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December 2013 GOTM Winner: helpman - 161,730 points (link)

Rygar Leaderboard


1 Mame Offender 2,881,480 Mame Offender's Hi-Score Entry
2 KRC 2,108,080 KRC's Hi-Score Entry
3 Yung-Jedi 503,630 Yung-Jedi's Hi-Score Entry
4 ExedExes 412,130 ExedExes's Hi-Score Entry
5 rtkiii 251,820 rtkiii's Hi-Score Entry
6 PcTeknic 221,320 PcTeknic's Hi-Score Entry
7 helpman 161,730 helpman's Hi-Score Entry
8 millerbrad 96,730 millerbrad's Hi-Score Entry
9 be77amy 82,510 be77amy's Hi-Score Entry
10 Floyd Turbo 79,650
Last Updated by hansolo77: 09-20-2019

  1. Luigimaker - 75,840 (link)
  2. GimmeClassics - 64,380 (link)
  3. wolfman24 - 47,230 (link)
  4. hansolo77 - 43,710 (link)

Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Rygar:

ROMSet: rygar
Unknown: Off [All]
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 100,000 (only at 100,000 !)
Difficulty: normal
2P can start any time: no
Allow continue no
Cabinet: Upright

These are not the default game settings so make sure you change it accordingly !!
--> Bonus Life needs changed (100,000 is last option), Difficulty needs changed, Allow Continue needs changed.

To give everybody a fair shot...here's a link to the video how to pick up the "1 million bonus" in Round 13...first you'll have to get to Round 13 of course LOL :P

# you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link
# you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link
# general rules for submitting you hi-score > link
# the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > link [pending]



TwinGalaxies is currently down for scheduled maintenance so we're unable to obtain the appropriate settings. Please postpone submitting a highscore until after we have received official settings. This way we can make sure all scores are submitted fairly.


Although twingalaxies is on maintenance, I found rygar's tournament settings somewhere else :D


Difficulty: Normal

Lives: 3

Extra live: 100,000


Unknown #1: off

Unknown #2: off

Unknown #3: off
2p can start at any time: no

Allow continue: no



Thanks helpman. We are already aware of that link and have considered using those settings. We're waiting until Wednesday to see if the TwinGalaxies site is up by then. If not, we will be using those settings as our official contest settings.

  • Like 1

I'll check if those are the default settings, and try playing with them... never played this game, and first time I didn't noticed the time and that huge red thing killed me...

Second time I reached level 2 (I know, I sucks in this game lol)... but my highscore was better on my first try?


As I've noticed, you must change difficulty to normal (default: easy) and extra life at 100.000 (default 50.000)

other settings are ok


Hurry up and decide...I love rygar :) - j/k take as much time as you need.


Lol we already decided! Wait until Wednesday. If TwinGalaxies is up, then we can confirm 100% which settings to use. If they're still not up, then the official settings we'll use will be the ones GC and helpman found (same txt files). We will probably go with the 'unconfirmed' ones. It's just that since we have to make a change to the game settings, it would be nice to confirm for sure what TwinGalaxies prefers.

  • Like 1

I realised something.... :rolleyes: .... I've made a copy of the TG settings of pretty much all suggested hi-score games...

As Blood Bros has been suggested before I also have a copy of the official TG settings ;)

I've updated post #1. Good luck playing our new game of the Month - Rygar :)

  On 12/3/2013 at 11:42 PM, rtkiii said:

Doubt this will hold up. Stage 4 goes nuts!


  On 12/3/2013 at 11:47 PM, be77amy said:

First effort!

Score > 82,510

Nice hi-scores guys !! Who will win the last GOTM of 2013 ?? The contest has started B)

Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB


Nice scores guys. I'm kinda busy tonight, but I have lots of free time tomorrow, so I'll try and find a moment to play this. I voted for it so it's the least I should do. Tempest's kind gesture of a replacement job seems to be holding up. I just copied over all the files last night. So far, I tested to make sure GameEx still loads up (it does). I'm running a quick defrag on it right now. So tomorrow will be Day 1 of gaming!


Yay! First post with the new Hard Drive! (thanks again Tempest!)

Initials: HAN

Score: 43710

Level: 2


More scores to follow I'm sure. This was just a quick run. Died very quickly my first quarter. Usually do, trying to get a feel for the game. Didn't realize there was no health bar; one hit you're dead!

