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[RESOLVED] unresponsive game play (nullDC D3D error)


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Hi Frankybabes

Often times with nullDC I've found that it's necessary to make a couple of changes to nullDC.cfg. Not to be confused with the emulator config you pasted above (thanks for that), the nullDC.cfg file will be found in the same directory as nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe.

I believe you'll want to ensure that your nullDC.cfg file contains the following settings (they probably won't be right next to each other like I'm showing here):


These settings will work in conjunction with the ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" parameter of your command line, which will set the loaded image as the default image and will forgo the need to select an image from the menu (i.e. the game will be launched directly via the command line).

In theory the -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 and -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 portions of your command line should override your nullDC.cfg settings, but I've always found nullDC to be fickle in this regard. I don't think my command line ever worked until I made the adjustments directly to my nullDC.cfg. YMMV, but it's worth a shot.

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Just check

;; nullDC config file;;




Why does NullDC have to be so finicky ? all the other ems are fine , and has they say "works straight out of the box"


ed the nullDC.cfg file find enclosed and it seems to be ok

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In that case I would attempt the following steps, particularly those listed in step 4B:

4. "Run Last Game",or "RunitGame.bat"

It is important that the last emulator run in GameEx is the one that you are having problems with!

A. Post your "Run Last Game"
or "Runitgame.bat"

Every once in awhile, someone will ask to post the contents of "Runitgame.bat" RunitGame.bat, Is the batch file that GameEx uses to start the emulator, it will show the actual command lines that GameEx is using to start the emulator. To view it, Go to: Start Menu > Program Files > GameEx > Utilities> Run Last Game, and Right click on the icon, and choose "Edit". If Windows wants to know what program to use to open the file, Choose "Select a Program From a List of Installed Programs" Choose "Notepad" from the list. (You may want to make sure that "Use This Program Everytime" is checked.)

Copy and paste the text from Notepad into your next post, by using the keys:
Ctrl + "A" (select all)
Ctrl + "C" (copy)
Ctrl + "V" (paste)

B. Troubleshooting with "Run Last Game"

Follow the instuctions above to open "runitgame.bat" It will look something like this, however, the contents will vary depending on the last emulator that was run in GameEx.

One way to troubleshoot a problem is to add the word "Pause" at the end of the Runitgame.bat file. When Windows asks "Do you want to save the changes..." Click on "Save". Next, double click on the "Run Last Game" Icon in the Start Menu. This will send the commands again, but the command window will remain open. It may show an error that will help you to understand what is wrong.

If you get this error:
'Emulator name.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
It means that either you have the incorrect name specified for your Emulator.exe, or your working path is incorrect.

If it gives an error that you don't understand, please let us know that you tried this method, and let us know what the error is.

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Here is the run last game file.

chcp 65001
CD "C:\Emulators\nullDC"

Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="J:\Dreamcast Roms\Bangai-O.cdi"

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it says `command` is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

That means, per the definition below the step, that either you have the incorrect name specified for your Emulator.exe, or your working path is incorrect. Did you verify you are using the correct emulator exe file and/or that the path was correct after receiving the error?

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it says `command` is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

To avoid any confusion, nullPointer means to put "pause" at the end of the runitgame.bat file itself, not as a command line parameter. To do this right-click runitgame.bat and choose edit. Choose Notepad if it gives you an option and make a new line at the end, containing "pause". Save and exit, then run runitgame.bat :)

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Ah ha! Thank you that helps immensely. Here's your issue:

Command=Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

Your command has "Command=" as part of the command. Take that part out, and I bet you'll be golden.

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Done that now when I choose a game to play instead of going back to game list it shows the "nullDC screen with the menu top left greyed out" <_<

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Being that the previously posted information is no longer current, please re-post a copy of your Emulator Config, your runitgame.bat, and maybe a copy of your log as well. We'll take a look. It also might be worthwhile to repeat the steps referenced here (i.e. adding a pause to your runitgame.bat), although if nullDC is loading at this point it may not be all that informative. Thanks man!

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With regards to runitgame bat, put in the pause and ran it ! I got the nullDC startup screen as before,pressed a key and got the dialogue! no errors!

