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Happy Birthday Greatflash!


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I'm gonna be honest with you guys. Greatflash is kind of a hero of mine. But maybe not for the reasons you think.

Q: Is it because he and Ben write kickass games together like some kind of Starsky and Hutch of the coding world?

A: Well sorta, but no.

Q: Is it because he's readily fluent in Assembly language

A: No. I think Flash and Ada Lovelace may have written the assembly language together on a loom. (But I might be thinking of Linda Lovelace)

Q: Is it because Flash singlehandedly heads up the GameEx Database project, doing 99.99999% of the work, and enabling all of us to enjoy one of the cooolest features of GameEx?

A: Yes absolutely. The man is a database animal! But wait there's more!

Q: Is it because he gets interviewed in cool retrogaming features?

A: That's undoubtedly pretty cool, but no.

Q: Is it the cool accent?

A: Also yes, but at least I can do bad imitation of that.

It's the name. It's pretty brilliant really, because hey if I ever flashed someone I would hope that they it considered to be great; a moment that completely redefined their mundane and drab existence. A truly great flash.

Everyone I hope you'll take a moment to join me in wishing a marvelous birthday to our very own Greatflash!

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Aww shucks! Happy birthday GreatFlash! I hope you have another truly awesome year. May you prosper at everything you set out to achieve. Godspeed my friend. :)

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Although i don't know you GreatFlash personally, you are a Hero when it comes to GE. Without your databases GE would literally be missing an arm and i would like to give some recognition to that! You do what you do and you never ask for praise, or glory (maybe in the DB forum you do ^_^), you just get on with it.

Much respect and Happy Birthday man, hope it was a goodun!

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Thanks everyone, and sorry for the late reply. It was not because I had been too drunk from my birthday shenanigans, it was because, er...

Well... Better late than never.. lol..

Thanks again guys (nullPointer you madman... lol)

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