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Visible desktop seems to be back with 1.70


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After installing the 1.70 update the intermittent visibility of the windows desktop seems to be back.

When starting a table (both VP and FP) the "Loading" appears for a short while. After that the windows desktop becomes visible with transparent windows (like when you press Alt+Tab). After that the tables start normally. Bringing up the table menu and exiting tables also works as normal.

This issue used to be gone some updates ago, but (for me at least) was reintroduced with 1.70

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I am having the same issue and I tried the above update and still I see the VP editor when loading a table.

PinballX loading appears for a few secs then the desktop appears with the VP editor loading the table then the table runs.

[uPDATE] I fixed it by removing run as admin from PinballX icon but then when I exit it doesn't close VP I have to manually close it then it returns back to PinballX

[uPDATE2] I re-checked Run as Admin and now it works perfectly fine. Very strange!

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Wow! crash when I tried running it!! My desktop flickered on and off then nothing. I am running Windows 8.1 Pro

I unchecked run as admin I get pinballx loading then back to desktop. It doesn't show any error message just goes back to desktop.

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That almost work perfectly but the windows taskbar shows along with pinballx loading screen. The second time I tried it the taskbar didn't show. Tried another table and the VP editor was back and now it's back to the way it was all the time with the editor showing. Very strange tom it seems when you run a table and you haven't removed the disclaimer yet then the editor will show everytime until you exit pinballx then when you run it again it works perfectly.

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Nope sorry tried running another table and it's back showing the vp editor. Seems like it's random. Almost like it works for 1 table unless you restart pinballx each time. Well the black lines are fixed when selecting tables when I unchecked run as admin with this version. Also the skip disclaimer feature didn't work correctly on a few tables.

I think that doesn't work unless you have run as admin enabled. If I enable run as admin then it works correctly

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No Fullscreen only @ 1920x1080x32. Reason for win 7 comp. is because I get black lines in PinballX menu when scrolling thru the tables. If I check Win 7 Comp. then I don't get those black lines.

Not sure what causes it maybe my video card which is ATI 7850HD on a Dell S2340T touch screen monitor

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I've seen that issue before on 8.1. Funnily enough setting the full screen windowed setting fixes it. Try setting it.

I think I've fixed the issue for the first post in this topic and its due to the mouse cursor being moved to the bottom right of the screen. I move it top right now and not move it once the game is launched. Hopefully we will know if its is fixed for evil.

Here is the update:


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Well the problem with windowed mode it doesn't list 1920x1080?

Tried it but same thing. Loading only displays for like 2 sec.s then the VP editor displays fullscreen with it's loading dialog also it doesn't close the B2S Server either as my backglass is showing after I exit when before it doesn't only when it skips the disclaimer the first time on a select table very wierd. WHen I run the same table again it closes everything when I exit PinballX

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Not talking about windowed mode talking about the "Full Screen Windowed" setting.

I really don't know what the issue is it might be machine specific but I think I fixed Evils issue. Hopefully he will post back and let me know.

If the issue only occurs when its skipping the disclaimer its not a huge issue as far as I am concerned.

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Ok actually I did get the black lines to go away Tom. Removed the Win 7 Comp. and like you said changed PinballX to Fullscreen and Fullscreen Windowed and no more black lines. I think I need some more coffee it's getting late here and I'm getting tired.

Also looks like it fixed the loading issue..... :D

Thanks Tom it's working!!

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