll add you to the country-list

New users are asked to fill in which country they represent so that's gonna be fine....

Your country needs you !!!!!!!!!

unless it's France wink.png because they hold the cup for now , with quite some margin (xio,ced and redafoe rule)

Hope you like it


  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Uhm...how do I test if its working or not? (The homepage does not show my Score from atm as "last score submitted")

Does pinemhi work with VP 9.9?

  On 5/17/2014 at 8:32 PM, Censored said:

Uhm...how do I test if its working or not? (The homepage does not show my Score from atm as "last score submitted")

Does pinemhi work with VP 9.9?

Pinemhi does work with vp9.9

Only problem is that you submitted scores on a table that isn't recognized.

2014-05-17 22:14:36 Censored_DCP Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) 230674630

2014-05-17 22:17:46 Censored_DCP Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) 653939580

To ensure that everybody plays the same table the tables should have their original names

I see this config with lots of people.

In the xml file you can fill in the original name, the gamename is what is used to match the backglass, video's

But a lot of people rename all the tables and that isn't necessary.

You can just alter the xml when you have a new version of a game.

Download name will be like attack_from_mars_fs_v1.3 and the gamename is attack from mars (bally 1995)

Hope this makes sense.

You can otherwise use the xml that came with pinemhi leaderboard and select the games with gamemanager to get a list of games for pinemhi. It will show in the menu as a separate list.

It says how to use it in the instructions that came with it.



Oh yes, this makes sense, I only misunderstood the original names part.... :blink:

Well, it was much easier to import all the tables in game manager and rename their filenames so they match the gamename instead of typing every Filename into the Gamemanager and renaming the db2s files to match the name of the tables.

BTW: Please delete the User "Censored" - I forgot to write down the Code, so I had to register again (Censored_DCP)...

Thanks you so much for the pinemhi plugin - really great work! The Challenges are a great idea too!

  • 1 year later...

I see this thread has been sleeping for awhile now ..anyone still using this plugin? I had this plugin working on my Hyperpin install and i thought it was great! Now since I finally got my hardware updates for my cab done, and moved to win7 from XP .. also to PinballX from HP, I think I am ready to give this a try again. I have everything installed, and using my name and code from before ..filled in the config as I read in the instructions but it seems my score from a game of congo wasn't submitted? I am positive I followed the instructions very closely.

So far I have the custom list working in PinballX with 12 tables available ..is it supposed to send the score on the table exit?



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