Updated OP, DB, RSS

Also: Updated OP to show what settings need changed.. [edit by GC: thanks Han; I've also updated the LB]

  • Like 1

After many (MANY) tries, finally I got a highscore worth publishing :D

I never played this game, so I'll accept this was just newbie luck... as you can see on my older highscores, never reached even half this score :D

so... 161.730


BTW, I really love to try new games. There're so many new games where you have dozens of keys, combos, 3D, multiplayer... I really like these old games. Pure fun. no learning curve, just play and play and keep playing to improve... That time when you spotted a new arcade machine on an arcade, or inside a bar... and watch the attraction mode for clues. then wait for somebody to play and learn to play watching others playing... (or risk to lose your few coins playing blind when you were really confident about your skills)... those were great days indeed :D

  On 12/7/2013 at 4:49 PM, helpman said:

After many (MANY) tries, finally I got a highscore worth publishing :D

I never played this game, so I'll accept this was just newbie luck... as you can see on my older highscores, never reached even half this score :D

so... 161.730

Nice score !! Puts you in the no #1 spot of this GOTM edition :)

  On 12/7/2013 at 4:49 PM, helpman said:

BTW, I really love to try new games. There're so many new games where you have dozens of keys, combos, 3D, multiplayer... I really like these old games. Pure fun. no learning curve, just play and play and keep playing to improve... That time when you spotted a new arcade machine on an arcade, or inside a bar... and watch the attraction mode for clues. then wait for somebody to play and learn to play watching others playing... (or risk to lose your few coins playing blind when you were really confident about your skills)... those were great days indeed :D

I totally agree. I've played a lot of amazing graphical games like GTA, Call of Duty, Need for Speed etc...But none of these games are able to capture the pure fun of just playing a game, trying to improve your personal best hi-score and compete with others. These "old" games have something which today's games lack: pure fun and always fun to play no matter how many times you've played the game :)

This is exactly the reason I've tried and - with help from others ;) - succeeded setting up this hi-score competition. Sharing the fun of playing these games from the golden era is so rewarding B).

Thanks for your enthusiasm helpman :)

Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB

  • Like 1

My problem was that I could never play these great games. I was always the poor kid who just got to watch other people play. I would go up to a machine and move the stick around when in attract mode and act like I was playing it (don't tell me you never did that!). I never really got the chance to play. The one time I was at a birthday party, I was given $5 for tokens (basically, 20 tokens). I would spend 15 of them at skeeball (since everybody plays that to get tickets for prizes) and then the other 5 in the machine that gives you more tokens if you hit the edge just right. One time I hit it just right and got like 10 more tokens. But I went back to skeeball! I really missed out on the opportunity. But on the other hand, I grew up in a household where my dad owned 2 Atari 800 computers and was a pirate (ARR!) and literally had like a thousand games for it. So it wasn't like I grew up without games. I just never really participated in the arcade phenomenon as much as most. Least I have MAME now!


Here in spain token machines were somehow too late.

They appeared years after the arcade era was over.

Now there're just a couple of them. Mostly on big malls. The only one I know still working is 75km away from my home, and it's really really expensive.

They also have a couple arcades, the last ones with huge cabinets pretending to be cars, bikes and whatever.

You can also see 2 old generic arcade cabinets, where you can play pang or other classic game.

On the arcade era, when we used 25 pesetas'coins the price was almost like yours, as its value was nearly a quarter.

I could consider me lucky if my parents gave me 100 pesetas, as then I could play 3 times. even 4 if I spend nothing on candy and bubble gum LOL...

Now if you want to play those games, each game costs 50 euro cents... more than 3 times that price.

Only people who lived and loved the arcade era plays those games... but arcades will never be the same.

We'll keep the memories, though :D

And yes, sometimes I pretended I was playing too. :D

  • Like 1

A pretty tough game because of "one hit and your dead" :wacko: ... but a very nice game to play :)

My first try:

initials: DEN

settings per post #1

points: 50,700

Updated OP, DB, RSS, LB


  • 2 weeks later...

something I also like from this game is the fact that enemies pops at random or looks like that. you can go back, and the map won't be empty... more enemies will keep popping out


december is almost over... and no one beats my highscore? am I dreaming? where are those players who always beat me when there're only a few days left?

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