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Taito Type X games ran on a Windows XP platform, and the story goes that the arcade hardware consisted of off the shelf PC components. So theoretically these games run natively under Windows (rather than requiring emulation of any sort). But the march of time stops for no man and as XP becomes more and more a relic of the past, these games become more and more difficult to run (although this is not a system I run in all honesty).

This thread contains some good information both on the platform and on running the games.

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Some of the ones that run are fantastic. That is, until they decide to stop launching - with no apparent reason and no tinkering.

Kind of Fighters 13 looked brill - can launch from Arcade PC Launcher, but wont from any of the (various + numerous!) launch options within the game folder.

Think these systems have topped my #1 slot for biggest pain in the..type X.

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I love Taito Type X emulation.. it's bliss! Heaven on Earth. Mana in a bottle.

Now... Spectrum emulation on the other hand....


I don't even envisage myself playing any speccy games!

Why is it the nearer to the end of a job you get the head to your hammer falls off; you step on a nail and then your hair catches fire?

This hell will never end....

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Welcome to the wonderful world of emulation! Good times! BTW, can you take a vid of "head to your hammer falls off; you step on a nail and then your hair catches fire" for us? Might be the next viral video! :P

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No. I can't. I'm taking my ball and going home.

Been 5 days or more now configuring controls for my emus. I've now gotten into last third and every problem that can ever happen with this has all converged onto one system/emulator!! Bloody ZX Spectrum I ask you!? AHK scripts don't work, the emu controls config for Kempston does some mad s**t and games don't appear to accept cursor keys as valid input!

Good job I'm into celebrating diversity, else I could have gone all 8 again - waving my C64 around and telling speccy users their 'puter's a brick.

Keep yer bike Clive, I'm moving on.

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OK, OK - so I like Speccy emulation now - changed from Spectaculator to ZXSpin and after a bit of wrestling found it so much better to use and configure. Some nice gfx options too! My one tip would be F7 = enable using joystick.

2 Emus left. And now I return to my old foe, SSF!! Remember it was a bugger to get working. Now arriving at the cab control config and - you can only map controls to letters!!! So all my per-defined Numpad keys (to avoid system keys) are redundant. Also, looks like the hotkeys are mapped to..you guessed it.. letters!

Throwing in the towel at this stage. Wonder if one day I'll get to play a game?

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