20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Opening Configuration File
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: GameEx: Version 13.20: Starting Log
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Operating System Platform: Win32NT
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Operating System Name: Windows 7
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Operating System Version: 6.1.7601
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Aero running
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Getting CPU and RAM info
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Intel® Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16329MB
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: 3.41Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Running Randomize()
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Loading PlugIns
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Setting default net connection limit to 15
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Running Misc startup tasks
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Setting Menu types
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Getting Configuration Values
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Using Theme: Talos_101
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Talos_101
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Launching HideOS.exe
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Hiding Taskbar
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Is Media Center running?
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Media Center Mode 2
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Snap Delay set to: 4
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Get other settings
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Start work for Form
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Getting Original Screen Size
20:14:14.9 15/12/2013: Opening Database Connection
20:14:15.0 15/12/2013: Initializing Component
20:14:15.0 15/12/2013: MAME Path is: J:\MameUI64
20:14:23.8 15/12/2013: MAME EXE file is: Mameui64.exe
20:14:23.8 15/12/2013: ROM Path is: J:\MameUI64\roms
20:14:23.8 15/12/2013: Catver.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\catver.ini
20:14:23.8 15/12/2013: controls.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\controls.ini
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: History.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\history.dat
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: nplayers.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\nplayers.ini
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: command.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\command.dat
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\mameinfo.dat
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: Loading Controls.ini map file
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: Snap Path is: J:\MameUI64\Snap
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: Background Snap Path is: J:\MameUI64\Snap
20:14:23.9 15/12/2013: AVI Snap Path is: J:\MAME Videos
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Flyer Path is: J:\MameUI64\Flyers
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Cabinet Path is: J:\MameUI64\Cabinets
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Cabinet 3D Path: Not Found
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Title Path is: J:\MameUI64\Titles
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: PCB Path is: J:\MameUI64\PCB
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Artwork Preview Path is: J:\MameUI64\Artwork
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Panel Path is: J:\MameUI64\Cpanel
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Manual Path is: J:\MameUI64\MANUALS
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Icon Path is: J:\MameUI64\Icons
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Marquee Path is: J:\MameUI64\Marquees
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Applying Language/Text
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Text/Language: Custom
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Loading Language/Text
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Loading Custom Emulators
20:14:24.0 15/12/2013: Loading Emulator 1: [Console] Sega Dreamcast (nullDC)
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Loading Emulator 2: [Console] Nintendo SNES (ZSNES)
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Loading Emulator 3: [Console] Nintendo N64 (Project64)
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Loading Emulator 4: [Console] Sony Playstation 2 (PCSX2)
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Loading Emulator 5: [Pinball] Future Pinball
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Checking if Steam enabled
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Cannot find steam path
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Using Version 3 Themes Animations
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Retrieving resolution setting
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Using General Font: Comfortaa
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Using Title Font: Globus
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: GameEx will try to reduce CPU usage
20:14:24.1 15/12/2013: Initialising Direct3D
20:14:24.2 15/12/2013: Applying GameEx is Loading Image
20:14:24.3 15/12/2013: Setting Resolution to 1920x1200 32 bit color
20:14:24.3 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Creating Back Buffer
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Version 2 Theme being used. Loading.
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Loading Button Data
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Loading Font Data
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Loading Layout Data
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Loading Taskbar Data
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Loading graphic Surfaces
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Display is running at: 1920x1200 32bit color, 59hz
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Max texture size: 16384x16384
20:14:24.4 15/12/2013: Available texture memory: -73MB
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Initialising Bass Audio Library
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Volume
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Arrows
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text
20:14:24.5 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Toolbar
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surface Unselected
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Snaps
20:14:24.6 15/12/2013: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars
20:14:24.7 15/12/2013: Creating Fonts
20:14:24.7 15/12/2013: Creating Game Font
20:14:24.7 15/12/2013: Creating Game Font Faded
20:14:24.7 15/12/2013: Creating Title Font
20:14:24.8 15/12/2013: Restoring Title Font From Cache
20:14:24.8 15/12/2013: Creating Font Black
20:14:24.8 15/12/2013: Creating Font Black Small
20:14:24.9 15/12/2013: Fonts Created Succesfully
20:14:24.9 15/12/2013: Loading News Feed: http://www.gameex.net/gameexnews.xml
20:14:26.5 15/12/2013: Attempting to load game list
20:14:26.6 15/12/2013: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo
20:14:26.6 15/12/2013: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support
20:14:26.6 15/12/2013: Using Device MotioninJoy Virtual Game Controller
20:14:26.7 15/12/2013: Loading Start Page
20:14:26.7 15/12/2013: Initializing MCE Remote
20:14:26.7 15/12/2013: Playing intro sound file
20:14:26.7 15/12/2013: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!
20:14:26.7 15/12/2013: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame
20:14:26.8 15/12/2013: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Background: theme_background_sega dreamcast.png
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Snaps
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Background Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Backgrounds
