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[THEME] Star Wars Theme

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Hi, so a couple of us over at B.Y.O.A.C have been working on front ends for multi star wars cabinets.

Most of the work has been done by Le Chuck with some great snaps, but I have thrown together a GameEx theme.

The question is if it is too niche to upload? as its fairly useless as a general purpose theme and needs most things turned off along with custom menus enabled?.

I have two versions one with a text box and one without, really I am just testing the water as think maybe it may just not be suitable.

It will be available at BYOAC with a readme for set up but what do you think?.

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Anything you wish to submit for GameEx will be welcome, even if it is a niche theme. You may sih to explain in a little more detail as to qhy custom menus are required and, perhaps, provide a copy of same.

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Ok I will sort out a readme PDF with screenshots, the custom menu contains just the favourites menu and exit, shutdown, restart.

Users could use another theme to create a fave list then swap over to this one when all is set up.

I will see what I can do.

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That looks sweet. So the video of stars plays in the background, I get that.. but the rest of it (like your game selections) seems like a dedicated cab for those games specifically. How well would it look as an "all around" theme for other emulators, and all MAME games, etc.

I really like the way it looks though, you did an AWESOME job.

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seems like a dedicated cab for those games specifically. How well would it look as an "all around" theme for other emulators

Thats exactly what its for - just those few yoke friendly games - but I guess you could use the hyperspin wheel images as snaps although I do not know how they will look full screen.

If people really wanted to use it for other systems apart from needing more snaps I suppose all thats needed is to rename the backgrounds correctly to (????)bak.mp4?.

Personally I think with bigger gameslists it would be nicer to have a preview window, but hey I will upload what I have and if anyone wants to extend it then they are most welcome :) .

Le Chuck created most of the snaps so deserves credit for those.

Is it best to have two different themes one with a text box the other without, or just include the ini and changed files in a folder within one download?.

Should have a nice clear read-me PDF ready by wednesday so will up it then.

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Sounds pretty cool. Perhaps you could have a Red Squadron version without the text box and Blue Squadron version with it. Be sure to include a .psd template so that others can customize for any foreground and/or still backgrounds if they desire.

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So I have this pretty much wrapped up and have been trying to make the version with the text box a bit more universal.

Doing this has though brought up an issue, the background shows fine under all the menu`s apart from the "Emulated games" menu - anyone know the correct name needed for the video?.

Thanks in advance.

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Try allemu.xxx where xxx is your extension for whatever video format being used.

Not working unfortunately, so I have...




-FavouritesBak.mp4 already and everything else works as it should apart from this one menu?.

I have tried Emulated Games


" " " " Bak ect

Games , gamesBak ?

Had a look at the COM theme that uses a video background and that just uses Bak.mov?.

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All works fine with custom menu turned on, its when its off the problem occurs.

Thought not everyone would use a custom menu so tested it with it off?.

Let me just test again on a different box.

Edit nope still the same behavior - so if you enter the emulated games menu it seems to be called "all games" but no combination I have tried has worked so far??.

Shame as I like what I have so far


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Still banging my head with this, it seems that it is also happening in the first sub menu of mame.

The vid plays fine in the start screen but if I drill down into either mame or emulated games then the default blue screen background is shown, but selecting any of the sub menu`s` within then the vid shows again?.

Not sure if it really is a naming thing, I should say though that this is with a version 2 theme if that makes any difference?.

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Thanks for the tip Draco - had a very quick go and converted to a ver4 but it just added even more theme elements and I am aiming for a very bare bones theme.

It does though do everything that I was going for when using custom menu`s`, just not when using the default menu structure.

So as it works for me, I am happy to hand over what I have to anyone wanting it.

Please fix/extend or whatever with it :) .

Two version are available ALUMINIUM FALCON is the bare one from the video and...

RED Leader catchy name huh?, is the version with a text box, including some extra .INI files

I also made an alternate background vid if that is of any use ti anyone?.




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Whas yer next cab gonna be, rocky?

Now that is a good question, I have a couple projects lined up for other folks (so no build threads - only post personal builds).

But after that I am considering building a cab around this bad boy - a saitek X52 pro.


The plans in my head are fairly ambitious but doable I think - however I may decide that I like using it more on my desktop, who knows?.

Just started using it with Xrebirth and a 36" TV as a monitor so it may be too hard to go back to using a more cab sized screen?.

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Don't forget what a piece of crap the 5200 controller was. We burned through side buttons like there was no tomorrow, and I partially blame it for my carpal tunnel. :-)

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Ahh sick! I would have loved something like that growing up! Our bikes only had two speeds: slow and stop. :-)

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