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Video Snap Path: J:\DREAMCAST\Dream Videos
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Controls
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Warning: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path Does not exist
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Database: [Console] Sega Dreamcast
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Titles
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Boxes
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_1: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Manuals
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Caching Video Snap Path
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Caching Snap Path
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Caching Title Path
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Caching Box Path
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Caching Background Path
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Background: theme_background_nintendo snes.png
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Snaps
20:14:33.3 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Background Snap Path: J:\SNES Backgrounds
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Video Snap Path: J:\SNES Videos
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Controls
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Titles
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Boxes
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Cartridges
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_2: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo SNES\Manuals
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Caching Video Snap Path
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Caching Snap Path
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Caching Title Path
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Caching Box Path
20:14:33.4 15/12/2013: Caching Cart Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Background Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Background: theme_background_nintendo n64.png
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Snaps
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Controls
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Database: [Console] Nintendo N64
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Titles
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Boxes
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Cartridges
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_3: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Nintendo N64\Manuals
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Video Snap Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Snap Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Title Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Box Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Cart Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Custom Background: theme_background_sony playstation.png
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Snaps
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Controls
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Database: [Console] Sony PlayStation 2
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Title Snap Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Titles
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Box Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Boxes
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Cart Art Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Cartridges
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_4: Manual Path: C:\Assets\Sony Playstation 2\Manuals
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Warning: Emulator_4: MAPFile Does Not Exist
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Video Snap Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Snap Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Title Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Box Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Caching Cart Path
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_5: Custom Background: theme_background_future pinball.png
20:14:33.5 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_5: Snap Path: C:\Assets\Future Pinball\Snaps
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_5: Control Panel Path: C:\Assets\Future Pinball\Controls
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Validating: Emulator_5: Database: [Pinball] Future Pinball
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Caching Video Snap Path
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Caching Snap Path
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 1
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 1
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 2
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 2
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 3
20:14:33.6 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache: 3
20:14:33.7 15/12/2013: Restoring Emulator from Cache: 5
20:14:33.7 15/12/2013: No Database Data: 5
20:15:00.1 15/12/2013: Creating instance of global keyboard hook
20:15:00.1 15/12/2013: Running: cmd.exe /c C: nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="J:\Dreamcast Roms\18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker.cdi"
20:15:00.3 15/12/2013: Shutting down display
20:15:06.4 15/12/2013: Writing Stats
20:15:06.5 15/12/2013: Plugin: Game Exit
20:15:06.5 15/12/2013: Plugin: Process Commands
20:15:06.5 15/12/2013: Refreshing Keyboard
20:15:06.6 15/12/2013: Initialising Audio
20:15:06.8 15/12/2013: Relaunching HideOS
20:15:07.0 15/12/2013: Restoring Window
20:15:07.0 15/12/2013: Reinitializing Graphics System
20:15:08.2 15/12/2013: Reloading Game Info Page
20:15:08.2 15/12/2013: Returning to GameEx
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Exiting GameEx!
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Disposing all videos
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Deleting temporary Karaoke videos
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Disposing Image List
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Disposing Fonts
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Disposing Surfaces
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Saving Settings
20:15:16.0 15/12/2013: Shutting down Bass
20:15:16.1 15/12/2013: Closing HideOS.exe
20:15:16.2 15/12/2013: Disposing Plugins
20:15:16.2 15/12/2013: Disposing Plugins
20:15:16.2 15/12/2013: Closing database connection
20:15:16.2 15/12/2013: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit
20:15:16.2 15/12/2013: Media Center was not open when starting GameEx, so not launching
20:15:16.3 15/12/2013: Bye


System=Sega Dreamcast
RequiredFiles=dc_boot.bin, dc_flash.bin, d3d9.dll, d3dx9_42.dll, msvcr100.dll
Info=Sega Dreamcast emulator
TitleText=Sega Dreamcast
StartPageName=[Console] Sega Dreamcast (nullDC)
Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
Database=[Console] Sega Dreamcast
ConfigFile=Block Mouse Buttons V6
RomPath=J:\Dreamcast Roms
SnapPath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Snaps
TitlePath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Titles
BoxPath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Boxes
ManualPath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Manuals
ControlPanelPath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Controls
VideoSnapPath=J:\DREAMCAST\Dream Videos
BakSnapPath=C:\Assets\Sega Dreamcast\Backgrounds

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GameEx isn't going to make your emulator work for you!

You will need to research your emulator, and get a game working in it, and then we can help you get it working in GameEx. I would start by looking at the list of required files as described in your config.

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Re installed nulldc and put some missing files in! oops,now it starts to run but stops and says "d3dx9_42.dll" is missing I have downloaded it but have no idea where to put it? can you help :wub:.I am running win7 64bit

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